Town / City (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Settlements

Larger settlements with more dwellings and a wide variety of other kinds of structures. These settlements typically have internally organized infrastructure of streets or walkways and water and waste-disposal systems. Typically occupied for decades or centuries.

76-100 (2,078 Records)

Aztec East Ruin: Architectural Overview Images
PROJECT Gary Brown.

This project consists of overview images of rooms, kivas, and other architectural features photographed at Aztec East Ruin. Most of the photos were taken in the western roomblock of the great house. Photographs were taken by Gary Brown between 2000 and 2001. They were originally shot as Kodachrome slides and subsequently scanned to digital media.

The Aztec Ruin (1919)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Earl H. Morris.

Morris’ 1919 monograph summarizes the material culture recovered during excavation of Aztec West Ruin. Morris provides descriptions and illustrations of numerous artifacts including textiles, bone tools, pottery, stone tools, and ornaments. “This volume is devoted to reports upon archeological investigations in and about a large Pueblo ruin near the town of Aztec, New Mexico. A large portion of this ruin, now a part of the Aztec Ruin National Monument, was uncovered and carefully studied and...

Aztec West Ruin: Ceramic and Perishable Artifacts from the 1984 West Ruin Accession 61 Excavation Project
PROJECT Uploaded by: Lori Reed

This project includes images of ceramic and perishable artifacts from Accession AZRU-61 recovered during the 1984 Archeological Investigations for Modifications to West Ruin Drainage project. Excavations associated with the project were under the direction of Jim Trott of the National Park Service, Santa Fe support office. In addition to trench excavations in the Aztec West plaza, several rooms (225, 221, 222, 223, 129, 158(2), 204, 232, and 255) in the north and west wings of the great house...

Aztec West Ruin: Composite Wall Elevations from Pre-Backfilling Architectural Photo-Documentation
PROJECT Gary Brown.

This project includes architectural wall elevation images of individual rooms in the great house at Aztec West Ruin. Most of the images were photographed prior to backfilling efforts and during architectural documentation in West Ruin. Most of the images are composites of multiple photographs that were spliced together in Adobe Photoshop to reconstruct the entire wall elevation. Each individual image is a high-resolution, rectified photograph that was created either using a digital camera or...

Aztec West Ruin: Earl Morris Excavation Reports
PROJECT Uploaded by: Lori Reed

Between 1916 and 1922, Earl H. Morris conducted excavations at the Chacoan great house of Aztec Ruins, New Mexico. With support and sponsorship by the American Museum of Natural History in New York, Morris excavated a large portion of Aztec West Ruin and reconstructed the well-known great kiva in the plaza. This tDAR project includes the American Museum of Natural History publications by Earl H. Morris documenting his findings at Aztec West Ruin.

Aztec West Ruin: Perishable Artifacts and Pottery from Excavations by the American Museum of Natural History
PROJECT Lori Reed. Laurie Webster.

Digital images of pottery and perishable items recovered from Earl Morris' excavations of Aztec West Ruin between 1916 and 1922. Although Morris' excavations at Aztec were extensive, his analysis and descriptions of the artifact assemblage were cursory. In 2003, Laurie Webster and Lori Stephens Reed began systematic analysis, documentation, and digital imaging of pottery and perishables from Morris' Aztec West Ruin collections housed at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY and...

Aztec West Ruin: Perishables and Pottery from Various National Park Service Projects and Collections
PROJECT Uploaded by: Lori Reed

This project includes images of perishable artifacts (textiles, basketry, etc.) and pottery recovered from Aztec Ruins during the course of numerous National Park Service (NPS) projects. Some of the artifacts were donated to the NPS and may have originated at sites other than Aztec Ruins. The artifacts are part of the NPS collections and are housed at either Aztec Ruins National Monument, Hibben Center at the University of New Mexico, or Western Archeology and Conservation Center. Most of the...

Aztec West Ruin: Pre-Backfilling Architectural Overview Images
PROJECT Gary Brown.

This project consists of overview images of rooms, kivas, and other architectural features photographed at Aztec West Ruin. Most of the photos were taken in the northeastern and eastern portions of the great house prior to extensive backfilling of much of the area excavated by the American Museum of Natural History in the early 20th century. Photographs were taken by Gary Brown between 2000 and 2001. They were originally shot as Kodachrome slides and subsequently scanned to digital media.

Aztec West Ruin: Pre-Backfilling Architectural Photo-Documentation
PROJECT Gary Brown.

This project includes rectified images of architectural features and masonry in rooms at Aztec West Ruin. The images were taken prior to backfilling efforts and during architectural documentation. Digital images were created either using a digital camera or scanned from photographic slides. To date, photographs from the east wing and northeastern corner of West Ruin have been ingested into tDAR.

Ballas Ceramics: Photographs (2011)
IMAGE Matthew Boulanger. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

These images show the individual sherds analyzed at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Photographs were taken at LBNL and scanned by the Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR. Individual files were named according to the official catalog numbers of each image assigned by the Graphic Arts Department at LBNL.

Bar'am Ceramics: Photographs (2011)
IMAGE Matthew Boulanger. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

These images show the individual sherds from Bar'am analyzed by neutron activation at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Photographs were taken at LBNL and scanned by the Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR. Individual files were named according to the official catalog numbers of each image assigned by the Graphic Arts Department at LBNL.

