Town / City (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Settlements

Larger settlements with more dwellings and a wide variety of other kinds of structures. These settlements typically have internally organized infrastructure of streets or walkways and water and waste-disposal systems. Typically occupied for decades or centuries.

226-250 (2,075 Records)

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, bowl, AMNH 29.0/6987 (2004)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, bowl, Accession 29.0, Catalog #6987. Morris FS 597. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2004. Temper is diorite porphyry indicating production in central Mesa Verde region. Bowl is roughly 40% complete with restoration using unknown adhesive. Measurements: 30 cm orifice diameter (estimate); unknown height. Image AMNH 29.0/6987 A: exterior view showing horizontal coil handle and unpainted surface. Image AMNH 29.0/6987 B: interior view showing painted design. Recovered from Earl Morris...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, bowl, AMNH29.0/8663 (2004)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, bowl, Accession 29.0, Catalog #8663. Morris FS 2154. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE: NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2004. Temper is granular igneous rock indicating local production at Aztec. Bowl restored with unknown adhesive; 80% complete. Measurements: 13 cm orifice diameter; 6.1 cm height. Image AMNH29-8663: interior view showing design layout and a horizontal strap handle on each side of exterior. Recovered from Earl Morris excavation of Room 111,...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, bowl, AZRU-00001/1002 (2006)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, bowl, Accession AZRU-00001, Catalog #1002, Morris FS 4284. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2006. Temper is granular igneous rock suggesting bowl was manufactured at Aztec. Bowl is reconstructed with 80% original fragments and 20% unknown paster material. Measurements: 26 cm orifice diameter, 14.2 cm height. Image AZRU1-1001 A: closeup of interior design and rim ticking. Image AZRU1-1002 B: view of exterior surface showing shape of bowl and lug on right side. Image AZRU1-1002 C:...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, bowl, AZRU-00001/810 (2006)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white (Early style), deep hemispherical bowl, Accession AZRU-00001, Catalog #810, Morris FS 4655. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2006. Temper is identified as granular igneous suggesting production at Aztec. Bowl is 100% complete, with 90% original bowl and 10% reconstruction with unknown plaster material. A single drill hole is present and was probably for repair; the matching drill hole was filled with commerical plaster material during reconstruction. Measurements: 26 cm orifice...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, bowl, AZRU-00001/831 (2006)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, bowl, Accession AZRU-00001, Catalog #831, Morris FS 4580. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2006. Temper is granular igneous rock, suggesting manufacture at Aztec. This bowl is McElmo Black-on-white but has slip-slop over exterior rim -- a more Chaco-Cibola characteristic. Bowl is 100% complete with 40% reconstruction with unknown plaster material. Measurements: 20.5 cm orifice diameter, 9 cm height. Image AZRU1-831 A: Closeup of interior base showing use attrition impacting slip....

