41BX381 (Site Name Keyword)
1-6 (6 Records)
Materials from the 1978 Archaeological and Historical Assessment of Fort Sam Houston.
2015, Artifact Inventory 251, Fort Sam Houston (2015)
Artifact catalog
Cultural Resources Survey and Reevaluation of Resources Along the Proposed Perimeter Fence Line at Camp Bullis, Bexar and Comal Counties, Texas (1996)
This report presents the results of a cultural resources survey along 8 miles of previously unsurveyed perimeter fence line, reevaluations of recorded sites along die previously surveyed fence line, and review of 5.8 miles of newly constructed fence line along the perimeter of Camp Bullis in northern Bexar and southern Comal counties; this work was conducted in association with an environmental ssessment (EA) of the proposed construction of perimeter fencing along an approximate 20.3-mile...
List of Sites, Camp Bullis, Texas (2000)
This document is a spreadsheet providing information on sites within the area of Fort Sam Houston. Included are the sites' easting, northing, dimensions, size and temporary field number. The spreadsheet also includes the sites' artifact density and content, cultural terms, components, NRHP eligibility, recommendations and sources consulted in addition to TASA and TARL files.
List of Sites, Camp Bullis, Texas (2002)
Spreadsheet of 325 sites located at Camp Bullis. Included are the site numbers, locations, field numbers, cultural terms, components, site dimensions and size, artifact density, artifact content, NRHP eligibility, recommendations, sources consulted, and survey codes.
Site Plan, 41BX381, Camp Bullis, Texas (2000)
Sketch map of site 41BX381, Camp Bullis, Texas. Detailed are excavation notes, boundary lines, and some topographical information.