Pueblo II (Temporal Keyword)
1-25 (3,500 Records)
During 1959, the University of Utah conducted two excavation programs in the Glen Canyon area: 1) at the Coombs site, at Boulder, Utah (Lister, 1959, 1960). and 2) at a number of sites in the Glen Canyon reservoir area proper. This report presents the results of the latter program. The work was part of the Upper Colorado River Basin Archeological Salvage Project, sponsored by the National Park Service. The history of this project has been summarized in another paper in this series (Jennings...
5MT10631 Map Log (2021)
5MT10631 Map Log
5MT10631 Photo Log (2021)
5MT10631 Photo Log
5MT10631, Photo #23185, Plan view, excavation in progress (2016)
View of large pieces of sandstone possibly part of the roof and walls observed in the southeast quadrant of Structure 101 (main chamber of pithouse), Stratum 2.
5MT10631, Photo #23186, Plan view, excavation in progress (2016)
View of large pieces of sandstone possibly part of the roof and walls observed in the southeast quadrant of Structure 101 (main chamber of pithouse), Stratum 2.
5MT10631, Photo #23187, Plan view, excavation in progress (2016)
View of large pieces of sandstone possibly part of the roof and walls observed in the southeast quadrant of Structure 101 (main chamber of pithouse), Stratum 2.
5MT10631, Photo #23230, Plan view, PL's (2016)
View of roofing and construction materials observed in east half of Structure 102 (antechamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, including dendrochronology sample PL 4.
5MT10631, Photo #23231, Plan view, PL's (2016)
View of construction materials against northern portion of wall in east half of Structure 102 (antechamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, including dendrochronology sample PL 4.
5MT10631, Photo #23232, Plan view, PL's (2016)
View of roofing and construction materials observed in the east half of Structure 102 (antechamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, including dendrochronology sample PL 5.
5MT10631, Photo #23233, Plan view, excavation in progress (2016)
View of roofing and construction materials observed in the northeast quadrant of Structure 101 (main chamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, including beams falling into the structure.
5MT10631, Photo #23234, Plan view, excavation in progress (2016)
View of roofing and construction materials observed in the northeast quadrant of Structure 101 (main chamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, including beams falling into the structure.
5MT10631, Photo #23235, Plan view, excavation in progress (2016)
View of roofing and construction materials within bulk remaining in the northeast quadrant of Structure 101 (main chamber of pithouse), Stratum 3. Pieces of black plastic are protecting potential dendrochronology samples.
5MT10631, Photo #23236, Plan view, excavation in progress (2016)
View of roofing and construction materials observed in the northeast quadrant of Structure 101 (main chamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, including beams falling into the structure.
5MT10631, Photo #23237, Plan view, excavation in progress (2016)
View of roofing and construction materials observed in the northeast quadrant of Structure 101 (main chamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, including beams falling into the structure.
5MT10631, Photo #23238, Plan view, PL's (2016)
View of roofing and construction materials including vertical posts observed in east half of Structure 102 (antechamber of pithouse), Stratum 3. Dendrochronology samples collected from these materials include PLs 8, 9, 11, and 12.
5MT10631, Photo #23241, Plan view, excavation in progress (2016)
View of beams and posts observed in the east half Structure 102 (antechamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, Level 1. Trowel points north.
5MT10631, Photo #23242, Plan view, excavation in progress (2016)
View of beams and posts observed in the east half Structure 102 (antechamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, Level 1. Trowel points north.
5MT10631, Photo #23243, Other (2016)
Oblique view of roofing and construction materials observed in east half of Structure 102 (antechamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, Level 1. Trowel points north.
5MT10631, Photo #23244, Plan view, PL's (2016)
Fragile possible abrader or ornament made of sandstone (PL 35) collected from roofing in the east half of Structure 102 (antechamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, Level 2.
5MT10631, Photo #23245, Plan view, PL's (2016)
Fragile possible abrader or ornament made of sandstone (PL 35) collected from roofing in the east half of Structure 102 (antechamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, Level 2.
5MT10631, Photo #23246, Plan view, PL's (2016)
Fragile possible abrader or ornament made of sandstone (PL 35) collected from roofing in the east half of Structure 102 (antechamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, Level 2.
5MT10631, Photo #23247, Plan view, excavation in progress (2016)
View of roofing and construction materials including a possible upright post within bulk observerd in east half of Structure 102 (antechamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, Level 2.
5MT10631, Photo #23248, Plan view, excavation in progress (2016)
View of roofing and construction materials including a possible upright post within bulk observerd in east half of Structure 102 (antechamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, Level 2.
5MT10631, Photo #23249, Plan view, excavation in progress (2016)
View of roofing and construction materials including a possible upright post within bulk observerd in east half of Structure 102 (antechamber of pithouse), Stratum 3, Level 2.
5MT10631, Photo #23251, Other (2016)
Side view of possible upright post in bulk observed in the east half of Structure 102 (antechamber of pithouse), Strata 1 and 3. Scale does not point north.