Classic Mimbres Period (Temporal Keyword)
276-300 (532 Records)
The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...
EMAP Las Animas (LA 3949) – Photographs
The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1993, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1993 Nelson was at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both moved to Arizona State University, where they and the project reside...
EMAP Las Animas (LA 3949) – Unit Summaries
Las Animas – Unit Summaries The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1993, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1993 Nelson was at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995 both moved to Arizona State University, where...
EMAP Las Animas (LA3949) - Maps (2003)
EMAP Las Animas - Preliminary map of the Black Mountain Phase The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and...
EMAP Las Animas - LA3949 unit 80, 1995 (1995)
The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...
EMAP Las Animas Village (LA3949) - Field Notes
The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In 1995...
EMAP Las Animas Village (LA3949) - Maps
EMAP Las Animas Village (LA3949) - Maps The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1990, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1982 Nelson was at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque and in the early 1990s at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New...
EMAP Las Animas Village (LA3949) Reconstructable Vessels (2017)
Photographs of all reconstructable vessels from Las Animas Village (LA3949). The Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project, co-directed by Drs. Margaret Nelson and Michelle Hegmon began in 1993, building upon earlier work by Nelson. EMAP focuses on the later (post-AD 1000) prehistory of the eastern Mimbres area, a portion of the Mimbres region in southwest New Mexico. In 1993 Nelson was at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and Hegmon was at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. In...
EMAP Las Animas Village (LA3949) Unit Lines .shp (2017)
Maps are derived from field maps and published maps of the site.
EMAP Las Animas Village (LA3949) Units .shp (2017)
Maps are derived from field maps and published maps of the site.
EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 11 & 12, 1994 (1994)
Units 11 and 12 on the Las Animas site (LA 3949) are located next to each other on the extreme southeastern portion of the Black Mountain phase roomblocks. Unit eleven's eastern wall was readily apparent as a double course row of large river cobbles, while Unit 12 covered an area immediately to the northwest of Unit 11. Unit 11 contains two rooms while Unit 12 may only represent an area immediately outside of Unit eleven's two rooms as well as Unit 13.
EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 13, 1994 (1994)
Unit 13 is located on the Black Mountain phase of Las Animas Village. Las Animas Village consists of several room blocks of Classic Mimbres affiliation along with the later Black Mountain phase occupation. There is a tentative third occupation on top of portions of the Black Mountain Phase which is being referred to as Salado. The Las Animas site sits atop a one of a series of rocky benches overlooking the Animas drainage. A spring fed stream runs along portions of the benches drainage...
EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 15, 1995 (1995)
This report summarizes the excavation and findings of Unit 15 at the Las Animas site (LA3949) located on the ladder ranch in Cabalo, New Mexico. Excavations were conducted during the 1995 summer field season from July 2 to August 6 by students from Suny @ Buffalo and NMSU under the direction of Dr. Margaret C. Nelson (UB) and Dr. Michelle Hegmon (NMSU). Data from this Unit contributes to the ongoing research of classic and post classic Mimbres occupation of the region.
EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 16, 18, & 19, 1995 (1995)
Unit 16 is the southernmost unit excavated at Las Animas Village during the 1995 field season, located approximately 35 meters south of the Black Mountain Phase plaza area. The unit lies on a narrow finger of the mesa top, and the downward sloping ground surfaces to the east, south and west create channels for water and erosion. This area of the Black Mountain Phase pueblo has been explored in previous field seasons: Units 10 and 15 lie immediately to the north of Unit 16, Unit 5 lies adjacent...
EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 17, 1995 (1995)
Unit 16 is the southernmost unit excavated at Las Animas Village during the 1995 field season, located approximately 35 meters south of the Black Mountain Phase plaza area. The unit lies on a narrow finger of the mesa top, and the downward sloping ground surfaces to the east, south and west create channels for water and erosion. This area of the Black Mountain Phase pueblo has been explored in previous field seasons: Units 10 and 15 lie immediately to the north of Unit 16, Unit 5 lies adjacent...
EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 200, 1994 (1994)
This paper summarizes the findings from excavation of Unit 200 from site LA3949 (previously 93NM1000) located on the Ladder Ranch in Sierra County, New Mexico. Excavation of this unit was initiated in June 1994 and completed in August 1994. The site excavations at LA3949 were conducted by students enrolled in an archaeological field school accredited by University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY) and New Mexico State University (NMSU) as part of the ongoing Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project...
EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 30, 1997 (1997)
This report summarizes the 1997 excavation of unit 30. Included are summaries of the excavation strategy used and the depositional history of unit 30. Also included is the excavators' interpretation of how the gathered data relate to the research design. The research design as it pertains to Black Mountain Phase occupation consists of documenting the chronology of large villages and understanding the sites' participation in land use patterns and in regional interaction networks.
EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 31, 1997 (1997)
During the summer field season of 1997, staff from the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP), under the direction of Dr. Michelle A. Hegmon and Dr. Margaret C. Nelson (Arizona State University) continued excavations at LA3949 (Las Animas Village). The 1997 field crew included EMAP staff from Arizona State University, and students enrolled in the ASU summer archaeological field school. This report provides a summary of excavation strategy for Excavation Unit 31, interpretation of the...
EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 4, 1993 (1993)
This unit summary documents the excavation of one room, referred to as Unit 4, during the summer months of June, July, and August at Site 93NM1000 on the Ladder Ranch. Excavation of this unit was conducted by Todd Agthe (B.A. Anthropology, New Mexico State University) with the help of fellow staff members and New Mexico State University Field School students. The excavation was supervised by Michael Diehl (University at Buffalo).
EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 5, 1993-1994 (1993)
Site LA3949 is located on a mesa top, a first bench, overlooking the Las Animas drainage. A smaller creek-bed running approximately north-south lies along the north and east of the site. The Las Animas drainage is considered to have been a perennial water source at the time of prehistoric inhabitable. Currently, the creek-bed often holds some water, at least in parts of the bed.
EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 50, 1993 (1993)
The 1993 field season (end of June through mid August) was spent mitigating sites on the Ladder Ranch in Caballo, New Mexico. The season, with funding from the Turner foundation, and direction from Dr. Margaret Nelson (SUNY Buffalo) and Dr. Michelle Hegmon (NMSU), was spent excavating two sites on the ranch. The Palomas site (LA37691) and the Las Animas site were both excavated. This unit summary will summarize the excavation of a single pueblo room, Unit 50, on the Las Animas site (93NM1000)...
EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 51, 1993 (1993)
The following summarization details the excavation of unit 51 from site 93NM1000 located on the Ladder Ranch in Sierra County, New Mexico. Excavation on this unit was initiated in June of 1993 and completed in August of 1993. The 1993 site excavations at 93NM1000 were conducted by students enrolled in an archaeological field school accredited by the State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY) and New Mexico State University (NMSU). The field school was administrated by Dr. Margaret Nelson of...
EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 6, 1993 (1993)
93NM1000 (Las Animas village) is a fairly large Classic Mimbres/Post Mimbres phase habitation site located on the Ladder Ranch, near the town of Hillsboro, New Mexico. The site contains approximately 60-100 cobble masonry rooms (clustered into seventeen room blocks), plazas, extramural features and a dense lithic and ceramic scatter. Between June 19 and August 12, 1993, the Las Animas village was one of two prehistoric sites excavated as part of the Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project...
EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 60, 1994 (1994)
The following synopsis details the excavation of unit 60 from site LA3949 located on the Ladder Ranch in Sierra County, New Mexico. Excavation on this unit was initiated on June 20, 1994 and completed on July 29, 1994. The 1994 site operations at LA3949 were conducted by students of the State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY) and New Mexico State University (NMSU). All excavations were conducted as a part of the ongoing Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project (EMAP) under the direction of...
EMAP Las Animas – LA3949 Unit 7, 1993 (1993)
The purpose of this report is to document the results of excavations of Unit 7 of site 93NM1000. 93NM1000 is an apparent Late Classic/Post Classic Mimbres site of at least 85 rooms. Excavation occurred during June, July and August of 1993 by graduate students from the Anthropology Departments of the State University of New York at Buffalo, New Mexico State University and other institutions, as well as by undergraduate students enrolled in the Archaeological Field School at NMSU. Excavation of...