39LM209 (Site Name Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
This is a brief summary of field work and a preliminary statement of results for the seventeenth consecutive summer field season of the Missouri Basin Project. In the past this progress report has elicited many constructive comments. We hope that it will continue to do so - but there is also an additional purpose. As the result of a number of circumstances, excavation has far out-shipped the publication of results. Of course, such a lag is often inevitable, however as a stop-gap, this summary is...
Missouri Basin Chronology Program Statements Nos. 1-5 (1964)
This document includes the first five chronology program statements for the Missouri Basin Project. The Program, as it now stands, was developed during the winter of 1958 by the Personnel of the Missouri Basin Project, Smithsonian Institution; the laboratory of Anthropology, University of Nebraska; and the Nebraska State Historical Society; all of Lincoln, Nebraska; and the National Park Service, Region Two Office, in Omaha, Nebraska. Concern for an over-all program of chronology grew out of an...