LSD-10 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 2.0 Miles of Transmission and Pipeline Right-of-Way and a Well Pad within the Salado Preserve near St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Grant Fahrni.

Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP) requested that Logan Simpson Design Inc. (LSD) conduct a cultural resources survey prior to the installation of a well pad, a water pipeline right-of-way (ROW), and an electrical transmission line ROW within the Salado Preserve south of St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona. The well pad survey area measures 60 m by 60 m (0.92 acre). The two ROWs are perpendicular to each other and partially overlap. A north to south trending ROW...

Salado Preserve Addendum I: Cultural Resources Monitoring of Seismic Testing within the Salado Preserve South of St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Grant Fahrni. Michael S. Foster.

During cultural resources monitoring of seismic testing within the SRP owned Salado Preserve, LSD recorded six new prehistoric archaeological sites (LSD 5-10) and updated the description of the previously recorded site, LSD-2.The seismic crew complied with all avoidance requests and no significant impacts to known or newly recorded cultural resources occurred. This report serves as an addendum to a previous cultural resources survey report entitled A Class III Cultural Resources Survey of 84...