1-10 (10 Records)
This report discusses a 3-year remote sensing survey off the Normandy coast to obtain additional information on U.S. naval losses during Operation Neptune. The Navy History Center will use this data to create a cultural resources management planning document and gain future research baseline data to evaluate site significance.
Archaeological Remote Sensing Survey of Operation Neptune: The D-Day Landings at Omaha and Utah Beaches, Normandy, France - Report (Legacy 01-131) (2002)
This report discusses a 3-year remote sensing survey off the Normandy coast to obtain additional information on U.S. naval losses during Operation Neptune. The Navy History Center will use this data to create a cultural resources management planning document and gain future research baseline data to evaluate site significance.
Lake Champlain Underwater Cultural Resources Survey - Volume IV: 1999 Results and Volume V: 2000 Results (2001)
Some of the information in this record was migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R). In May of 2013, Digital Antiquity curators found a digital copy of the report and added it to the record along with additional metadata for the general descriptive information about the report. The following text is from the Abstract of the report. The introduction of zebra mussels in the early 1990s and the inevitable approaching infestation of quagga mussels...
Lake Champlain Underwater Cultural Resources Survey - Volume VI: 2001 Results and Volume VII: 2002 Results (2002)
The introduction of zebra mussels in the early 1990s and the inevitable approaching infestation of quagga mussels seriously threaten Lake Champlain's underwater cultural resources. These non-native aquatic nuisance species endanger the preservation of submerged cultural resources, obscure them, and hinder their documentation and study. Mussel colonies also threaten to degrade underwater cultural resources physically because of their weight and corrosive action. As of this writing, no effective...
Long Branch Lake Survey 1974-1978
The Long Branch Lake Survey 1974–1978 was authorized under the Flood Control Act of 1965 (Grantham 1986:1). The investigation was initiated because the construction of Long Branch Lake would directly impact and result in the loss of significant archaeological data. Since preservation was unfeasible, the USACE, Kansas City District, contracted with Northeast Missouri State University to recover archaeological data in order to mitigate the effects of construction. Between the summer of 1974 and...
Submerged Cultural Resources Study: USS Arizona Memorial and Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark (1989)
This monograph is one in a series of reports that emanate from the offices of the Submerged Cultural Resources Unit in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Intended to fulfill several functions, it is primarily a source document for managers and researchers who will be involved in future stewardship of the USS ARIZONA and other period resources in Pearl Harbor. Chapter I, written by Daniel J. Lenihan, provides an introduction to the volume, discusses the accomplishments by year, the research design, and a...
U.S. Navy Shipwrecks and Submerged Naval Aircraft in Washington: An Overview (Legacy 93-0856)
The report includes a summary of the Navy's presence in the state of Washington, including various naval installations (e.g., Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Naval Air Stations Seattle, Whidbey Island, and Pasco). The report describes the archival research conducted to account for and characterize the US Navy shipwrecks and submerged aircraft in Washington waters.
U.S. Navy Shipwrecks and Submerged Naval Aircraft in Washington: An Overview - Report (Legacy 93-0856) (1996)
The report includes a summary of the Navy's presence in the state of Washington, including various naval installations (e.g., Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Naval Air Stations Seattle, Whidbey Island, and Pasco). The report describes the archival research conducted to account for and characterize the US Navy shipwrecks and submerged aircraft in Washington waters.
Underwater Cultural Resources Management and Protection: U.S. Navy Shipwrecks in Hawaiian Waters, an Inventory of Submerged Naval Properties (Legacy 01-121)
This survey report summarizes all known information for submerged U.S. naval properties in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands, based on various published and unpublished documents, oral reports, previously completed archaeological investigations, and archival resources. The report includes background information on the environmental setting of Hawaii, prehistoric and historic contexts, potential National Register nominations, and management recommendations.
Underwater Cultural Resources Management and Protection: U.S. Navy Shipwrecks in Hawaiian Waters, an Inventory of Submerged Naval Properties - Report (Legacy 01-121) (2003)
This survey report summarizes all known information for submerged U.S. naval properties in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands, based on various published and unpublished documents, oral reports, previously completed archaeological investigations, and archival resources. The report includes background information on the environmental setting of Hawaii, prehistoric and historic contexts, potential National Register nominations, and management recommendations.