Non-Domestic Structures (Site Type Keyword)

The locations and/or archaeological remains of a building or buildings used for purposes other than human habitation. Use more specific term(s) if possible.

10,551-10,575 (11,142 Records)

Still Serving: Reusing Historic National Guard Armories - Report (Legacy 93-0483) (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Historic armories, located in central cities, retain the ability to meet the needs of their communities; the adaptability of drill spaces and offices lends itself to conversion to school buildings, apartments, libraries, museums, and community centers. This report highlights successful projects from around the country.

Stockton Lake Project 1984-1985
PROJECT Charles R. Moffat. US Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District. US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District.

This collection is referred to as “Stockton Lake Project 1984–1985.” This name is consistent throughout the finding aid, the file folders, and the box labels. The extent of this collection is four and three-quarters (4.75) linear inches. The records in this collection include paper, photographic, oversized, and electronic documents categorized as Administrative, Background, Field, Analysis, and Report Records. The documents include correspondence, reservoir maps, survey and test excavation...

Stockton Lake Project 1984-1985, Archival Photograph, 1050-0032 (1987)
IMAGE Veterans Curation Program.

Color negative and print 1, plowed field with tree line; March 1987, from the Stockton Lake Project 1984-1985 archaeological investigation in the Stockton Lake area, in Cedar County, Missouri.

Stockton Lake Project 1984-1985, Archival Photograph, 1050-0033 (1987)
IMAGE Veterans Curation Program.

Color negative and print 2, plowed field with tree line, truck in background; March 1987, from the Stockton Lake Project 1984-1985 archaeological investigation in the Stockton Lake area, in Cedar County, Missouri.

Stockton Lake Project 1984-1985, Archival Photograph, 1050-0034 (1987)
IMAGE Veterans Curation Program.

Color negative and print 3, plowed field with tree line, tire tracks in center; March 1987, from the Stockton Lake Project 1984-1985 archaeological investigation in the Stockton Lake area, in Cedar County, Missouri.

Stockton Lake Project 1984-1985, Archival Photograph, 1050-0035 (1987)
IMAGE Veterans Curation Program.

Color negative and print 4, plowed field with tree line, water puddle on the left; March 1987, from the Stockton Lake Project 1984-1985 archaeological investigation in the Stockton Lake area, in Cedar County, Missouri.

Stockton Lake Project 1984-1985, Archival Photograph, 1050-0036 (1987)
IMAGE Veterans Curation Program.

Color negative and print 5, plowed field with tree line, water puddle on the right; March 1987, from the Stockton Lake Project 1984-1985 archaeological investigation in the Stockton Lake area, in Cedar County, Missouri.

Stockton Lake Project 1984-1985, Archival Photograph, 1050-0044 (1987)
IMAGE Veterans Curation Program.

Color negative 12, Ford truck with man in plowed field; March 1987, from the Stockton Lake Project 1984-1985 archaeological investigation in the Stockton Lake area, in Cedar County, Missouri.

Stodder_PI Mesa Verde_ALP PI Mortuary Data
DATASET Ann L. W. Stodder.

This data set contains several sheets of data on burial features and isolated human remains documented by the Animas-La Plata project during data recovery at a number of sites in Ridges Basin, SW Colorado. One sheet presents data for recorded burial features and individual interments. Three other sheets present data on isolated human remains uncovered at these sites.

Stodder_PI Mesa Verde_Paper_Data and Metadata Issues in Documenting Pueblo I Mortuary Variation in the Mesa Verde Region (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ann L. W. Stodder.

Mortuary data from Pueblo I sites in the Dolores and Animas-La Plata Project areas suggest that the structural and nonstructural contexts of burials are critical to understanding mortuary practice in this pivotal era and in earlier and later Ancestral Pueblo groups. Extramural interment contexts and their spatial relationships to houses, surface structures, and stockades are worthy of systematic study. Pithouse burials on floors and benches, in ventilators and in fill, vary in temporal relation...

Stone artifacts, miscellaneous, images (2012)
IMAGE Barbara Stark.

Worked stone images, see also Groundstone, Obsidian, and Chert for other worked stone files. See "Documentation of Image Archive" and "Palm Image Archive" concerning associated information.

Stone Circles of Chaco Canyon, Northwestern New Mexico (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas C. Windes.

In the summer of l972, the Chaco Center, a research facility of the National Park Service and the University of New Mexico, implemented a proposal to intensively survey the 32 square miles composing Chaco Canyon National Monument. During the course of this survey a number of unusual sites for which there had been little previous documentation were recorded. A limited number of these sites were later classified as shrines belonging to a visual-communications network, skillfully placed to link...

Strategies for Greening Historic Properties (Legacy 09-452)
PROJECT Karen Van Citters.

This project created a guide containing case studies for which sustainability principles were used, followed by sections centered on the five guiding principles for high performance and sustainable buildings, as developed by the National Institute of Building Sciences and included as part of the Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG).

Strategies for Greening Historic Properties (Legacy 09-452) (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Timothy Sawyer. Karen Van Citters. William Dodge. Edith Cherry. Tina Reams. Alyson Reece.

This two-part guide contains case studies for which sustainability principles were used, followed by sections centered on the five guiding principles for high performance and sustainable buildings, as developed by the National Institute of Building Sciences and included as part of the Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG).

