AZ BB:13:65 (ASM) (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

An Archaeological Assessment of the Middle Santa Cruz River Basin, Rillito to Green Valley, Arizona, for the Proposed Tucson Aqueduct Phase B, Central Arizona Project (1983)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jon S. Czaplicki. James D. Mayberry.

This report presents the results of a Class II sample survey of Phase B of the Tucson Division, Central Arizona Project. Because of the relatively large amount of survey data available for this area, the study was based primarily on existing data rather than on new field survey data. The survey data were used to discuss the Paleo-Indian, Archaic, Hohokam, Proto-historic, and Historic Periods in the Phase B area. Settlement patterning and subsistence strategies for these periods were studied, as...

Archaeological Investigations for the Menlo Park Storm Drain Project: Prehistoric and Historic Canal Systems at the Base of A-Mountain (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Andrea K. L. Freeman. William H. Doelle. Mark D. Elson. Allison Cohen Diehl.

The Menlo Park Storm Drain and Reclaimed Water Main Project was designed by the City of Tucson to alleviate flooding in the residential neighborhood. As part of the City's planning process, Desert Archaeology, Inc. performed an archaeological survey and records check of the project area (Freeman 1995). On the basis of this preliminary work, Desert Archaeology recommended that an archaeological testing program be initiated to determine if significant cultural resources were present beneath the...