Site 13JH207 (Site Name Keyword)

1-1 (1 Record)

River Basin Surveys Papers: Inter-Agency Archaeological Salvage Program, No. 21-24 (1961)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Edward B. Jelks. Warren W. Caldwell. Joel L. Shiner. Douglas Osborne. Alan Bryan. Robert H. Crabtree.

The four papers comprising the present volume report the results of four excavations in three reservoir areas. One, the Texarkana, is located in northeastern Texas on the Sulphur River; the second, the Coralville, in east-central Iowa on the Iowa River; the third, the McNary Reservoir, on the Columbia River between the States of Washington and Oregon; and, the fourth, the Sheep Island site and mid-Columbia River valley. All four projects were carried on by the River Basin Surveys of the...