Plantation (Site Type Keyword)
26-33 (33 Records)
Archaeological Investigations at the Ossabaw Tabbies - WRD Workshop: Background Information, Schedule, Field Notes, Artifact- and Excavation Forms
Overview: Historic and Archaeological Resources Protection (HARP) Plan, Charleston Naval Weapons Station, South Carolina (1996)
This overview for the Historic and Archaeological Resources Protection Plan (HARP) for the Charleston Naval Weapons Station, Berkeley and Charleston Counties, South Carolina is designed to inventory known National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) resources, determine the general location of potential NRHP resources, and to evaluate the likelihood that future undertakings may affect such resources on property owned by the Naval Weapons Station, Charleston (henceforth referred to as the NWS for...
Photo Log, Windsor Plantation (Site 44CE0110), Fort A.P. Hill (2009)
Photo Log for the archaeological investigations conducted at Windsor Plantation (Site 44CE0110), Fort A.P. Hill.
A Place known as Chocolate (2007)
REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS Antonio J. Waring, Jr. Archaeological Laboratory University of West Georgia, Carrollton
Progress Report on Archaeological Exploration of Tabby Number 2, North End Plantation, Osssabaw Island (1996)
Historic preservation efforts to stabilize and restore the tabby buildings on the North End Plantation, Ossabaw Island, Georgia are currently being directed by the Ossabaw Island Foundation (OIF), in coordination with the Historic Preservation Division, Georgia Department ofNatural Resources (HPD, GDNR). The tabby buildings on this site were recently recognized as important cultural resources by the Save America's Treasures unit of the National Park Service. Archaeological study of the tabbys is...
Progress Report on Archaeological Investigations within Tabby 1, North End Plantation, Ossabaw Island, Georgia (2006)
Archaeologists with the LAMAR Institute completed field excavations within Tabby 1 of the North End Plantation (Site 9Ch1062) on Ossabaw Island, Georgia. This work focused on three primary goals: • Assess the age of the building • Identify any surviving evidence of the original chimney structure • Contribute to the understanding of past lifeways in this dwelling. ...
Sapelo Island
Sapelo Island Project
Sapelo Island: Archaeological Survey and Testing at High Point Plantation (9MC66), Sapelo Island, Georgia (2008)
Final Report of UTC' s Archaeological Survey