Pyramid (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Non-Domestic Structures

A massive structure, typically with triangular outer surfaces that converge at the top. Often flat-topped to accommodate public gatherings and/or buildings.

76-100 (106 Records)

Radiocarbon Analysis Report, Center for Applied Isotope Studies, UGA (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Ronald Faulseit

This file includes the radiocarbon analysis report for 18 charcoal samples collected during the 2015 field season on Terrace S25, Cerro Danush. Because the lab did not conduct the calibrations, I conducted them using the program Calib v. 7.1, which uses the program intcall13.14c, (Stuiver and Reimer 1993).

A Review of Human and Natural Changes in Maya Lowlands Wetlands Over the Holocene
DOCUMENT Full-Text Tim Beach. Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach. Nicholas Dunning. John Jones. Jon Lohse. Tom Guderjan. Steve Bozarth. Sarah Millspaugh. Tripti Bhattacharya.

In the Maya Lowlands of Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala two main types of wetlands have played important roles in human history: bajos or intermittently wet environments of the upland, interior Yucatán and perennial wetlands of the coastal plains. Many of the most important Maya sites encircle the bajos, though our growing evidence for human-wetland interactions is still sparse. The deposits of these wetlands record two main eras of slope instability and wetland aggradation: the...

A Review of Human and Natural Changes in Maya Lowlands Wetlands over the Holocene (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Stephen Reichardt

In the Maya Lowlands of Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala two main types of wetlands have played important roles in human history: bajos or intermittently wet environments of the upland, interior Yucatán and perennial wetlands of the coastal plains. Many of the most important Maya sites encircle the bajos, though our growing evidence for human-wetland interactions is still sparse. The deposits of these wetlands record two main eras of slope instability and wetland aggradation: the...

Room counts, plaza areas, and neighbors for Northern Rio Grande Pueblo settlements, 1200-1700 CE (2019)
DATASET Uploaded by: Scott Ortman

Data analyzed in: Ortman, Scott G. and Grant D. Coffey (2019). The Network Effects of Northern Rio Grande Pueblo Rituals. In Re-Framing the Northern Rio Grande Pueblo Economy, edited by Scott G. Ortman, pp. 75-85. Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona 80, University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Settlement data from the 1960-1975 Basin of Mexico Surveys (2014)
DATASET Scott Ortman.

Data analyzed in Ortman, S. G., A. H. F. Cabaniss, J. Sturm, and L. M. A. Bettencourt, The Pre-History of Urban Scaling, PLOS ONE (Feb. 2014).

Settlement Scaling and Increasing Returns in an Ancient Society (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Scott Ortman.

Main text and SI of published paper in PDF format. The SI includes a series of datasets derived from the Basin of Mexico surveys that are analyzed in the main text.

Settlement Zone Communities of The Greater Blue Creek Area - Occasional Paper 2 (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert Lichtenstein.

The present work is an archaeological study of the settlement zone of the greater Blue Creek Area, located in the upper Rio Hondo drainage of northwestern Belize. The excavation data reported here were recovered during the 1997 and 1998 field seasons of the Maya Research Program's Blue Creek Project inder the direction of Dr. Thomas H. Guderjan PhD.

Social Reactors Project datasets
PROJECT Uploaded by: Scott Ortman

Datasets from various publications of the Social Reactors Project

The Status of Excavations and Research at Blue Creek - 1997 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas Guderjan. David Driver. Helen Haines.

This report provides an overview of six years of fieldwork and research at the Blue Creek site. At this stage the project is designed to be an investigation of the internal structure of a single Maya city, with consideration of the city's temporal and functional dynamics as well as relationships with its neighbors. This report summarizes the status of these efforts both topically and in terms of fieldwork accomplished and future field seasons.

Summary data for Romano-British settlements (2024)
DATASET Uploaded by: Scott Ortman

A key question in economic history is the degree to which preindustrial economies could generate sustained increases in per capita productivity. Previous studies suggest that, in many preindustrial contexts, growth was primarily a consequence of agglomeration. Here, we examine evidence for three different socioeconomic rates that are available from the archaeological record for Roman Britain. We find that all three measures show increasing returns to scale with settlement population, with a...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Ruins of Tikal" (with border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Ruins of Tikal" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Bejucal Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Camp Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Corriental Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Encanto Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Great Plaza Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "North Zone Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Perdido Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Temple IV Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Georeferenced Map- "Temple of the Inscriptions Quadrangle" (without border) (2013)
GEOSPATIAL Christopher Carr.

These maps are georeferenced versions of the maps produced by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, project at Tikal, Guatemala and published as Tikal Report 11. These georeferenced maps are intended for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) software. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of Tikal National Park. This map set consists of eleven georeferenced maps. The set includes two versions of the overview map of the central sixteen square...

Tikal Report 11: Map of the Ruins of Tikal, El Petén, Guatemala (1961)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert F. Carr. James E. Hazard.

In 1956 The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, under contract from the Guatemalan government, began what would be a fifteen-year project of archaeological and biological research, site restoration and touristic development at the ancient Maya site of Tikal, Guatemala. As one of its first efforts, the Penn Project produced a series of paper maps of the site. Edwin M. Shook, field director, reports that much of the first two seasons (1956, 1957) was devoted to building camp, digging...

Tikal Report 11: Map of the Ruins of Tikal, El Petén, Guatemala and Georeferenced Versions of the Maps Therein
PROJECT Uploaded by: Christopher Carr

This archive is in two parts. The first part is Tikal Report 11, published in 1961, which presents the ten maps produced by the Tikal Project of The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania. The second part is georeferenced versions of the ten maps for use with GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software. The georeferencing was based on field data collected in 2010 by the Tikal Project of the University of Cincinnati. The maps should be useful for archaeologists, tourists and managers of...

Tikal Report 34, Part A: Additions and Alterations: A Commentary on the Architecture of the North Acropolis, Tikal, Guatemala
PROJECT Uploaded by: Leigh Anne Ellison

A comprehensive series of reconstructed views rendered in colors approximating the original finishes of polished plaster and paint, with 42 different stages of development in three-dimensional form, show what the Acropolis looked like at various times from ca. 330 BCE to CE 600. On an accompanying CD-ROM 112 color plates show constructions of individual structures and some photos of Acropolis fabric at the time of excavation and consolidation. The text accompanying the color plates provides a...

Tikal Report 34, Part A: Additions and Alterations: A Commentary on the Architecture of the North Acropolis, Tikal, Guatemala (2007)
DOCUMENT Citation Only H. Stanley Loten.

A comprehensive series of reconstructed views rendered in colors approximating the original finishes of polished plaster and paint, with 42 different stages of development in three-dimensional form, show what the Acropolis looked like at various times from ca. 330 BCE to CE 600. On an accompanying CD-ROM 112 color plates include constructions of individual structures and some photos of Acropolis fabric at the time of excavation and consolidation. The text accompanying the color plates provides a...