Civil War, 1861-1865 (Temporal Keyword)
1-13 (13 Records)
Brockington and Associates, Inc., undertook testing investigations at 38CH463, 38CH1774, 38CH1775, and 38CH1777 on the Grimball Farms Tract in January - March 2004. We recommend sites 38CH463 and 38CH1777 not eligible for the NRHP. We recommend sites 38CH1774 and 38CH1775 eligible for the NRHP. These sites cannot be preserved and development activities at these sites will have an adverse effect on the sites. We recommend data recovery excavations at 38CH1774 and 38CH1775 to mitigate the...
Archival and Geophysical Investigations to Locate a Civil War Cemetery and Railroad Station, Fort Lee (FL2010.012)
In September, 2008, the Cultural Resources Management Program (CRMP) at Fort Lee, Virginia requested assistance from the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) in identifying a Civil War cemetery believed to have been located on what is now Fort Lee. One of the few clues about the cemetery’s location was that it was near Meade (or Meade’s) Station, a United States Military Rail Road (USMRR) station constructed during the Civil...
Archival and Geophysical Investigations to Locate a Civil War Cemetery and Railroad Station, Fort Lee, Virginia (2010)
In September, 2008, the Cultural Resources Management Program (CRMP) at Fort Lee, Virginia requested assistance from the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) in identifying a Civil War cemetery believed to have been located on what is now Fort Lee. One of the few clues about the cemetery’s location was that it was near Meade (or Meade’s) Station, a United States Military Rail Road (USMRR) station constructed during the Civil...
Artifact Catalog, Site 44PG317, Fort Lee (2012)
Artifact catalog from Phase 2 archaeological and historical evaluations conducted at 44PG317, a 19th century domestic site owned and occupied by a freed black family from 1823 through the 1st decade of the 20th century. The Phase 2 evaluation indicates that the site, which contains intact features and fits into an historic context emphasizing the 19th century from the Federal and Antebellum periods through the Civil War and Postbellum periods. Further, since the site was owned and occupied...
The Civil War era in Indian Territory (1974)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].
The Confederate Upper Battery site, Grand Gulf, Mississippi excavations, 1982 (1984)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].
Intensive Archaeological Investigations of a Proposed Access Road Corridor and Interpretive Center Location, Resaca Battlefield (2008)
New South Associates conducted archival research and archaeological survey for a portion of the May 9-15, 1864, Resaca battleground. The area of potential effects (APE) for this project is defined as 44.95 acres that are threatened by direct impacts from the proposed construction of an access road and interpretive center for the proposed Resaca State Park. This archaeological survey was conducted for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Parks, Recreation, and Historic Sites.
Investigation of a Slave Row at Spanish Wells Plantation: Archaeological Data Recovery at 38BU869, Spanish Pointe, HIlton Head Island, South Carolina (1993)
Data recovery excavations and archival research were conducted at site 38BU869, Spanish Pointe residential development tract, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. The research was conducted to comply with federal, state, and Town of Hilton Head regulations regarding archaeological cultural resources. The site includes a former slave row of Spanish Wells Plantation and a Civil War picket post. The proposed development in the site area will include road construction and low density residential...
Phase II Archaeological and Historical Investigations of 44PG317, An Early 19th Century Free Black Farmstead, Prince George County, Virginia (1990)
This report presents the results of Phase 2 archaeological and historical evaluations conducted at 44Pg317, a 19th century domestic site owned and occupied by a freed black family from 1823 through the 1st decade of the 20th century. The Phase 2 evaluation indicates that the site, which contains intact features and fits into an historic context emphasizing the 19th century from the Federal and Antebellum periods through the Civil War and Postbellum periods. Further, since the site was owned...
Phase II Archaeological and Historical Investigations, Site 44PG317, Fort Lee (FL1990.001)
Results of Phase 2 archaeological and historical evaluations conducted at 44PG317, a 19th century domestic site owned and occupied by a freed black family from 1823 through the 1st decade of the 20th century. The Phase 2 evaluation indicates that the site, which contains intact features and fits into an historic context emphasizing the 19th century from the Federal and Antebellum periods through the Civil War and Postbellum periods. Further, since the site was owned and occupied by a free...
Recovered Civil War Era Bayonet - Electrolytic Conservation of Iron Artifacts (2009)
Due to the nature of the find, any contextual analysis of the artifact would be purely speculative. The bayonet was recovered from a deep excavation pit which contained several layers of artificial fill which had, over time, been added on top of the natural strata of the original ground surface. Without out knowing the exact positioning within the layers it can not be determined if the artifact was in its original place of deposition or it was brought in as part of the fill. The area of...
Recovered Civil War Era Bayonet, Fort Lee (FL2009.003)
On Thursday, October 22nd 2009, Fort Lee archaeologists were asked to report to the construction area off of Carver Avenue between Sisisky and 5th Avenues. After arriving at the site, the archaeologist recovered a heavily corroded bayonet which had been inadvertently excavated by heavy machinery. The area of discovery was an approximately ten foot deep excavated pit within the limits of construction. After the surrounding area was searched for additional cultural remains it was determined...
A selected, annotated bibliography of sources in the Kansas State Historical Society pertaining to Kansas in the Civil War (1961)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].