Historic trash (Site Type Keyword)

1-4 (4 Records)

Archaeological Investigations on the Coronado Concho Well Field Water Transmission Pipeline for the Salt River Project on Private, State, and Bureau of Land Management Lands Between Concho and St. Johns, Arizona: Final Report for Fifteen Archaeological Sites on the Coronado Concho Well Field Water Transmission Pipeline in Apache County, Arizona, A-76-32 (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sara Stebbins.

The Concho Well Field Water Transmission Pipeline, constructed by the Salt River Project, originates in the Concho Well Fields just north of Concho, Arizona, and extends to the Coronado Generating Station Power Plant three miles north of St. Johns, Arizona. The pipeline route either impinges upon or crosses 15 prehistoric and historic sites, including two possible Archaic or Basketmaker lithic sites and two Spanish-American homesteads. These four sites provide the basis for most of the analysis...

An Archaeological Survey of 435 Acres for a Proposed Golf Course Adjacent to Luke Air Force Base in Maricopa County, Arizona (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Laurie V. Slawson. Ronald P. Maldonado.

A Class III archaeological survey of two parcels of land, comprising 435 acres, which are scheduled to be developed as a golf course. The surveyed parcels are located adjacent to Luke Air Force Base in Maricopa County, Arizona. Project Area A consists of 360 acres add is located immediately south of Luke Air Force Base Two sites were recorded during the survey, both in Project Area A, AZ T:7:47 (ASM) is a prehistoric artifact scatter that appears to be Archaic in age, AZ T:7:48 (ASM) is a...

An Archaeological Survey of the SRP Pinto Creek Access Roads & Top Wire Replacement, Globe Ranger District, Tonto National Forest (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Travis S. Bone.

On July 5, 2006, archaeologist Travis Bone completed an archaeological survey of the SRP Pinto Creek Access Roads & Top Wire Replacement project on the Globe Ranger District of the Tonto National Forest. The project area includes the complete transmission line between the Silver King and Miami substations. Time spent on this project included 5 hours of fieldwork, 12 hours of report preparation and 2 hours of administration by the Forest Archaeological Staff. Vehicle use totaled 180 miles.

Cultural Resource Investigations at Area P Housing Complex and Adjacent Sites Edwards Air Force Base, California (Final Report) (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Andrew L. York. Tanya Wahoff. Michael Corbett.

This report presents the results of a cultural resources investigation at Area P in the south central portion of Edwards Air Force Base (AFB), Kern County, California. Cultural resources at Area P consist of 13 standing structures related to the military installation, two homestead ruins, a small historic debris scatter and one prehistoric site.