Possible Occupation (Site Type Keyword)

1-3 (3 Records)

AR03-07, A Preliminary Report on the Van Nuys Site, A Probable Woodland Occupation Area, in AR03, Archaeological Reports
PROJECT B. K. Swartz, Jr..

This tDAR Project page represents Chapter 7 (pp. 23-24) of Archeological Report 03 (Archaeological Reports) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University.

AR03-07, Chapter 7, A Preliminary Report on the Van Nuys Site, A Probable Woodland Occupation Area, in AR03, Archaeological Reports (1968)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ben Morris.

This tDAR document page represents Chapter 7 (pp. 23-24) of Archeological Report 03 (Archaeological Reports) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University.

AR03-IMAGES, Archaeological Reports
PROJECT B. K. Swartz, Jr..

This tDAR Project contains all the artifact images and 3D artifact models available for all chapters in AR03. To find details on the context of each artifact, the user is referred to the projects in this collection for the respective chapters. Archeological Report 03 (Archaeological Reports) from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University.