AZ M:8:95 (Site Name Keyword)

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PROTEIN RESIDE ANALYSIS FOR SAMPLES FROM SITES AZ M:8:90 (AMS), AZ M:8:94 (AMS), AZ M:8:95 (AMS), AZ M:8:99 (AMS), AZ M:8:108 (AMS), AZ M:8:107 (AMS), AZ M:8:102 (AMS), AND AZ M:8:105 (AMS), ARIZONA (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Chad Yost. Linda Scott Cummings.

Protein residue wash samples conducted in the field on 24 grinding slicks, a mano, and a metate, were submitted to PRI for protein residue analysis using cross-over immunoelectrophoresis. These tools were discovered during the Bagdad Solar project, located in Yavapai County, Arizona. Protein residue analysis will test for the presence of animal and plant proteins that may be present on the working surfaces of these tools.