Encampment (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Settlements

A relatively small, short-term human habitation occupied by a relatively small group.

726-732 (732 Records)

Vodopadnaya 2 Artifact Photographs (Part 8) (2007)
IMAGE University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Artifact photos from Vodopadnaya 2

Vodopadnaya 2 Level Maps (2007)
IMAGE Ben Fitzhugh.

Vodopadnaya 2 Level Maps (field sketches and digitized drawings).

Vodopadnaya 2 Site Photographs (Etnier) (2007)
IMAGE Mike Etnier.

Vodopadnaya 2 Site Photographs (Etnier)

Watering the Desert: Late Archaic Farming at the Costello-King Site: Data Recovery at AZ AA:12:503 (ASM) in the Northern Tucson Basin (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joseph A. Ezzo. William L. Deaver.

In August 1995, Statistical Research, Inc., performed data recovery on an area approximately 3,200 m2 at AZ AA: 12:503 (ASM), a Late Archaic period site in the northern Tucson Basin. The site is located on a parcel of land owned by Waste Management of Southern Arizona, and the project was undertaken in response to the plans of Waste Management to construct a new southern Arizona headquarters. Three of the four stratigraphic units defined at the site yielded cultural features. One hundred...

Wirth Associates Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Transmission System, Salt River Project, Maricopa County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Impact Study: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Routing Alternate to Westwing Receiving Station (1975)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard A. Brook.

Wirth Associates contracted with the Museum of Northern Arizona to conduct an archaeological impact study of a proposed Salt River Project Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Routing Alternate to Westwing Receiving Station. This study delineates areas with three levels of potential site occurence for the project area, and investigates potential effects on the cultural resources of the alternative corridors proposed by Salt River Project. A short data gathering phase, prior to field work,...

Worked Bone Catalog (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Statistical Research, Inc.

Worked bone inventory showing individual attributes of each analyzed artifact.

Working For Community: The Yaqui Indians at the Salt River Project (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Leah S. Glaser.

After fifty years of service,Juan Martinez retired from the Salt River Project on June 20, 1968. From the age of seven­teen, Martinez had worked alongside hundreds of other Yaqui In­dians maintaining the Salt River Valley’s irrigation system. For much of that time, he lived and raised his family in a company-owned labor camp—one of the largest Yaqui settlements in Ari­zona. At the camp, corporate interests cultivated the Indian com­munity in a mutually beneficial arrangement that supported the...