NA14,868 Arizona P:7:15(MNA) (Site Name Keyword)
1-1 (1 Record)
Archaeological Investigations, Salt River Project, Coronado-Dinosaur Transmission Line, North End Cholla Take-Off to Forest Service Boundary Segment, Private, State, and Federal Lands, Navajo County, Arizona: Final Report for Phase II Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Coronado-Dinosaur Transmission Line, North End Cholla Take-off to Forest Service Boundary Segment (Station 2636 + 35 to 3988 +00) (1977)
The Salt River Project Coronado-Dinosaur Transmission line, North End, Cholla Take-off to Forest Service Boundary segment was surveyed for cultural resources by the Museum of Northern Arizona between December 7 - 11, 1976. Twelve archaeological sites were recorded, two historic and ten prehistoric. All sites are recommended for some form of impact mitigation attention, ranging from avoidance for six sites to complete collection/excavation for at least one site. Field procedures, environmental...