Town / City (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Settlements

Larger settlements with more dwellings and a wide variety of other kinds of structures. These settlements typically have internally organized infrastructure of streets or walkways and water and waste-disposal systems. Typically occupied for decades or centuries.

1,876-1,900 (2,075 Records)

Prehistoric Settlement and Adaptation in the Ramah Valley, New Mexico (1973)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Deborah M. Pearsall.

This paper will attempt to reconstruct the valley-wide systems of subsistence of six pueblos occupying a small valley in northwestern New Mexico around 1300 A.D. As any investigation of this nature must be, it is a hypothetical model, built using data rom a variety of sources, including archaeological excavation, settlement pattern analysis, ethnographic analogy, and the natural limitations of the environment.

Preliminary Report of SUNY-Buffalo Investigations at La Quemada, Zacatecas, 1987 and 1988 Seasons (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ben Nelson.

Fieldwork from the 1987 and 1988 seasons at La Quemada

Privy Photographs from the 625 Broadway Archaeological Site, Albany, NY (2002)
IMAGE Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc..

Photographs of several privies from about 1740-1880 at the 625 Broadway Archaeological Site, Albany, NY

The Process of Aggregation in the Post-Chacoan Era: A Case Study from the Lower Zuni Region (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Suzanne Eckert.

During the post-Chacoan period (A.D. I 175- 1225) the first aggregated sites in the Zuni Region of the American Southwest were built. This research examines a shift in regional settlement patterns and the reorganization of sociopolitical systems during this initial period of aggregation in the lower Zuni River region. A chronology for the post-Chacoan settlements in the case study area is built using ceramic type data. The results suggest that the process of aggregation in the Zuni region can...

Profile Drawings from Terrace S19 (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ronald Faulseit.

This pdf file contains profile drawings from the structures and unit on Terrace S19, Cerro Danush, Dainzú-Macuilxóchitl, Oaxaca, Mexico

Profile Drawings Terrace O8, Cerro Danush (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ronald Faulseit.

This .pdf contains profile drawings taken on Terrace O8, Cerro Danush, Oaxaca Mexico. The first page contains the excavation grid for reference. See project report for 2015 for more information.

Project Artifact Catalog, Terraces 08 and S25 (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ronald Faulseit.

This file contains basic information on the sample of artifacts that were registered and cataloged from the 2015 excavations of Terrace S19 and O8 on Cerro Danush in Oaxaca Mexico

Project Bibliography (2008)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Uploaded by: Vincent Schiavitti

no description provided

Project Muestrario/Registro Terrace S19, Cerro Danush (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ronald Faulseit.

This pdf file contains a description of all of the materials stored in the project muestrario and registered with INAH. Materials come from the excavation of Terraces S19 and S20 on Cerro Danush.

Project Report 2008 (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ronald Faulseit.

Project Report approved by the Consejo de Arqueología of the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico. Covers the 2007-2008 Survey, Mapping, and Surface Collections at Cerro Danish, Dainzú-Macuilxóchitl

Project Report 2010 (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Ronald Faulseit

Project Report to the Consejo de Arqueología of the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, accepted in 2010. Project consisted of comprehensive excavations on Terrace S19 of Cerro Danush

Project Report 2015 (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Ronald Faulseit

Project Report to the Consejo de Arqueología of the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Project covers extensive site mapping of the entire site, as well as comprehensive excavations on Cerro Danush. The file is large, so it has been divided up into four .pdf files. Project supported by the National Science Foundation (BCS 1353793)

Prospects for Detection of Ephemeral Historic Sod Structures Using Geophysical Techniques in Custer County, Nebraska (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Erin Carr.

Sod houses represent one form of ephemeral historic structure that became common to portions of the Great Plains as a result of the Homestead Act of 1862. Since their construction in the late 1800s and early 1900s, sod house and out buildings have either been preserved, allowed to "melt," deliberately removed and put under cultivation. This poster examines the documentation of these structures under various post-occupation conditions through the use of surface level, non-destructive, geophysical...

Proyecto de la escritura temprana. Arte, cosmovisión, y símbolo en la evolución de la complejidad mesoaméricana
PROJECT Christopher von Nagy. Mary Pohl.