Structural Assessment, Building 135, Cavalry and Light Artillery Post, Fort Sam Houston Military Reservation, Texas (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lawrence R. Rickels.

A structural assessment concerning observations made in April of this year Building 135, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Geo-Marine, Inc. (GMI), and its consultants, were asked to evaluate the structural and architectural conditions of the building, its integrity, and its potential for reuse in an administrative or similar function. This evaluation includes consideration of building code requirements, floor load requirements, accessibility, and the property’s historic status. Costs for bringing the...

Structural Assessment, Building 189, Cavalry and Light Artillery Post, Fort Sam Houston Military Reservation, Texas (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lawrence R. Rickels.

A document offering a detailed condition summary of Building 189, as well as description and identification of elements of structural deterioration, and evaluation of structural integrity. Also included is a structural cost estimate and photographs of Building 189's exterior and interior. Building 189 was originally built in 1918 as a nurses’ quarters in support to the installation’s World War I-era hospital complex. It is located at the edge of the Cavalry and Light Artillery Post section of...

Structural Assessment, Building 238, Fort Sam Houston Military Reservation, Texas (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lawrence R. Rickels.

An structural assessment of Building 238 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Included is a detailed description of the building, a condition summary, description and identification of elements of structural deterioration, as well as exterior and interior observations. Also included are photographs of Building 238's exterior and interior. Building 238 is one of two similar Stable Guard and Shops built in the old stable area north of the Staff Post. It is a contributing element of the Fort Sam Houston...

Structural Assessment, Building 4188, Fort Sam Houston Military Reservation, Texas (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lawrence R. Rickels.

Report concerning structural observations made in June of 2005 at Building 4188, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Geo-Marine, Inc. (GMI), and its consultants, were asked to evaluate the structural and architectural conditions of the building, its integrity, and its potential for reuse in an administrative or similar function. This evaluation includes consideration of building code requirements, floor load requirements, accessibility, and the property’s historic status. Building 4188, built in 1941, is...

Structural Assessment, Building 4189, Fort Sam Houston Military Reservation, Texas (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lawrence R. Rickels.

Structural Assessment concerning observations made in June of 2005 at Building 4189, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Geo-Marine, Inc. (GMI), and its consultants, were asked to evaluate the structural and architectural conditions of the building, its integrity, and its potential for reuse in an administrative or similar function. This evaluation includes consideration of building code requirements, floor load requirements, accessibility, and the property’s historic status. Building 4189, built in...

Structural Assessment, Building 4190, Fort Sam Houston Military Reservation, Texas (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lawrence R. Rickels.

Structural assessment concerning observations made in June of 2005 at Building 4190, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Geo-Marine, Inc. (GMI), and its consultants, were asked to evaluate the structural and architectural conditions of the building, its integrity, and its potential for reuse in an administrative or similar function. This evaluation includes consideration of building code requirements, floor load requirements, accessibility, and the property’s historic status. Investigations conducted...

Structural Assessment, Building 4191, Fort Sam Houston Military Reservation, Texas (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lawrence R. Rickels.

A Structural Assessment concerning observations made in June of 2005 at Building 4191, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Geo-Marine, Inc. (GMI), and its consultants, were asked to evaluate the structural and architectural conditions of the building, its integrity, and its potential for reuse in an administrative or similar function. This evaluation includes consideration of building code requirements, floor load requirements, accessibility, and the property’s historic status. Building 4191, built in...

Structural Assessment, Building 4192, Fort Sam Houston Military Reservation, Texas (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lawrence R. Rickels.

A structural assessment concerning observations made in June of 2005 at Building 4192, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Geo-Marine, Inc. (GMI), and its consultants, were asked to evaluate the structural and architectural conditions of the building, its integrity, and its potential for reuse in an administrative or similar function. This evaluation includes consideration of building code requirements, floor load requirements, accessibility, and the property’s historic status. Building 4192, built in...

Structural Assessment, Building 4193, Fort Sam Houston Military Reservation, Texas (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lawrence R. Rickels.

A structural assessment concerning observations made in June of 2005 at Building 4193, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Geo-Marine, Inc. (GMI), and its consultants, were asked to evaluate the structural and architectural conditions of the building, its integrity, and its potential for reuse in an administrative or similar function. This evaluation includes consideration of building code requirements, floor load requirements, accessibility, and the property’s historic status. Building 4193, built in...

Structural Assessment, Building 610, Infantry Post, Fort Sam Houston Military Reservation, Texas (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lawrence R. Rickels.

A structural assessment of Building 610 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Included is the structure's condition summary, description and identification of elements of structural deterioration, and general assessment of building condition and integrity.Also included are cost estimates and photographs of Building 610's exterior. Building 610 is one of a series of interconnected barracks known as the Long Barracks (Building Nos. 603–610, 613). The Long Barracks extends the entirety of the east end of...

Structural Assessment, Building 610A, Infantry Post, Fort Sam Houston Military Reservation, Texas (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lawrence R. Rickels.

An evaluation of Building 610A, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The report includes a condition summary, description and identification of elements of structural Deterioration, and an evaluation of structural integrity. This evaluation includes consideration of building code requirements, floor load requirements, accessibility, and the property’s historic status. Accompanying the report are photographs of the structure's exterior and interior. Building 610A is one of a series of kitchen and mess halls...