Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Species Coding Sheet 2008
Year: 2008
Soil Systems, Inc.'s faunal analysts used the following coding schemes to classify faunal bone to the species level during projects. Analysts used these codes during the 2000's. The coding sheet that contains these codes dates 7-17-08.
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Soil Systems, Inc. Faunal Species Coding Sheet 2008. 2008 ( tDAR id: 365083) ; doi:10.6067/XCV83F4NC1
Category: Fauna
Subcategory: Taxon
Coding Rules
Code | Term | Description | Mapped Ontology Node |
1 | Indeterminate Class | Indeterminate Class | |
20 | Small vertebrate, class indeterminate | Unid Small Animal | |
10100 | Osteichthyes order indeterminate (fishes) | Bony Fishes, indet. | |
11150 | Cyprinidae genus indeterminate (fishes) | Minnows and carp, indet. | |
11151 | Meda fulgida (fishes) | Spikedace | |
11200 | Catostomidae genus indeterminate (fishes) | Suckers, indet. | |
30000 | Amphibia order indeterminate (amphibians) | Amphibians, indet. | |
31600 | Salientia family indeterminate (amphibians) | Frogs and Toads, indet. | |
31700 | Scaphiopus sp. (amphibians) | Spadefoot Toads | |
32400 | Bufonidae genus indeterminate (amphibians) | Toads, indet. | |
32450 | Ranidae genus indeterminate (amphibians) | Frogs, indet. | |
40010 | Reptilia order indeterminate (reptiles) | Reptiles, indet. | |
40200 | Testudinata family indeterminate (reptiles) | Turtles and tortoises, indet. | |
40550 | Kinosternon flavescens (reptiles) | Yellow Mud Turtle | |
40650 | Kinosternon sonoriense (reptiles) | Sonoran Mud Turtle | |
41300 | Clemmys marmorata (reptiles) | Pacific Pond Turtle | |
42450 | Terrapene ornata (reptiles) | Western Box Turtle | |
42650 | Gopherus sp. (reptiles) | Pleistocene Tortoise | |
42660 | Gopherus Agassizii (reptiles) | Desert Tortoise | |
42900 | Trionyx spiniferus (reptiles) | Spiny Softshell Turtle | |
43350 | Squamata suborder indeterminate (reptiles) | Lizards and Snakes, indet. | |
43400 | Indeterminate Sauria (reptiles) | Lizards, indet. | |
43800 | Iguanidae genus indeterminate (reptiles) | Iguanids, indet. | |
44000 | Crotaphytus collaris (reptiles) | Collared Lizard | |
44100 | Dipsosaurus dorsalis (reptiles) | Desert Iguana | |
44350 | Phrynosoma sp. (reptiles) | Horned Lizard | |
44355 | Phrynosoma donglassii (reptiles) | Short-horned lizard | |
44400 | Sauromalus obesus (reptiles) | Chuckwalla | |
44600 | Uta stansburiana (reptiles) | Side-blotched Lizard | |
44950 | Teidae genus indeterminate (reptiles) | Teids, indet. | |
44952 | Cnemidophorus tigris (reptiles) | Western Whiptail | |
45200 | Helodermatidae genus indeterminate (reptiles) | Venomous Lizards, indet. | |
45300 | Serpentes family indeterminate (reptiles) | Serpentes, indet. | |
45550 | Colubridae genus indeterminate (reptiles) | Colubrids, indet. | |
46900 | Pituophis melanoleucus (reptiles) | Gopher Snake | |
47700 | Viperidae genus indeterminate (reptiles) | Pit Vipers, indet. | |
47800 | Crotalus sp. (reptiles) | Rattlesnakes | |
50010 | Indeterminate small Aves (birds) | Small Bird, indet. | |
50030 | Indeterminate medium Aves (birds) | Medium Bird, indet. | |
50040 | Indeterminate large Aves (birds) | Large Bird, indet. | |
50050 | Indeterminate very large Aves (birds) | Very large bird, indet. | |
50060 | Aves, size indeterminate (birds) | Bird, size indet. | |
50150 | Grebe sp. (birds) | Indet. Grebe | |
50201 | Aechmophorus occidentalis (birds) | Western Grebe | |
50202 | Aechmophorus clarkii (birds) | Clark's Grebe | |
50254 | Podiceps auritus (birds) | Horned Grebe | |
50255 | Podiceps grisegena (birds) | Red-necked Grebe | |
50256 | Podiceps nigricollis (birds) | Eared Grebe | |
50302 | Podilymbus podiceps (birds) | Pied-billed Grebe | |
50351 | Tachybaptus dominicus (birds) | Least Grebe | |
50801 | Pelecanus erythrorhynchos (birds) | White Pelican | |
50802 | Pelecanus occidentalis (birds) | Brown Pelican | |
52000 | Anatidae-Goose (birds) | Goose | |
52005 | Anatidae-Duck (birds) | Duck | |
52050 | Anas sp. (birds) | Duck | |
52056 | Anas platyrhynchos (birds) | Mallard | |
52203 | Branta canadensis (birds) | Canada Goose | |
52301 | Chen hyperborea (birds) | Snow Goose | |
52951 | Cathartes aura (birds) | Turkey vulture | |
53001 | Coragyps atratus (birds) | Black vulture | |
53051 | Gymnogyps californianus (birds) | California condor | |