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, bowl, AZRU-00001/973 (2006)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, bowl, Accession AZRU-00001, Catalog #973, Morris FS 4656. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2006. Temper is diorite porphyry and sherd suggesting manufacture in the central Mesa Verde region. Bowl is 95% complete with about 10% reconstructed with unknown paster material. Measurements: 19.7 cm orifice diameter, 8.7 cm height. Image AZRU1-973 A: exterior view showing shape of bowl and rim ticking. Image AZRU1-973 B: interior view showing painted design and rim ticking pattern. Image...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, bowl, AZRU1-832 (2011)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, bowl, Accession AZRU-00001 Catalog #832. Morris FS 4226. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE: NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2011. Temper is granular and porphyritic igneous rock suggesting manufacture in the Middle San Juan region. Vessel is 100% restored with unknown adhesive. Measurements: 19 cm diameter, 8.2 cm height. Image AZRU1-832 A: interior view showing design. Image AZRU1-832 B: interior view showing design. Image AZRU1-832 C: closeup view of...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, bowl, AZRU1-835 (2011)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, bowl, Accession AZRU-00001 Catalog #835. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2011. Temper is sherd and granular igneous rock suggesting manufacture at Aztec Ruin. Vessel is 100% complete. Measurements: 17.2 cm orifice diameter, 8 cm height. Image AZRU1-835 A: exterior view showing design. Image AZRU1-835 B: interior view showing design. Image AZRU1-835 C: interior view showing design. Image AZRU1-835 D: base view. Image AZRU1-835 E: base view. Recovered from Earl Morris excavation at a...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, canteen, AZRU1-821 (2011)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, canteen, Accession AZRU-00001 Catalog #821. Morris FS 5240. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2011. Temper is granular igneous rock suggesting manufacture at Aztec. Vessel is 100% complete with about 5% reconstruction with unknown plaster material. One lug is a reconstruction. Measurements: 2.9 cm orifice diameter, 11.5 cm height. Image AZRU1-821 A: top view showing orifice and lugs. Image AZRU1-821 B: top view showing orifice and lugs. Image AZRU1-821 C: top view showing orifice...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, canteen, AZRU3-233 (2011)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, canteen, Accession AZRU-00003, Catalog #233. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2011. Temper is granular igneous rock indicating local production at Aztec. Vessel is 100% complete. Measurements: 2.9 cm orifice diameter, 15.5 cm height. Image AZRU3-233 A: side view showing shape of canteen and painted design. Image AZRU3-233 B: side view showing shape of canteen and painted design. Image AZRU3-233 C: side view showing handle and shape of canteen. Image AZRU3-233 D: top view showing...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, canteen, AZRU3-327 (2011)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, canteen, Accession AZRU-00003, Catalog #327. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2011. Temper not examined; not visible. Vessel is 98% complete. Measurements: 3 cm diameter, 11.5 cm height. Image AZRU3-327 A: top view showing orifice. Image AZRU3-327 B: base view showing light hard surface abrasion. Image AZRU3-327 C: side view showing painted design. Image AZRU3-327 D: side view showing painted design and shape of handle. Image AZRU3-327 E: side view showing painted design. ...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, canteen, AZRU3-339 (2011)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, canteen, Accession AZRU-00003, Catalog #339. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2011. Temper not examined; not visible. Vessel is 100% complete. Measurements: 2.8 cm orifice diameter, 13.2 cm height. Image AZRU3-339 A: top view showing orifice and painted design. Image AZRU3-339 B: side view showing shape of canteen. Image AZRU3-339 C: side view showing shape of canteen and faded design. Image AZRU3-339 D: closeup of painted design. Image AZRU3-339 E: closeup of painted design. Image...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, duck effigy pitcher, AZRU1-856 (2011)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, duck effigy pitcher, Accession AZRU-00001 Catalog #856. Morris FS 5416. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2011. Vessel is only 80% complete with 50% of the original pitcher and about 30% reconstructed with unknown plaster material. Measurements: 2.5 cm orifice diameter, 7.5 cm height from base to ducks back, 13 cm height from base to top of handle. Sherd and crushed rock temper is inconclusive as to production locale. Image AZRU1-856 A: side view. Image AZRU1-856 B: anterior (front)...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, globular jar, AZRU-00008/5021 (2006)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, globular jar (fragmentary), Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #5021, Morris FS 4220. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2006. Diorite porphyry and sherd temper suggests the bowl was manufactured in the central Mesa Verde region. Fragments represent less than 60% of vessel. Image AZRU8-5221 A: upper body fragments of jar showing painted design. Recovered from Earl Morris excavation of Room 109, lower level, Aztec West Ruin. Room 109 was described as having “two floor levels, one, 1 foot 8...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, ladle, AMNH 29.0/6805 (2004)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, ladle, AMNH Accession 29.0, Catalog #6805, Morris FS 415. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2004. Temper is granular igneous rock indicating local production at Aztec. Ladle is missing handle and a few bowl fragments. Measurements: 10 x 8.3 cm orifice dimensions, 4.4 cm height. Image AMNH 29.0/6805: top view showing interior ladle bowl design and intensive dipper wear on the rim surface. Note: attachment for missing handle is at bottom of image on side with rim ticking still intact. ...