AZ Q:7:84(ASM) (Site Name Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
SWCA, Inc. conducted a cultural resource inventory of two sections of private land totaling 1314 acres. SRP is purchasing the land to provide a buffer for the Coronado Generating Station from a planned sub-division of other parcels in the area. Currently there is no planned development of the two sections by SRP. The project area is located in Sections 27 and 29, T14N, R29E, Apache County, Arizona. The survey recorded 11 prehistoric sites and 140 isolated occurrences in the project area.
Cultural Resources Survey of a Potential 1.8-km Segment of the Fence Lake Coal Mine Transportation Corridor, Apache County, Arizona (2002)
Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI), completed a survey of a potential transportation corridor segment as part of the overall Fence Lake Coal Mine Project in the fall of 2001. The survey was sponsored by the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) on private land owned by SRP and land leased to SRP by the Arizona State Land Department (ASLD).