Pre-Hispanic (Temporal Keyword)

1-10 (10 Records)

A Class III Cultural Resource Inventory of Approximately 16.5 Acres in Anticipation of the Installation of an Excess Earth Stockpiling Area at Patagonia Lake State Park, Santa Cruz County, Arizona (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Will Russell.

Arizona State Parks & Trails (ASPT) is in the process of installing cabins at Patagonia Lake State Park (PALA) (see SHPO-1181 [138879]). As originally planned, the installation would result in a significant amount of excess soil. Planners identified the surveyed area as a location for stockpiling this material. On October 23, 2017, the author conducted a Class III cultural resource survey which included the proposed area of potential effects (APE). No historic properties were identified within...

A Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Approximately 29 Acres in Anticipation of the Ocotillo Trail at Kartchner Caverns State Park, Cochise County, Arizona (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Will Russell.

Arizona State Parks & Trails (ASPT) intends to build a trail section at Kartchner Caverns State Park. The two ends of the proposed section will connect with the existing Foothill Loop Trail in order to add another loop. The proposed trail section is approximately 1.7 miles long. Construction will involve the clearing of rock and vegetation, along with the installation of steps at places where the trail crosses drainages. The area of potential effects (APE) is on lands owned and managed by ASPT....

Coix_Book_Figures_v_10.mxd (2017)
GEOSPATIAL Citation Only Stephen Kowalewski.

Coixtlahuaca survey data

Metadata document for the paper, "Settlement patterns and urbanization in the Yautepec Valley of Central Mexico" (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael E. Smith.

This doscument describes the fields in the dataset that accompanies an article on the Yautepec Valley Archaeological Survey

Mixteca Alta GIS
PROJECT Uploaded by: Veronica Perez Rodriguez

GIS data from Mixteca Alta projects

Space-Time Perspectives on Early Colonial Moquegua (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Prudence Rice.

In this rich study of the construction and reconstruction of a colonized landscape, Prudence M. Rice takes an implicit political ecology approach in exploring encounters of colonization in Moquegua, a small valley of southern Peru. Building on theories of spatiality, spatialization, and place, she examines how politically mediated human interaction transformed the physical landscape, the people who inhabited it, and the resources and goods produced in this poorly known area. Space-Time...

Supplemental Figures (Russell, Klassen, and Salazar [2017]) (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Will Russell.

Eight supplemental figures associated with the manuscript "LINES OF COMMUNICATION: MIMBRES HACHURE, CONCEPTS OF COLOR, AND SOCIAL STRUCTURES" by Will G. Russell, Sarah Klassen, and Katherine Salazar.

Supplemental Tables (Russell, Klassen, and Salazar [2017]) (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Will Russell.

Nineteen supplemental tables associated with the manuscript "LINES OF COMMUNICATION: MIMBRES HACHURE, CONCEPTS OF COLOR, AND SOCIAL STRUCTURES" by Will G. Russell, Sarah Klassen, and Katherine Salazar.

Yautepec Archaeological Survey
PROJECT Uploaded by: Michael E. Smith

Data from an archaeological survey in the Yautepec Valley of the Mexican State of Morelos.

Yautepec Survey Database (2021)
DATASET Michael E. Smith.

Site and component data from archaeological survey of the Yautepec Valley in Morelos, Mexico. These data accompany the article: Smith, Michael E., Timothy S. Hare, Lisa Montiel, Anne Sherfield and Angela C. Huster (2021) Settlement Patterns and Urbanization in the Yautepec Valley of Central Mexico. Open Archaeology (in press). Please see the metadata document that accompanies this dataset.