Patayan II to III (Temporal Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
Harris Environmental Group, Inc. was contracted to conduct a Class III cultural resources survey of 1,147 acres for the Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region, of which 907 acres were surveyed. The purpose of the survey was to identify, record, and assess the condition of prehistoric and historic sites and isolated occurrences within the survey area and provide recommendations on the eligibility of historic properties for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The survey was...
Trails, Rock Features, and Homesteading in the Gila Bend Area: A Report on the State Route 85, Gila Bend to Buckeye Archaeological Project (2008)
The Arizona Department of Transportation plans to widen State Route 85 to a four-lane freeway in the area between Buckeye and Gila Bend. This report presents the results of archaeological data recovery investigations conducted along State Route (SR) 85 for the Arizona Department of Transportation (Contract No. 02-59) by a research team assembled by the Office of Cultural Resource Management, Department of Anthropology at Arizona State University. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) was located...