Ball Court (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Non-Domestic Structures

An unroofed structure associated with the playing of the Mesoamerican ball game, found in the American southwest and parts of Mesoamerica.

1,201-1,225 (1,267 Records)

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Perdido Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Temple IV Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Temple of the Inscriptions Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Map of the Ruins of Tikal, El Petén, Guatemala (1961)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert F. Carr. James E. Hazard.

In 1956 The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, under contract from the Guatemalan government, began what would be a fifteen-year project of archaeological and biological research, site restoration and touristic development at the ancient Maya site of Tikal, Guatemala. As one of its first efforts, the Penn Project produced a series of paper maps of the site. Edwin M. Shook, field director, reports that much of the first two seasons (1956, 1957) was devoted to building camp, digging...

Tikal Report 11: Map of the Ruins of Tikal, El Petén, Guatemala and Georeferenced Versions of the Maps Therein
PROJECT Uploaded by: Christopher Carr

This archive is in two parts. The first part is Tikal Report 11, published in 1961, which presents the ten maps produced by the Tikal Project of The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania. The second part is georeferenced versions of the ten maps for use with GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software. The georeferencing was based on field data collected in 2010 by the Tikal Project of the University of Cincinnati. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of...

Tikal Report 34, Part A: Additions and Alterations: A Commentary on the Architecture of the North Acropolis, Tikal, Guatemala
PROJECT Uploaded by: Leigh Anne Ellison

A comprehensive series of reconstructed views rendered in colors approximating the original finishes of polished plaster and paint, with 42 different stages of development in three-dimensional form, show what the Acropolis looked like at various times from ca. 330 BCE to CE 600. On an accompanying CD-ROM 112 color plates show constructions of individual structures and some photos of Acropolis fabric at the time of excavation and consolidation. The text accompanying the color plates provides a...

Tikal Report 34, Part A: Additions and Alterations: A Commentary on the Architecture of the North Acropolis, Tikal, Guatemala (2007)
DOCUMENT Citation Only H. Stanley Loten.

A comprehensive series of reconstructed views rendered in colors approximating the original finishes of polished plaster and paint, with 42 different stages of development in three-dimensional form, show what the Acropolis looked like at various times from ca. 330 BCE to CE 600. On an accompanying CD-ROM 112 color plates include constructions of individual structures and some photos of Acropolis fabric at the time of excavation and consolidation. The text accompanying the color plates provides a...

Tikal Report 34, Part A: Additions and Alterations: A Commentary on the Architecture of the North Acropolis, Tikal, Guatemala: Companion CD-ROM (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text H. Stanley Loten.

The material included here is from a companion CD-ROM included with Additions and Alterations: A Commentary on the Architecture of the North Acropolis, Tikal, Guatemala, Tikal Report 34A, by H. Stanley Loten. 112 color plates include constructions of individual structures and some photos of Acropolis fabric at the time of excavation and consolidation. The text accompanying the color plates provides a rationale for the sequences illustrated and an interpretation of ancient Maya intentions in...

Tiperrary Wash Arizona Site Steward File (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard Effland. Valerie Conforti. Brian Kenny.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for Tiperrary Wash, comprised of a Sedentary Period Hohokam habitation site, located on State Trust land. The site is comprised of a ball court, cobble structures, trash middens, and an unspecified hilltop feature. The file consists of a Site Steward Program resource nomination form, Arizona State Museum archaeological survey form, criminal damage report, a cultural resource vandalism report, and five color photographs documenting site vandalism.

Tipiwakan Sisitonwan / Wahpetonwan: Mission Churches of the Sisseton / Wahpeton (1985)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Leroy Meyer.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Tonto National Forest Cultural Resources Assessment Management Plan and Overview (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text J. Scott Wood. Michael A. Sullivan. Linda B. Kelley. Steve Germick.

This document contains the management direction for the cultural resources of the Tonto National Forest during the planning period FY89 through FY92. The objectives of this assessment are to provide a framework for active cultural resources management on the Forest, to schedule specific management activities, and to update, refine, and implement the cultural resources elements of the Forest Land Management Plan. The assessment summarizes the current status and management of the Forest's...

The Tortolita Phase in the Tortolita Foothills: Investigations at the Triangle Road Site (AZ BB:9:87 [ASM]) Oro Valley, Arizona (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

The project was undertaken prior to development of the Neighborhood 5B parcel of the Rancho Vistoso property by Monterey Homes of Tucson. Treatment of the site is subject to the provisions of the Town of Oro Valley Grading Ordinance and the Rancho Vistoso Planned Area Development District, which calls for the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to oversee treatment of sites on the property. The Triangle Road site (AZ BB:9:87 [ASM]) was a Tortolita phase hamlet located near...

Trabajos conducidos por la State University of New York dentro del Proyecto La Quemada 1989-90 (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ben Nelson. Vincent Schiavitti.

Fieldwork from the 1989-90 seasons at La Quemada

Trace Element Analysis of Quackenbush Soils (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert Hall.

Subconsultant report on trace element analysis of nightsoil from privies found at the Quackenbush Square Parking Facility Historic Archaeological Site, Albany, NY. Hall found evidence of several trace elements, including lead, mercury, and arsenic, in nightsoil deposits from the 18th and 19th centuries at the site. The document was presented as an appendix to the full Phase III data recovery report for the Quackenbush Square site.

