AZ V:5:44 (ASM) (Site Name Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
The Arizona Public Service Cholla-Saguaro Transmission Line Mitigation Project, an undertaking as large in scope as its full title suggests, began in April of 1977. It is hereafter referred to as Cholla. The project's obvious purpose was to mitigate construction impacts to prehistoric sites along that portion of the line extending from the Cholla generating plant near the Little Colorado River to the upper drainage of Devore Wash south of Lake Roosevelt, a distance of 135 transmission-line...
A Cultural Resources Survey of 72.4 Miles (1,755 Acres) within the Tonto National Forest for the Salt River Project Coronado to Silverking 500-kV Transmission Line in Gila and Pinal Counties, Arizona (2017)
SRP requested that Logan Simpson conduct an intensive cultural resources survey of a 72.4-mile-long and 200-ft-wide (1,755-acre) segment of the SRP Coronado to Silverking 500-kV transmission line within the TNF and private land. This survey was requested for general inventory purposes and also in advance of proposed vegetation-maintenance activities within the project corridor. In addition, SRP may conduct maintenance or construction projects within the limits of the project corridor. Vegetation...