Non-Domestic Structures (Site Type Keyword)

The locations and/or archaeological remains of a building or buildings used for purposes other than human habitation. Use more specific term(s) if possible.

10,251-10,275 (11,142 Records)

Sapelo Island - Photos 2005 (2005)
IMAGE Nicholas Honerkamp.

Various Photos 2005 - Beach, Sugar Mill, Shell Ring, Chocolate Plantation, Tabbies, Kenan Field, General Landscape Pictures

Sapelo Island. Evaluations and Proposed Renovations for Mansion, Lighthouse, and Post Office (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text [NFM] Various.

Assessment of Condition and Renovation Recommendations Various Correspondence

Sapelo Island: "Weekend for Wildlife" Survey and Testing at Chocolate Plantation, 9MC96, Sapelo Island, Georgia (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Black

This report documents archaeological survey and testing carried out at and near Chocolate Plantation (9MC96) on February 9-10, 2007 by Norma Harris of the University of West Florida, Jennifer Bedell of the Georgia DNR Historic Preservation Division, and Nick Honerkamp ofthe University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC). These activities were part of the annual Weekend for Wildlife (WFW) program sponsored by DNR. State Archaeologist David Crass arranged the WFW Chocolate component for a dozen...

Sapelo Island: A Proposal for Conducting and Archaeological Survey at Chocolate Plantation, Sapelo Island, Georgia (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Nicholas Honerkamp.

Field Work Proposal 2006

Sapelo Island: A Proposal for Conducting and Archaeological Survey at High Point Plantation, Sapelo Island, Georgia (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Black

High Point presents and intriguing archaeological challenge. Although it is documented as a location for one of the earliest historic occupations on the Island, only the (presumably) postbellum features have been recorded there. In an effort to obtain a clearer picture of the entire history of the site, the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Geography at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) proposes to conduct a modified systematic survey at High Point of screened half-meter...

Sapelo Island: Archaeological Survey and Testing at High Point Plantation (9MC66), Sapelo Island, Georgia (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Nicholas Honerkamp.

Final Report of UTC' s Archaeological Survey

Sapelo Island: Chocolate Plantation - 2006 Archaeology Day Photos (2006)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Rachel Black

Archaeology Day 5/29/2006 - Photos Various

Sapelo Island: Chocolate Plantation - 2006 Field School Notes (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Nicholas Honerkamp.

Field Notes 2006

Sapelo Island: Chocolate Plantation - 2006 Field School Photos (2006)
IMAGE Nicholas Honerkamp.

2006 Excavations - Field School Photos, Week 1 - 5

Sapelo Island: Chocolate Plantation Field Work 2006 - Photolog (2006)
DATASET Nicholas Honerkamp.

Photo Summary

Sapelo Island: Chocolate Plantation Historic Photos (2006)
IMAGE Nicholas Honerkamp.

Georgia State Historic Archives - Sapelo Photos

Sapelo Island: Contract to build Lighthouse from 1813 (1813)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Black

Signed Contract Agreement

Sapelo Island: Gullah Geechee Archaeology (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Morgan R. Crook, Jr..

The Living Space of Enslaved Geechee on Sapelo Island

Sapelo Island: High Point - Artifact Photos 2007 (2007)
IMAGE Nicholas Honerkamp.

Bottles, Metal, Tacks, Buttons, Nails, Glass, Ceramics (historic/prehistoric), Lithics.

Sapelo Island: High Point - Various Maps (2007)
IMAGE Nicholas Honerkamp.

Historic Maps Land Maps Floor Plans

Sapelo Island: High Point Excavation 2007 - Artifact Data (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Nicholas Honerkamp.

Artifact Data Sheets from the 2007 Field School

Sapelo Island: High Point Field Forms 2007 (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Nicholas Honerkamp.

Various Forms - Field School 2007

Sapelo Island: High Point Field School Photos 2007 (2007)
IMAGE Nicholas Honerkamp.

Field Photos of Excavations at High Point Plantation

Sapelo Island: High Point Photo Log (2007)
DATASET Nicholas Honerkamp.

Photo Log for Excavations May 2007

Sapelo Island: Lighthouse Artifact Data (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Nicholas Honerkamp.

Data Tables for Artifacts recovered from W4W 2011 Excavation

Sapelo Island: Lighthouse Excavation - 2011 Fieldnotes (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Nicholas Honerkamp.

Fieldnotes from the 2011 Weekend for Wildlife Excavation

Sapelo Island: Lighthouse Gallery Pamphlet
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Black

Misc. Photos

Sapelo Island: Memorandum of Cession by Georgia
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Black

Sapelo Island Light Station, Ga

Sapelo Island: Proposed Restoration of Chocolate Plantation (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text [NFM] Various. Jennifer Bedell.

Memos of meeting to discuss deterioration of historic structures (Tabby) and how to prevent them from further destruction through elements, and GPS recordings of the historic structures.

Sapelo Island: Public Archaeology at supposed Location of the Original 1820s Keeper's House (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text [NFM] Various. Ronnie Rogers.

Preparations, Notes, and Report Weekend for Wildlife Program 2004