House (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Domestic Structures

A relatively small dwelling occupied by a single nuclear or extended family. May appear archaeologically as a stone foundation or pattern of post molds.

426-450 (2,655 Records)

Beyond the North Gate: Archeology on the Outskirts of Colonial Albany. Archeological Data Retrieval, Quackenbush Square Parking Facility, Broadway, Albany, New York (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc..

Report of data recovery results from the Quackenbush Square Parking Facility site in Albany, NY. The pdf report focuses on the detailed excavation of a rum distillery (c.1750s-1820s) and a brickmaker's house and brickyard (c.1630s-1680s). The report includes micro/macroscopic analyses of faunal and floral materials, pollen, parasites,and heavy metal contents. The report also provides deep historical context to rum production and early colonial settlement in Albany and the Northeast.

Bifaces.csv (2020)
DATASET Todd Surovell.

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Binder Cover, Randolph Air Force Base Historic Photographs, Air Education and Training Command, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Air Education and Training Command History Office.

This is a collection of building record photographs first taken of structures on Randolph Air Force Base in 1930 and 1931, with follow-up photographs taken in 1941 and 1942. Also present in the collection are miscellaneous photographs including Randolph tour pictures.

Bingo Timber Sale Roads: Reopening of Road 3413-010, a Cultural Resource Inventory Report (1983)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Frances M. Philipek.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Bird and Fish Remains from Isla Cilvituk: Evidence of Market Niche Construction in a Postclassic Maya Lacustrine Environment (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Brandon McIntosh.

Through evolutionary ecology and niche construction theory, animal exploitation among the inhabitants of Postclassic Isla Cilvituk (A.D. 900-1520) is explored in light of both subsistence and market strategy. An ecological approach is taken to understand how local ecosystems influenced animal exploitation in relation to hunting strategies and market trade at Isla Cilvituk and other sites across the Maya Lowlands. An ecological approach also contributes relevant data to aid in modern conservation...

Bird Houston (7NC-F-138) Locus B Ceramic Minimum Number of Vessels (MNV) Catalog (2017)
DATASET Louis Berger.

Listing by Feature and Vessel numbers of specific ceramic specimen and their cross mends used to calculate a minimum number of vessels (MNV) for the Locus B occupation at the Bird-Houston site.

Bird-Houston (7NC-F-138) Locus B Glass Minimum Number of Vessels (MNV) Catalog (2017)
DATASET Louis Berger.

Catalog details the artifacts and cross mends from each feature that constitute the reconstructed glass vessels used to calculate the minimum number of glass vessels from features at Locus B of the Bird-Houston site (7NC-F-138)

Bird-Houston Site (7NC-F-138) Phase II and III Artifact Catalog (2017)
DATASET Louis Berger.

artifact catalog from Phase II and III excavations at the Bird-Houston Site (7NC-F-138), includes identified floral and faunal specimen

Bird-Houston Site (7NC-F-138), U.S. Route 301 Corridor
PROJECT John Bedell. FHWA.

The Louis Berger Group, Inc., conducted Phase II and III archaeological investigations at the Bird-Houston Site (7NC-F-138), located in St. Georges Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware, in advance of the proposed U.S. Route 301 construction. The Bird-Houston Site is the remains of a small farm occupied between about 1775 and 1920. The site has two distinct parts about 200 feet apart; Locus B was occupied from about 1775 to 1825, and Locus A was occupied from about 1825 to 1920. Documentary...

Bird-Houston Site [7NC-F-138], Locus A: Buttons (2012)
IMAGE Louis Berger.

Laboratory photo of buttons recovered from various contexts in Locus A, the Bird-Houston Site (7NC-F-138)

Bird-Houston Site [7NC-F-138], Locus A: Feature 1 Well After Mechanical Excavation of Surrounding Subsoil (2012)
IMAGE Louis Berger.

