Middle Formative (Temporal Keyword)
1-6 (6 Records)
These are the raw data files associated with the analysis of archaeobotanical remains recovered from excavations of the Middle Formative La Blanca and Late Formative El Ujuxte, Guatemala. Aside from the raw botanical data, these files include the 1996,1997, and 2000 informes from El Ujuxte and the 2005 and 2008 informes from La Blanca.
Population and History in the Ancient Titicaca Basin (2001)
Matthew Bandy's doctoral dissertation, reporting the results of a settlement survey of 98 square kilometers on the Taraco Peninsula, an area of the Tiwanaku Heartland in the southern Titicaca Basin.
Proyecto Encrucijada-Pajonal
Digital images and supporting documents related to the Encrucijada-Pajonal Project (von Nagy 2003) along the Pajonal and Arenal paleodistributaries of the Grijalva delta. The project focused on Early and Middle Formative (Preclassic) Olmec settlements in western Tabasco. Pottery data acquired through excavation of Pajonal sites and from the site of San Andrés near La Venta form the basis for the Early and Middle Formative pottery chronology for the region of the Tabasco Olmec.
Proyecto La Blanca/El Ujuxte (PROBLALUX) Investigaciones Arqueológicas de La Blanca, Guatemala 2003 -2004 Informe Final (2005)
Edited volume of the field report for the 2003-2004 excavations of La Blanca, Guatemala
Taraco Pensinula Archaeological Survey
Systematic Survey of about 98 km2 of the Taraco Peninsula in Bolivia, conducted in the late 1990s.
Valley of Mexico Archaeological Survey Project
Here are the Valley of Mexico survey data collected by University of Michigan projects directed by Jeffrey R. Parsons between 1967 and 1973, and by Richard E. Blanton in 1969. These descriptive data were originally published in 1983 as Archaeological Settlement Pattern Data from the Chalco, Xochimilco, Ixtapalapa, Texcoco, and Zumpango Regions, Mexico, University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology, Technical Reports No. 14, by J. R. Parsons, K. W. Kintigh, and S. A. Gregg. Associated resources...