Este proyecto de documentación del arte rupestre y muralismo medio formativo en el estado de Guerrero, México tiene el objetivo de creer una serie de imágenes de alta resolución además de imágenes compuestas y computacionales para facilitar estudios sobre la iconografía y la escritura temprana durante este período clave mesoamericano. Enfocamos en los sitios Oxtotitlán (Cerro Quiotepec), Juxtlahuaca, y Cahuaziziqui. This middle formative muralism and rock art documentation project in the...

Proyecto Laguna Costera Catalógo ● Muestras de Cerámica (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher von Nagy.

Catalog of ceramic type collections on file with the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). This is part of the Proyecto Laguna Costera document set.

Public Architecture in the Greater Cibola Region (2018)
DATASET Matthew Peeples.

Table of sites in the greater Cibola region (ca. AD 1000-1400) with public architectural features. This table also provides information on the specific form of those public architectural features. The data are confidential as they include site locations. These data accompany Chapter 8 of: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.

Pueblo III great house room AZRU-G05.02 (2001)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec East, West Roomblock, Room 12 (photographed by Gary Brown). First story in two-story room (see Richert 1964). Image AZRU-G05.02: Interior view of doorway in south wall looking SE. Image AZRU-G05.03: Interior view looking SE at intact roof.

Pueblo III great house room AZRU-G05.04 (2001)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec East, West Roomblock, Room 9 (photographed by Gary Brown). First story in two-story room. Image AZRU-G05.04: Interior view of doorway in north wall looking NNW. Image AZRU-G05.05: Interior view of doorway in north wall looking SE.

Pueblo III great house room AZRU-G05.06 (2001)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec East, West Roomblock, Room 11 (photographed by Gary Brown). First story in two-story room. Image AZRU-G05.06: Interior view of doorway in north wall looking north.

Pueblo III great house room AZRU-G05.07 (2001)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec East, West Roomblock, Room 8 (photographed by Gary Brown). First story in two-story room. Image AZRU-G05.07: Interior view of intact roof looking up and east. Image AZRU-G05.08: Interior view of intact roof looking up and south.

Pueblo III great house room AZRU-G05.11 (2001)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec East, West Roomblock, Room 7 (photographed by Gary Brown). First story in two-story room. Image AZRU-G05.11: Interior view of intact roof looking up and east. Image AZRU-G05.12: Interior view of intact roof looking up and NE. Image AZRU-G05.13: Interior view of looter's hole through west wall looking NW into wall core.

Pueblo III great house room AZRU-G05.14 (2001)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec East, West Roomblock, Room 6 (photographed by Gary Brown). First-story interstitial room NE of Kiva S. Image AZRU-G05.14: Interior view of looter's hole through east wall of kiva housing looking NE into wall core. Image AZRU-G05.15: Interior view of looter's hole through east wall of kiva housing looking NE into wall core. Image AZRU-G05.16: Interior view looking west at Kiva S wall exterior abutting north interior wall of kiva housing. Image AZRU-G05.17: Interior view looking south at...

Pueblo III great house room AZRU-G05.20 (2001)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec East, West Roomblock, Room 14 (photographed by Gary Brown). First story in two-story room. Image AZRU-G05.20: Interior view of intact roof looking up and east. Image AZRU-G05.12: Interior view looking north through doorway in north interior wall.

Pueblo III great house room AZRU-G05.21 (2001)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec East, West Roomblock, Room 2 (photographed by Gary Brown). First story in two-story room. Image AZRU-G05.21: Interior view of intact roof and walls looking SW. Image AZRU-G05.22: Interior view looking SW through doorway in south interior wall.

Pueblo III great house room AZRU-G05.23 (2001)
IMAGE Gary Brown.

Aztec East, West Roomblock, Room 4 (photographed by Gary Brown). First story in two-story room. Image AZRU-G05.23: Interior view looking SE into looter's hole through south wall. Image AZRU-G05.24: Interior view looking south at blocked vent in south interior wall. Image AZRU-G05.25: Interior view looking up and SE through hatch in intact roof.