Plank House (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Domestic Structures

Relatively large, rectangular dwellings made of long, flat planks of cedar wood lashed to a substantial wooden frame. Typical of permanent villages of Indian tribes living in the American Northwest during the historic contact period and earlier.

1-2 (2 Records)

Archaeology Field Survey Reports Contributed by BLM, Arcata, CA Field Office
PROJECT Uploaded by: Melinda Salisbury

This project includes Archaeology Field Survey Reports contributed by the Bureau of Land Management's, Arcata, California field office.This initial contribution will establish a regional digital archive project whose goal is to accumulate heritage documents, greatly enhancing our ability to preserve historic resources within the North Coast Region.

Long Branch Lake Survey 1974-1978
PROJECT US Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District. US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District.

The Long Branch Lake Survey 1974–1978 was authorized under the Flood Control Act of 1965 (Grantham 1986:1). The investigation was initiated because the construction of Long Branch Lake would directly impact and result in the loss of significant archaeological data. Since preservation was unfeasible, the USACE, Kansas City District, contracted with Northeast Missouri State University to recover archaeological data in order to mitigate the effects of construction. Between the summer of 1974 and...