Industrial (Site Type Keyword)
1-18 (18 Records)
Assessment of historical and archaeological resources of the Royal Mint site, Sydney. Resource assessments were carried out for all sites selected for the EAMC during the first stage of the project in order to determine the priorities for analysis.
Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology Volume 01
Archive of papers from Volume 1 of the Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology, published by the Australian Society for Historical Society (ASHA) in 1983.
Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology Volume 02
Archive of papers from Volume 2 of the Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology, published by the Australian Society for Historical Society (ASHA) in 1984.
Cost, quality and value in historical archaeology
This doctoral research program explored three key concepts in nineteenth-century consumerism - cost, quality and value - and the role they play in examining the archaeological material culture of the modern world. It encompassed two primary strands of inquiry: one, a consumption-theory driven study of trade catalogues to analyse the cost and promotion of 19th-century tablewares; and two, a close study of production flaws observed in archaeological sherds. These culminated in a consideration of...
Cumberland and Gloucester Streets (CUGL) artefact data (2006)
Complete suite of datasets from the Cumberland and Gloucester Streets assemblage (completed in 1999), as upgraded for the Exploring the Archaeology of the Modern City project (2001-2004).
Draft Report on the Results of an Archaeological Inventory of 16,090 Acres on Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico Table 1 (2002)
Table 1: List of 497 isolates found during survey.
The Excavation of the Mount Wood Woolscour, Tibooburra, New South Wales (1984)
In this paper the author, who is Historian in the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, reconstructs the little-known process of station-based woolscouring from documentary and archaeological evidence. It is argued that the relatively Late survival of this form of scouring In western New South Wales resulted primarily from severely limited transport facilities. The considerable variation in scour design, evident in the literature and at Mount Wood, as attributed to individual...
Excavations at Arltunga (1983)
The White Range settlement on the Arltunga Goldfield must have been as remote a spot as any group of miners could have found in Australia in 1903, the high point of its history. Although supplies arrived only at two or three month intervals, and had to be carried from far-off Oodnadatta by camel and horse-teams, it was nevertheless at White Range that John Wilson set up his store and that Patrick O'Neil (and his wife) apparently set up his billiard table! In the following paper Kate Holmes, of...
Exploring the Archaeology of the Modern City project
The ‘Exploring the Archaeology of the Modern City’ project (EAMC) was established in 2001 by Professor Tim Murray of the Archaeology Program of La Trobe University and Industry Partners, to analyse and interpret the large assemblages excavated from historical archaeological sites which are held in storehouses across Sydney. Funding for the project was provided by the Australian Research Council through its Linkage Scheme. The project gave to the analysis of ten discreet household assemblages...
Kirtland Air Force Base Project Metadata
Project metadata for resources within the Kirtland Air Force Base cultural heritage resources collection.
Letter: Repainting of Windows and Trim at Scott Air Force Base, Buildings 3, 4, 33, 42, 48, 40 (1992)
Correspondence from Walter F. Anderson, the Base Historian, to William Callahan, the Illinois State Historic Preservation Officer for review several projects to areas in Scott Air Force Base Historic District. Projects include repainting of trim and windows project to buildings 3, 4, 33, 42, 48, and 40, refencing of the Industrial portion, and replacing asphalt in several streets in the historic district, including on Hangar Road.
The life and death of a flourmill: McCrossin's Mill, Uralla (1983)
To varying extents old buildings are historical documents. In the following paper Luke Godwin of the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology, University of New England, discusses his recent investigations of McCrossin's Mill, a late 19th century flourmill at Uralla in northern New South Wales. He sees the construction of the mill and the material remains of its working life, closure and subsequent use, as a reflection of the economic history of New England, in particular of the history of the...
People in the landscape: A Biography of two villages (1984)
Interpreting the Australian rural landscape is presently an uncommon skill. While developing an archaeological test for historical and geographical locational models, the author, a consultant archaeologist based in Canberra, discovered a string of deserted villages in the eastern Riverina. This paper summarises the historical material about two of the villages to indicate the scope of data that may be overlooked by other disciplines but rediscovered by archaeologically guided research. The...
Quality Catalogue data - Burslem Market Place (2008)
Artefact and quality data from the Burslem Market Place site compiled for the dissertation "‘Superior Quality’: Exploring the nature of cost, quality and value in historical archaeology".
Review of K. H. Kennedy et al. Totley: a study of the silver mines at One Mile, Ravenswood District (1983)
Review of Totley: a study of the silver mines at One Mile, Ravenswood District, by K. H. Kennedy, P. Bell and C. Edmondson, Department of History, James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville, 1981.
'Superior Quality' Appendix - BMP98 Artefact Catalogue (PDF) (2008)
Catalogue of artefact and quality data from the Burslem Market Place site compiled for the dissertation "‘Superior Quality’: Exploring the nature of cost, quality and value in historical archaeology". It groups each component of the full dataset but flaw, sherd, catalogue number (artefact bag), and site.
The Technology of Whaling in Australian Waters in the 19th Century (1983)
This study of the technology of the whaling industry in 19th century Australia originated as a part of a wider continuing research project into whaling in southern NS. W. It is necessary to be aware of the technology and the artifacts involved in order to understand the surviving artifacts of the industry, both in a museum and an archaeological context, to understand the technology of the sites being studied, and to understand the economic implications of the industry both locally and in the...
Terrestrial photogrammetric survey of Arltunga Historic Reserve, Northern Territory (1984)
The Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory has recently funded a study for conservation and presentation of historic sites at Arltunga Historic Reserve, Northern Territory. Support for this project has come from the National Estate Programme. The study concentrated upon investigative and recording work in the field as a preliminary to a capital works programme. Previous documentation work at Arltunga was carried out by conventional surveying techniques. While they may have been...