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, ladle, AMNH 29.0/6806 (2004)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, ladle, AMNH Accession 29.0, Catalog #6806, Morris FS 416. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2004. Temper is granular igneous rock indicating local production at Aztec. Ladle is missing handle and 25% of the bowl. Measurements: 8.5 cm orifice diameter, 4.3 cm height. Image AMNH 29.0/6806: view showing interior ladle bowl design. Recovered from Earl Morris excavation of Kiva D, Aztec West Ruin. Morris describes Kiva D as having “been burned before its original contents were...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, ladle, AZRU-00001/598 (2006)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, ladle (fragmentary), Accession AZRU-00001, Catalog #598, Morris FS 4661. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2006. Temper is crushed rock; indeterminate provenance. Ladle is likely a trade ware from central Mesa Verde region. Handle and bowl fragment represent less than 25% of original ladle. Image AZRU1-598 A: view of ladle bowl surface showing rim ticking and interior design. Image AZRU1-598 B: view of handle showing fragment of painted anthropomorphic figure. Recovered from Earl...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, ladle, AZRU-00001/805 (2006)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, small ladle, Accession AZRU-00001, Catalog #805, Morris FS 4653. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2006. Temper is tentatively identified as granular igneous and sand suggesting production at Aztec. Ladle is 100% complete. Measurements: 10 cm bowl diameter, 18.2 cm length from handle to bowl rim. Image AZRU1-805 A: view showing interior design and handle design. Recovered from Earl Morris excavation of Room 43, Aztec West Ruin. Morris indicated that “two floor levels were found in...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, ladle, AZRU-00008/2080 (2006)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, ladle (fragmentary), Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2080, Morris FS 4662. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2006. Diorite porphyry and sherd temper suggests the ladle was manufactured in the central Mesa Verde region. Ladle is 60% complete with half of the handle and part of the rim and base missing. Measurements: 10.6 cm orifice diameter, 5.8 cm height. Image AZRU8-2080 A: view of ladle showing interior bowl and handle designs. Recovered from Earl Morris excavation of Kiva S, Aztec...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, ladle, AZRU1-978 (2011)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, ladle, Accession AZRU-00001, Catalog #978, Morris FS 4596. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2011. Temper is indeterminate crushed rock; indeterminate provenance. Measurements: 8.7 cm height, 15 x 13.7 cm orifice dimensions. Image AZRU1-978A: side view showing shape of ladle. Image AZRU1-978B: side view showing shape of ladle. Image AZRU1-978C: side view showing shape of ladle and punched holes in hollow handle. Image AZRU1-978D: side view showing shape of ladle and punched holes in...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, miniature bowl, AZRU-00001/597 (2006)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, miniature shallow bowl (fragmentary), Accession AZRU-00001, Catalog #597, Morris FS 4614. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2006. Temper is granular igenous rock indicating local production at Aztec. Bowl is small and shallow with designs painted on the interior and exterior surfaces. The two fragments of the bowl represent only about 60% of the vessel. Measurements: 8cm diameter, 1.2 cm height . Image AZRU1-597 A: view of exterior showing painted design on upper right side. Image...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, miniature jar, AMNH 29.0/9681 (2004)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, miniature, Accession 29.0, Catalog #9681. Morris FS 3166. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE: NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2004. Temper is granular igneous rock indicating local production at Aztec. Bowl restored with unknown adhesive; 90% complete. Image AMNH 29.0/9681 A: view of exterior base showing hard surface wear and single coil handles (one broken). Image AMNH 29.0/9681 B: exterior side view showing painted design and shape of jar. Image AMNH...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, miniature ladle, AZRU-00001/971 (2006)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, miniature ladle (fragment), Accession AZRU-00001, Catalog #971, Morris FS 4664. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2006. Temper is granular igneous rock indicating manufacture at Aztec. Ladle is 50% complete; rest of vessel is missing. Image AZRU1-971 A: top view showing interior bowl design, rim ticking, and handle design. Recovered from Earl Morris excavation of Kiva S, Aztec West Ruin. Kiva S is briefly mentioned in Morris (1924) in reference to a burial, but otherwise there is no...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, mug reshaped into jar, AZRU1-812 (2011)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, mug reshaped into small jar, Accession AZRU-00001 Catalog #812. Morris FS 5128. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE: NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2011. Reshaped jar is 100% complete, but original mug form is missing the handle. As shown in images, it appears that the mug handle was broken prior to firing of the vessel. The handle stubs were ground down and the design was painted over the handle stubs. Based on the irregular shape of the mug, simplicity...

Ceramic: McElmo Black-on-white, mug, AMNH 29.0/9697 (2004)
IMAGE Lori Reed.

McElmo Black-on-white, mug, Accession 29.0, Catalog #9697. Morris FS 3182. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE: NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Lori Reed 2004. Temper is granular igneous rock indicating local production at Aztec. Mug is restored with unknown adhesive; 80% complete. Image AMNH 29.0/9697 A: side view showing painted design. Image AMNH 29.0/9697 B: view showing handle and painted design. Image AMNH 29.0/9697 C: view showing rim ticking. Recovered from Earl Morris excavation of...