Wilmington Phase (Temporal Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
Data recovery investigations were undertaken at the Wilmington phase shell midden, site 38BU832, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. A four by four m block and a two by eight m block were excavated. Column samples (50 by 50 cm) were taken from each 10 cm level of each two by two m unit. The laboratory analyses included: a detailed oyster shell study; an examination of the stylistic and technological variability in the ceramics; zooarchaeological and ethnobotanical analysis; and an assemblage...
Data Recovery Investigations of Four Wilmington Phase Sites (38BU132, 38BU372, 38BU1236, and 38BU1241), Beaufort County, South Carolina: A Study in Middle Woodland Subsistence Strategies (1992)
Data recovery investigations were carried out by Brockington and Associates, Inc., at four Wilmington phase shell midden sites located in the Colleton River Plantation tract, Beaufort County, South Carolina. The field work was initiated during October 1990 and was completed April 1991. The field investigations consisted of the excavation of 1 by 1 m units, excavated in arbitrary 10 cm levels. Samples were retained for flotation analysis. Zooarchaeological, ethnobotanical, radiocarbon, and...