Isolated Artifact (Site Type Keyword)
Parent: Archaeological Feature
A find spot containing a single artifact.
176-200 (784 Records)
A program of augering residential mounds preceeded the selection of mounds for residential test excavations. These pdf files have the data forms and associated notes related to the auger testing, done in 1987.
Archival Excavation Records 1987 (1987)
Residential mound excavations during 1987 were recorded with forms, and artifacts from the excavations were recorded on forms.
Archival Survey Feature or Collection Forms (2012)
These are pdf files of the original survey feature/collection forms. Each survey feature was recorded on a form and assigned a unique number, and, if the feature was collected, that number pertains to the surface collection. Some features have more than one collection, in which case additional feature/collection numbers were assigned. Rarely numbers were subsequently de-assigned, and might then be assigned to a different feature/collection later, but occasionally numbers were not used...
Archival Survey Field Forms (2012)
These pdf files show forms for fields where survey was conducted and the locations of features/collections within the field, along with vegetation and other observations. These files are only available with special permission because those from seasons when global positioning equipment was used have UTM coordinates. Those from survey using aerial mosaics sometimes show roads or towns identifiable on maps.
Archival Survey Figurine Forms (2012)
These laboratory forms record figurine classifications.
Archival Survey Misc Artifact Forms (2012)
These pdfs contain the original laboratory coding forms for a variety of miscellaneous artifacts, such as spindle whorls, incensarios, colanders,clay balls, and other unusual ceramic forms. Artifacts related to ceramic production are included.
Archival Survey Obsidian Forms (2012)
Obsidian coding forms from the PALM regional survey and associated notes. The obsidian coding was directed by Lynette Heller.
Archival Survey Pottery Forms (2012)
These archival forms recorded pottery types and attributes for survey collections. Some show updates or corrections when pottery was reexamined, but a few updates were made directly on electronic database or excel files.
Arizona State University: 1988 and 1990 Field Season Survey, Preliminary Reports (1991)
The 1988 and 1990 Arizona State University archaeological field schools were part of a continuing, long term research project in and around the Zuni Indian Reservation of west central New Mexico. This is a preliminary report on these two seasons. In addition to survey, excavation was carried out at two sites, the Hinkson Ranch Site and Heshotauthla. These excavations will be reported on elsewhere and are not the subject of this report other than a brief statement of their relationship to the...
Artifact Catalog Codes and Analysis Methods, Phase I Investigations, Nebraska Avenue Complex (2010)
This record contains artifact catalog codes and artifact analysis methods for phase I investigations of sites 51NW228 and IA4520, Nebraska Avenue Complex, Washington D.C.
Artifact Catalog, Archaeological Survey of Pender Camp Wastewater Force Main, Fort A.P. Hill (2011)
Artifact catalog from the Archaeological Survey of Pender Camp Wastewater Force Main, Fort A.P. Hill. See the applicable Utility Codes (, also in this project.
Artifact Catalog, TA11 Shop Road, Fort Lee (2011)
Artifact catalog for TA 11 Shop Road Phase investigations.
Artifact Inventory, Phase I Investigations, Nebraska Avenue Complex (2010)
This record contains an artifact inventory for phase I investigations of sites 51NW228 and IA4520, Nebraska Avenue Complex, Washington D.C.
Artifact Photograph, Archaeological Survey of Pender Camp Wastewater Force Main, Fort A.P. Hill (2011)
Photograph of a scraper collected as part of the Survey of Pender Camp Wastewater Force Main, Fort A.P. Hill
Artifact Photographs, Phase I Investigations, Nebraska Avenue Complex (2010)
This record contains artifact photographs for phase I investigations of sites 51NW228 and IA4520, Nebraska Avenue Complex, Washington D.C.
Assessment of Cultural Resource Studies Conducted at Kirtland Air Force Base, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1988)
Since 1978 Kirtland Air Force Base and Sandia Laboratories have contracted for thorough on-ground surveys for the identification and evaluation of prehistoric and historic archaeological sites. A total of 13 surveys were completed for 31,281 acres on the Base and Forest Service Withdrawal Lands between 1978 and 1985. On May 7, 1987, Mariah Associates, Inc. was awarded the first of a three-phase contract designed to provide a comprehensive historic preservation plan for Kirtland Air Force Base....
An Assessment of Cultural Resources for the Proposed APS Kyrene EHV Transmission Line Project (1980)
At the request of Judith Imhoff of the Environmental Management Department of Arizona Public Service Company, Archaeological Consulting Services (ACS) initiated a cultural resource survey for the proposed 230 kV transmission line extension in the vicinity of the Kyrene Steam Power Plant. Dr. Richard W. Effland and Margerie Green of ACS served as co-principal investigators and field directors for the project. Johna Hutira and Shereen Lerner assisted in the field investigation. The purpose of...
AUX-1: Cultural Resources Inventory (1995)
AUX-1 is one component to be included in a cultural resources management plan (CRMP) being developed for Luke AFB to deal proactively with cultural resources located on facilities under the jurisdiction of the Base. This report includes data collected to provide documentation in support of that effort as well as a proposal by the Air Force to continue and increase a variety of military deployment and training exercises at the facility. These continued and proposed actions -include weapons...
Avon Park Air Force Range: Phase I Survey of Selected Areas and Phase II Testing at Site 8HG20/8HG27, 8PO1007, and 8PO6084, 2008-2009 (2009)
During the winter of 2008–2009, Geo-Marine, Inc., conducted cultural resources survey and site evaluations at Avon Park Air Force Range in Polk and Highlands counties, Florida. Investigations included a Phase I archaeological survey of eight selected, noncontiguous tracts in five different areas covering approximately 1,580 acres. Survey was based on previously determined zones of high, medium, and low probability for archaeological sites, with the goal of identifying all cultural resources...
Avon Park Parson's Survey: Sites 8HG880, 8HG881, 8HG882
Phase I and Phase II investigations of three sites on Avon Park Air Force Air Force Range.
Botanical Resources: Corn (1985)
The corn dataset was used in association with an intensive botanical study designed to identify different varieties of corn in the assemblage of corn cobs and plant fragments recovered in the course of DAP fieldwork. The variables in this dataset contain information and measurements pertaining to the number or rows of kernels on an ear, its shape and size, and various details about glumes, cupules, and kernels. Variables for the CORN10 dataset have been described by Wilshusen et al. (1999);...
Botanical Resources: Pollen (1985)
The pollen dataset contains basic provenience data for each pollen sample collected. These data are accompanied by taxonomic classification and the grain count per taxon. Detailed locational information can be obtained by linking this dataset with the provenience dataset. Variables for the corn dataset have already been described by Wilshusen et al. (1999). In most cases, their descriptions are suitable for use as metadata and have been repeated almost verbatim here. Selected resources from the...
Boundary Delineation and Limited Testing of Several Sites on the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation, Maricopa County, Arizona (1994)
Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted survey of 200 acres and limited testing of cultural resources on Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache Indian Community (FMIC) land at the request of Mr. Jon Czaplicki of the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation). The work was performed to define the boundaries of archaeological sites to be avoided by agricultural development. Eight sites were slated for preservation; however, only seven sites were relocated and flagged, and two new sites were...
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Resources
Project metadata for resources within the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station cultural heritage resources collection.
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, A Centennial History of the First Prehistoric Reserve, 1892-1992 (1992)
This report concerns the four time periods of the Hohokam Indians and the century of administrative history of the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument from 1892 to 1992.