Rillito (Temporal Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Archaeological Data Recovery at the Sunset Mesa Ruin (AZ AA:12:10 ASM) (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Deborah L. Swartz. Jenny L. Adams.

Phase 1 Data Recovery was conducted at the Sunset Mesa Ruin, AZ AA:12:10 (ASM), to evaluate the archaeological resources that will be impacted by the gravel mining operations of Tucson Ready Mix, Inc. The information gathered from the excavated backhoe trenches, added to previous archaeological investigations at the site, has identified several loci where prehistoric and historic or modern features cluster. Two areas were also identified that may be cremation cemeteries. The historic features...

Archaeological Investigations of the Early Agricultural Period Settlement at the Base of A-Mountain, Tucson, Arizona (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael W. Diehl.

This report describes the archaeological investigations related to the A-Mountain Storm Drain project within the Clearwater site (AZ BB:13:6), the prehistoric settlement at the base of A-Mountain. Archaeological resources within the project area represent the Early Agricultural period. During the past five years, portions of about 10 Early Agricultural period archaeological sites have been excavated in floodplain settings within the Tucson Basin. The importance of this recent work is evident...