Log Gigantes (Site Name Keyword)
26-33 (33 Records)
See CARP Fauna Coding Key for complete coding key.
EMVPP LZ 1201 Excavation Forms, Testing LZ1205,1206,1207,1208,1210,1211 (2003)
Excavation forms for LZ1201 and from testing LZ1205,1206,1207,1208,1210,1211
EMVPP LZ1200 Excavation Forms (2004)
Excavation forms for LZ1200 (Great House) U1-13 from 2003-2004
EMVPP LZ1204 Excavation Forms (2004)
Excavation forms from LZ1204
EMVPP LZ1209 Excavation Forms (2003)
EMVPP excavation forms for LZ1209
EMVPP Macrobotanical Database (2016)
Macrobotanical database from the El Morro Valley Prehistory Project (EMVPP) conducted in the El Morro Valley of New Mexico between 2000 and 2004.
EMVPP Obsidian Sourcing Data Table (2005)
These samples were selected by Brandy Guthrie, an undergraduate at ASU for an unfinished honors thesis. They were selected from lithics collected during the 2003 field season and represent nearly all pieces of obsidian collected that year. The samples have been returned to their original bags along with a sample number and source information. Source information comes from Shackley 2005, a short report from the Berkeley Archaeological Laboratory.
The Los Gigantes Community: Post-Chacoan Settlement in the Zuni Region of the American Southwest (1999)
Poster presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Chicago, IL.