Mississippi Period (Temporal Keyword)
1-5 (5 Records)
Dissertation that examines the non-destructive application of visible/near-infrared and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to chert sourcing. The study also examines the provenance of material used to manufacture a sample of Middle Mississippian sword-form bifaces.
The Application of Relfectance Spectroscopy to Chert Provenance of Mississippian Symbolic Weaponry
Determination of the source of chert artifacts ties past peoples to specific locations on the landscape either through direct or indirect procurement strategies allowing researchers to visualize interactions with both resources and people. However, due to inherent variability accurate provenance data often remains elusive. The reliance upon chert provenance data obtained through macroscopic techniques is problematic and emphasizes the importance of continued research and development of...
Chert Spectral Database (2013)
The spreadsheet consists of three booklets. The first reports all visible/near-infrared spectra recorded on all 1,050 chert samples analyzed in the project. The second reports all middle-infrared reflectance spectra recorded for the 1,050 chert samples. The third booklet reports both visible/near-infrared and middle-infrared spectra non-destructively recorded upon 30 Mississippian sword-form biface artifacts. Rows represent an individual sample/artifact while columns are the wavelength...
Chert Spectral Database (2013)
Chert spectral database collected from over 1,000 Lower St. Louis "Dover" and Fort Payne chert samples. Database used to evaluate the chert provenance application of both VNIR and FTIR reflectance spectroscopy techniques. The spectral data was also used to characterize the source for 30 Mississippian chert sword-form bifaces.
Cultural Resources Investigations Related to the West Belle Pass Headland Restoration Project, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana (1994)
Cultural resources investigations were conducted for the West Belle Pass Restoration Project, located in extreme lower Lafoiirche Parish, Louisiana. The investigations involved archaeological, historical and geological background research, pedestrian survey and site testing. The survey covered an area of approximately 2,188 acres, and either discovered or revisited five prehistoric archaeological sites. Three of the sites, 16 LF 82, 16 LF 83, and 16 LF 84, were deemed not significant and no...