Field photo of Locus A Feature 1, the well, after hand excavation of upper layers and mechanical excavation of surrounding subsoil. View to North

Bird-Houston Site [7NC-F-138], Locus A: Pharmaceutical Bottle Fragments (2012)
IMAGE Louis Berger.

Laboratory photo of 19th-century glass pharmaceutical bottle fragments recovered from various contexts in Locus A at the Bird-Houston site (7NC-F-138).

Bird-Houston Site [7NC-F-138], Locus B: Bone Handled Utensil Recovered from Feature 15 (2012)
IMAGE Louis Berger.

Field photo of bone-handled iron utensil (Cat./Spec. No. 239.24) recovered from Stratum A Level 2 East Half, Feature 15, the well, in Locus B of the Bird-Houston Site (7NC-F-138).

Bird-Houston Site [7NC-F-138], Locus B: Brass Button and Broach Pin (2012)
IMAGE Louis Berger.

Laboratory photo of brass button (Cat./Spec. No. 243.8) recovered from Locus B Feature 15 Stratum B Level 1 East Half and brass broach pin (Cat./Spec. No. 238.21) recovered from Locus B Feature 15 Stratum A Level 1 West Half.

Bird-Houston Site [7NC-F-138], Locus B: Feature 1 Well After Mechanical Stripping of Plowzone (2012)
IMAGE Louis Berger.

Field photo of identification and cleaning of Locus B Feature 1, the well, after mechanical removal of plowzone.

Bird-Houston Site [7NC-F-138], Locus B: Feature 15 Well After Mechanical Excavation of Surrounding Subsoil (2012)
IMAGE Louis Berger.

Field photo of Locus B Feature 15, resuming hand excavation after mechanical removal of surrounding subsoil, view to west.

Bird-Houston Site [7NC-F-138], Locus B: Feature 3 West Profile (2012)
IMAGE Louis Berger.

Field photo of Locus B Feature 3 west profile after excavation of east half. Unidentified iron artifact in-situ at base of excavation.

Bird-Houston Site [7NC-F-138], Locus B: Redware Bowl In-Situ Feature 15 Well (2012)
IMAGE Louis Berger.

Field photo of redware bowl in-situ within Locus B well, Feature 15 Stratum A, Level 2, west half (Cat./Spec. No. 240.11), view to north.

Bird-Houston Site [7NC-F-138], Locus B: Unidentified Iron Object Recovered from Feature 3 (2012)
IMAGE Louis Berger.

Field photo of unidentified iron object recovered from Locus B Feature 3, Stratum A, Level 1 (Cat./Spec. No. 220.4) after excavation.

Boomer Salvage Cultural Resource Evaluation (1982)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Steven Katz. T. L. Bedortha. R. L. Kiser.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Brant House Excavation Field Map (1984)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Dean Snow.

This is the Brant House Excavation Field Map.

Brant House Feature Forms (1985)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Dean Snow.

This is the Brant House Feature Forms for the Indian Castle site excavations of 1984-1985.

Brickmaker's House, Quackenbush Square Parking Facility Historic Archaeological Site, Albany, NY (2002)
IMAGE Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc..

Photographs of the 17th-c. brickmaker's house portion of the Quackenbush Square Parking Facility site.

Brookville Lake: An Archaeological Study in the Whitewater Drainage (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Beth Kolbe.

An archaeological survey and data enhancement project at Brookville Lake was conducted to determine the nature, density, and distribution of archaeological resources located on the property. The project was carried out through a review of recorded sites, a reconnaissance survey of portions of the shoreline and limited testing of Glidewell Mound.

Brookville Reservoir Survey 1991-1992
PROJECT US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District. US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District.

An archaeological investigation of Brookville Reservoir was led by Beth Kolbe of Applied Archaeology Laboratories, Ball State University during 1991 and 1992. Brookville Reservoir spans Franklin and Union counties and is located along the east fork of the Whitewater River in the Whitewater drainage. Archaeological investigation of the Brookville Reservoir were performed to evaluate the nature and significance of sites in the area, determine how sites were being impacted by shoreline erosion,...