Trans Mountain Construction Company's Vidler Tunnel Extension, Falls Gulch Diversion, Summit County, Colorado (1985)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anonymous.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Treatment and Data Recovery Plan for the SRP Palo Verde to Pinal West 500 kV Transmission Line, Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text T. Kathleen Henderson.

Salt River Project Agricultural  Improvement and  Power District  (SRP)  plans  to construct a new  500  kV  transmission  line  between  the  existing  Hassayampa  Switchyard,  west  of Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, and the proposed Pinal West Substation, western Pinal County, Arizona (Figure 1). Designated the Palo Verde to Pinal West (PV-PW) transmission line,  this  powerline  is  the  first  of two  that SRP  plans  to  eventually  construct between  the Hassayampa  Switchyard  and...

Treatment Plan for Archaeological Resources and Historic Structures and Buildings at Williams Air Force Base, Maricopa County, Arizona (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David H. Greenwald. Douglas R. Mitchell. Mary-Ellen Walsh-Anduze.

Archaeological investigations at Williams Air Force Base (WAFB), located in southeast Maricopa County, Arizona, were initiated in response to the 1991 Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission’s (the Closure Commission) recommendation to close WAFB following the passage of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 (the Closure Act) (Public Law 101-510, Title XXIX). SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants, conducted a cultural resource inventory on approximately 2000 acres of all...

Tree Ring Specimens / Original Timbers in Casa Grande Ruins (1964)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David Wilcox. Richard Howard. Gordon Vivian. A. H. Schroeder. Aubrey F. Houston.

These documents are a series of memorandums from both 1964 and 1976 regarding wooden timbers found in the Great House at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. The memos discuss the removal of the timbers and shipment for the purpose of dendrochronology. The condition of the timbers is discussed regarding the possible difficulting in dating them due to burning.

The Tres Alamos Site on the San Pedro River, Southeastern Arizona (1947)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carr Tuthill.

The ruins lie on the east bank of the San Pedro River some twelve miles by road north of the town of Benson. At this point the river has started to cut into an erosion terrace or bench on which the ruins are located. This bench rises about one hundred to one hundred and fifty feet above the bed of the river, and is eroded by relatively short but deep and steep-banked gullies or arroyos into several tongues of land fanning out toward the river. Evidences of prehistoric occupation are found on the...

Tucson Aqueduct Project Phase B
PROJECT Lynn S. Teague. Jon Czaplicki. John C. Ravesloot. USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

The Tucson Aqueduct Phase B Project represents the first substantial archaeological investigations and excavations to be conducted in the Avra Valley. Prior to the 1983 intensive survey of the Phase B alignment by archaeologists from the Arizona State Museum, archaeological investigation of the Avra Valley had been limited primarily to occasional clearance surveys and test excavations. The identification of 47 prehistoric sites during the 1983 survey (Downum and others 1986) and the...

Tucson Aqueduct-Phase B, Central Arizona Project, Archaeological Data Recovery Studies, 1985-1986 Annual Report (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jon S. Czaplicki.

Arizona State Museum's 1985-1986 Annual Report is a summary of the field­work and activities during the first contract year of the Tucson Aqueduct-Phase B, Mitigative Data Recovery Study in the Avra Valley. Management information and research results of the 15 Hohokam sites investigated are presented in this report. The plan of work for 1986-1987 involving field­work, analyses, report preparation and miscellaneous projects are also discussed in the annual report.

Twenty-Eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology (1912)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jesse Walter Fewkes.

This volume report is a detailed document annually submitted to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. While it does provide some information of national context most of the document focuses on 2 reports submitted by Jesse W. Fewkes: "Casa Grande, Arizona" and "Antiquities of the Upper Verde River and Walnut Creek Valleys, Arizona. Fewkes' report, "Casa Grande, Arizona," is described in the general introduction to the BAE report as the final report of his work at Casa Grande. A...

Under White Haven: An Archeological Overview and Assessment of Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, St. Louis, Missouri (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas D. Scott. Karin M. Roberts. Vergil E. Noble.

This archeological overview and assessment for Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site describes the multiple episodes of archeological investigation that began in the park in the 1990s. The assessment discusses what is known about the park’s archeological resources and the potential for future research in the park and at sites related to the Dent and Grant occupations in the surrounding area. The overview and assessment concludes with a series of recommendations for future archeological...

Update on the Situation in Palmyra (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Allison Cuneo. Susan Penacho. LeeAnn Barnes Gordon.

Since its capture by ISIL (IS or ISIS) militants in May 2015, the region around the ancient city of Palmyra (modern Tadmor) has been in the midst of a humanitarian crisis, which has escalated dramatically in recent weeks. This report will provide a summary of the current situation in Palmyra and the effects of the conflict on its people and cultural heritage. Atrocities include attacks on civilians and mass abductions. Intentional damage to the cultural materials of the local populations is...

Using GIS to Describe and Understand Archaeological Site Distribution: Mapping Fort St. Joseph (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Susan Benston.

Geography and geographic perspectives make important contributions to many other disciplines. This thesis project is designed to bring a geographic perspective to an ongoing archaeological investigation. The project is focused on Fort Saint Joseph, a French colonial mission, garrison and trading post built in 1691 and occupied for 90 years. The site has been excavated for six years and plans are in place for annual excavations until 2018. As the body of information about the site increases, a...