Early 17th century (Temporal Keyword)

1-18 (18 Records)

1607 to 1619: An Examination of Change over Time at James Fort (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Danny W. Schmidt. Lisa E. Fischer.

Within the first few weeks of landing on Jamestown Island in the spring of 1607 the colonists set about constructing a triangular palisaded fort. At first tents served to house the colonists, and to shelter their place of worship. Slowly but surely with the first public buildings, the storehouse and the church, more permanent structures began to rise. The interior of the fort would see many changes during these years, both reflected in the documentary record as well as the archaeological record....

An Analysis of Marked and Decorated White Clay Tobacco Pipes from the Lower Patuxent Drainage (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Katherine D. Cavallo.

This paper examines the types, quantities, and distributions of marked and decorated white clay tobacco pipes from four 17th century archaeological sites located along the lower Patuxent River in southern Maryland. Although marked pipes often account for a relatively small percentage of total pipe assemblages, important patterns in both their temporal and spatial distribution are clearly evident. For example, even though records indicate that Bristol pipemaker Llewellin Evans was working from...

Archaeological Indicators of Native American Influences on English Life in the Colonial Chesapeake (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Edward E. Chaney.

All too often, archaeological studies of the Contact Period, as it occurred in the Chesapeake Bay region, have focused on the European impact on Native American life. The opposite side of this interaction—the effects Indians had on colonial life—has been downplayed. Indian-made artifacts found on colonial sites are often seen as little more than indicators of “trade.” However, a closer examination of the evidence suggests that the Native impact on English settlers was more profound. Using data...

An Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture
PROJECT Julia King.

Using detailed comparisons of the archaeological assemblages from 18 early sites in the Chesapeake, this project explores the material conditions of culture contact, plantation development and organization, the rise of slavery, and consumer behavior. Comparable artifact databases have been created for the 18 sites, and analysis of artifact distributions has provided great insight into differences and similarities.

Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture, Coding Conventions for Comprehensive Artifact Catalog (2004)
DATASET Gregory Brown.

Coding Conventions for the use of the comprehensive artifact catalog associated with the Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture project. Also linked to the Manual for the comprehensive artifact catalog.

Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture, Comprehensive Artifact Catalog (2004)
DATASET Gregory Brown.

Comprehensive artifact catalog for the Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture project, an NEH-funded comparative analysis of 18 early seventeenth-century archaeological sites in the Chesapeake region. The artifact catalog, composed of about 186,000 records, was created from the individual artifact catalogs for the 18 sites, combined and standardized into a single MS Access database. The associated manual and coding conventions documents (below) explain in detail how to use the...

Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture, Manual for Comprehensive Artifact Catalog (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gregory Brown.

Manual for the use of the comprehensive artifact catalog associated with the Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture project. Also linked to the Coding Conventions for the comprehensive artifact catalog.

A Comparative Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture: Project Update (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Catherine Alston.

In 2003, a consortium of researchers at various institutions undertook the project, ‘A Comparative Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture,’ funded by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. This project is designed to document and interpret the interactions between the multiple groups that made up the Chesapeake society by comparing material culture recovered from various colonial sites in Maryland and Virginia. The...

Digital Technology in Comparative Studies (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Catherine Alston.

Conducting comparative archaeological studies is a trend that has developed over the past few decades, and with each project the concept and methodologies become more and more robust. In doing such comparative projects, digital technologies are essential for a successful study. Due to a comprehensive database set and the ability to spatially map the material culture recovered at the sites, the project “A Comparative Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture” is proving to be a powerful...

An Enigmatic Monarch: The Biography of a Headless, Mold-made, White Pipe Clay Pipe King Recovered in 17th Century Maryland (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Anne Dowling Grulich.

This article follows a diminutive, headless, seventeenth century pipe clay figurine of a king from its conception in post-medieval Europe through its use, interment, and rebirth three centuries later in southern Maryland, USA. It is not so much the monarch it represents or the historical figure who owned it, but the meanings embodied by the artifact and our role in that process that this biography develops. This battered 300 year old figurine beckons us with its props and its demeanor. ...

History of the Timber Industry in Sweden and Women Supplying the Swedish Navy (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anne Carlhem.

Sweden has rich natural resources: timber, iron, copper, with established transport/trade routes, over land and water, from Viking times. Lightly populated-sufficient labor to extract these resources was a problem. Swedish timber was coveted due to slow growth rate when compared to other countries. Oak was valuable and protected by royal proclamation. The Thirty Years War meant the loss of half of the able-bodied men in Sweden. This caused an increase of women/widows taking on patriarchal roles...

An Iberian Smuggler and His Ill-Fated Ship: 2013-2014 Field Surveys for the Navio of Pedro Díaz Carlos (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only George Schwarz.

In March of 1608, Captain Pedro Díaz Carlos and crew were returning to Spain from a round trip South American voyage. His small vessel was loaded with sugar and other goods when it was shipwrecked at the southernmost tip of Portugal while crewmembers attempted to unload contraband. Possibly a patacho or small caravela, Carlos’s ship represents a light class of vessels used for both trans-Atlantic voyaging and coastal work for which we have scant archaeological evidence. In addition to...

The Importance of Plow Zone Archaeology (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Julia King.

In the last 25 years, a number of studies have emerged demonstrating that, while vertical stratigraphy is indeed destroyed by plowing, the horizontal or spatial distribution of materials is affected only minimally. Artifacts recovered from plow zone contexts are usually found close to where they were both used and discarded, with important implications for examining the spatial layout of archaeological sites. Distributions of plow zone artifacts and soil chemicals have been used to identify room...

Locally-Made Tobacco Pipes in the Colonial Chesapeake (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text C. Jane Cox. Al Luckenbach. Dave Gadsby. Shawn Sharpe.

Tobacco pipes made in the colonial Chesapeake are often referred to as “terra-cotta” pipes. Made of local clays, they often exhibit a brown, reddish, earthen color, though they also come in a fascinating array of colors from orange to pink to almost pure white. These New World products have been fascinating Tidewater archaeologists for decades. Who in colonial society most likely produced and used terra-cotta pipes has been an ongoing discussion for over three decades. Theories have...

Measuring the Advent of Gentility (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Dennis J. Pogue.

My own long-term interest has been to trace the process by which English cultural norms were adapted to New World conditions, to provide insight into why that adaptation occurred, and to assess the role of material culture in effecting that change. As such these are the kinds of questions that have been in the air at least since the 1970s, but which require a rich corpus of comparative and regionally representative evidence in order for archaeologists to have any hope of success in answering...

Notions of Comfort in the Early Colonial Chesapeake (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Philip Levy. John Coombs. David Muraca.

In previous papers we have sought to use archaeological data to rethink some of the reigning assumptions about life in colonial Chesapeake, and move toward a new vision of an early colonial Virginia “frontier.” Our work has focused principally on a few sites in the Virginia tidewater and along the upper reaches of the Rappahannock spanning the years between 1640 and 1760. Last year, for example, we used the artifactual and architectural data from a circa 1690 Rappahannock plantation to argue...

On Living and Dying in the Colonial Chesapeake (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Catherine Alston.

A group of scholars interested in the daily lives and social and cultural relationships of the inhabitants of the Colonial Chesapeake developed the project A Comparative Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture, funded in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. Beginning in the fall of 2003 we began collecting information from 18 rural 17th to 18th century archaeological sites in Maryland and Virginia into digital form....

Phase II Archeological Evaluation of West Area 1, St. Clement's Island Shell MIdden Site 18ST686, St. Mary's County, Maryland (1998)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael J. Klein. Phillip Hill. Janet L. Friedman.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].