Basra Ceramics: Photographs (2011)
IMAGE Matthew Boulanger. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

These images show the individual sherds from Basra analyzed by neutron activation at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Photographs were taken at LBNL and scanned by the Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR. Individual files were named according to the official catalog numbers of each image assigned by the Graphic Arts Department at LBNL.

Bechtel Power Corporation 1978 Arizona Station Plant Site Study, Salt River Project, State and Private Lands, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona: Final Report for Phase I: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Research (1974)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard V. Ahlstrom. James E. Bradford.

The initial Phase I investigation for the Salt River Project 1978 Power Plant Study has been completed. This report presents that data which was collected during library research and actual field reconnaissance and is intended to offer a background on the archaeological and ethno-historical resource base of the two proposed areas being considered for plant site and wellfield location. A discussion of the possible impacts with alternatives to these is also included. The report includes...

Beersheba Ceramics: Photographs (2011)
IMAGE Matthew Boulanger. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

These images show the individual sherds from Beersheba analyzed by neutron activation at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Photographs were taken at LBNL and scanned by the Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR. Individual files were named according to the official catalog numbers of each image assigned by the Graphic Arts Department at LBNL.

Berbati Ceramics: Photographs (2011)
IMAGE Matthew Boulanger. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

These images show the individual sherds from Berbati, Greece analyzed by neutron activation at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Photographs were taken at LBNL and scanned by the Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR. Individual files were named according to the official catalog numbers of each image assigned by the Graphic Arts Department at LBNL.

Beth El Ceramics: Photographs (2011)
IMAGE Matthew Boulanger. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

These images show the individual sherds from Beth El analyzed by neutron activation at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Photographs were taken at LBNL and scanned by the Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR. Individual files were named according to the official catalog numbers of each image assigned by the Graphic Arts Department at LBNL.

Bidi Ceramics: Photographs (2011)
IMAGE Matthew Boulanger. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

These images show the individual sherds from Bidi analyzed by neutron activation at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Photographs were taken at LBNL and scanned by the Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR. Individual files were named according to the official catalog numbers of each image assigned by the Graphic Arts Department at LBNL.

Bird and Fish Remains from Isla Cilvituk: Evidence of Market Niche Construction in a Postclassic Maya Lacustrine Environment (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Brandon McIntosh.

Through evolutionary ecology and niche construction theory, animal exploitation among the inhabitants of Postclassic Isla Cilvituk (A.D. 900-1520) is explored in light of both subsistence and market strategy. An ecological approach is taken to understand how local ecosystems influenced animal exploitation in relation to hunting strategies and market trade at Isla Cilvituk and other sites across the Maya Lowlands. An ecological approach also contributes relevant data to aid in modern conservation...

Bolsena Ceramics: Photographs (2011)
IMAGE Matthew Boulanger. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

These images show the individual sherds from Bolsena, Italy analyzed by neutron activation at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Photographs were taken at LBNL and scanned by the Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR. Individual files were named according to the official catalog numbers of each image assigned by the Graphic Arts Department at LBNL.

Bukhara Ceramics: Photographs (2011)
IMAGE Matthew Boulanger. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

These images show the individual sherds from Bukhara analyzed by neutron activation at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Photographs were taken at LBNL and scanned by the Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR. Individual files were named according to the official catalog numbers of each image assigned by the Graphic Arts Department at LBNL.

Burial Excavations in Plaza 1 of Los Pilarillos, Zacatecas, Mexico, 1997 Season (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ben Nelson. John Millhauser. Denise To.

Fieldwork from the 1997 season at Los Pilarillos.

Burials in the Aztec Ruin and the Aztec Ruin Annex (1924)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Earl H. Morris.

This 1924 monograph by Earl Morris includes a detailed summary of burials excavated at Aztec West Ruin during his work at the site between 1916 and 1922. The second part of the report includes Morris' description of rooms and kivas comprising the Aztec West Annex, located adjacent to Aztec West great house.

Cales Ceramics: Photographs (2011)
IMAGE Matthew Boulanger. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

These images show the individual sherds from Cales, Italy analyzed by neutron activation at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Photographs were taken at LBNL and scanned by the Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR. Individual files were named according to the official catalog numbers of each image assigned by the Graphic Arts Department at LBNL.

Calixtlahuaca Archaeological Project
PROJECT Uploaded by: Michael E. Smith

This project will archive data and materials from the Calixtlahuaca Archaeological Project, a NSF-funded fieldwork investigation of an Aztec-period urban center near Toluca, Mexico.

Cambios Estilisticos en la Reproduccion de Piezas Ceramicas de Mata Ortiz, Norte de Chihuahua, Mexico: un Estudio Etnoarqueologico (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Andrea K. L. Freeman.

Mata Ortiz es un pequeño poblado en el norte de México, localizado en el estado de Chihuahua (véase la Fig. 1), a 1,600 metros sobre el nivel del mar en las faldas de la montaña conocida localmente como Cabeza del Indio. La aldea está limitada hacia el occidente por la Sierra la Breña, que se encuentra aproximandamente a 10 Kilómetros; al oriente del asentamiento se localiza el río Palanganas, un cauce de temporal que es la principal fuente de abastecimiento, de agua para los habitantes de Mata...