53100 | Accipitridae genus indeterminate (birds) | Indet. Assipitrid | |
53150 | Accipiter sp. (birds) | Hawk | |
53153 | Accipiter striatus (birds) | Sharp-shinned Hawk | |
53155 | Accipiter cooperii (birds) | Cooper's Hawk | |
53157 | Accipiter gentilis (birds) | Northern Goshawk | |
53201 | Aquila chrysaetos (birds) | Golden Eagle | |
53250 | Buteo sp. (birds) | Hawk | |
53253 | Buteo lineatus (birds) | Red-shouldered Hawk | |
53255 | Buteo platypterus (birds) | Broad-winged Hawk | |
53257 | Buteo swainsoni (birds) | Swainson's Hawk | |
53259 | Buteo albonotatus (birds) | Zone-tailed Hawk | |
53261 | Buteo jamaicensis (birds) | Red-tailed Hawk | |
53262 | Buteo regalis (birds) | Ferruginous Hawk | |
53263 | Buteo lagopus (birds) | Rough-legged Hawk | |
53301 | Buteogallus anthracinus (birds) | Common Black-hawk | |
53401 | Circus cyaneus (birds) | Northern Harrier | |
53501 | Elanus caeruleus (birds) | Black-shouldered Kite | |
53551 | Haliaeetus leucocephalus (birds) | Bald Eagle | |
53601 | Ictinia mississippiensis (birds) | Mississippi Kite | |
53651 | Pandion haliaetus (birds) | Osprey | |
53701 | Parabuteo unicinctus (birds) | Harris Hawk | |
53852 | Falco sparverius (birds) | American Kestrel | |
53853 | Falco columbarius (birds) | Merlin | |
53857 | Falco peregrinus (birds) | Peregrine Falcon | |
53859 | Falco mexicanus (birds) | Prairie Falcon | |
53901 | Polyborus plancus (birds) | Crested Caracara | |
54200 | Callipepla sp. (birds) | Quail | |
54201 | Callipepla squamata (birds) | Scaled Quail | |
54203 | Callipepla gambelii (birds) | Gambels Quail | |
54500 | Gallus gallus (birds) | Chicken | |
54600 | Meleagris gallopavo (birds) | Turkey | |
55102 | Fulica americana (birds) | American Coot | |
55451 | Grus canadensis (birds) | Sandhill Crane | |
55453 | Grus americana (birds) | Whooping Crane | |
55609 | Charadrius vociferus (birds) | Killdeer | |
58201 | Columbina inca (birds) | Inca Dove | |
58401 | Zenaida asiatica (birds) | White-winged Dove | |
58404 | Zenaida macroura (birds) | Mourning Dove | |
58530 | Ara sp. (birds) | Macaw | |
58532 | Ara militaris (birds) | Military Macaw | |
58535 | Ara macao (birds) | Scarlet Macaw | |
58871 | Rhynchopsitta pachyrhycha (birds) | Thick-billed Parrot | |
59052 | Geococcyx californianus (birds) | Roadrunner | |
59151 | Tyto alba (birds) | Barn Owl | |
59351 | Athene cunicularia (birds) | Burrowing Owl | |
59401 | Bubo virginianus (birds) | Great Horned Owl | |
59501 | Micrathene whitneyi (birds) | Elf Owl | |
61152 | Colaptes auratus (birds) | Northern Flicker | |
61265 | Melanerpes uropygialis (birds) | Gila Woodpecker | |
61400 | Passeriformes family indeterminate (birds) | Perching birds | |
62501 | Aphelocoma coerulescens (birds) | Scrub Jay | |
62561 | Corvus corax (birds) | Common Raven | |
62601 | Cyanositta stelleri (birds) | Steller's Jay | |
63309 | Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus (birds) | Cactus Wren | |
64317 | Turdus migratorius (birds) | Robin | |
64451 | Mimus ployglottos (birds) | Northern Mockingbird | |
64500 | Mimidae genus indeterminate (birds) | Mockingbirds, Thrashers, Allies | |
64550 | Toxostoma sp. (birds) | Thrasher | |
65001 | Sturnus vulgaris (birds) | European Starling | |
65105 | Icterinae genus indeterminate (birds) | Meadowlarks, Blackbirds | |
65151 | Agelaius phoeniceus (birds) | Red-winged Blackbird | |
66058 | Icterus cucullatus (birds) | Hooded Oriole | |
67055 | Quiscalus mexicanus (birds) | Great-tailed Grackle | |
67057 | Quiscalus quiscula (birds) | Common Grackle | |
67403 | Sturnella neglecta (birds) | Western Meadowlark | |
70010 | Indeterminate micro mammal | Micro Mammal: Rodent-sized | |
70020 | Indeterminate micro/small mammal | Micro/Small Mammal: Rabbit/Rodent-sized | |
70030 | Indeterminate small mammal: rabbit-sized | Small Mammal: Rabbit-sized | |
70040 | Indeterminate Small-Medium Mammal | Small-Medium Mammal | |
70050 | Indet. Medium Mammal: Carnivore-sized | Medium Mammal: Carnivore-sized | |
70060 | Indeterminate Medium-Large Mammal | Medium-Large Mammal | |
70070 | Indeterminate Large Mammal: Ungulate-sized | Large Mammal: Ungulate-sized | |
70080 | Large-Very Large Mammal | Large-Very Large Mammal | |
70090 | Very Large Mammal:Bison/Bos/Horse-sized | Very Large Mammal:Bison/Bos/Horse-sized | |
70100 | Mammalia, size indeterminate (mammmals) | Mammal | |
70150 | Didelphis virginiana (mammmals) | Virginia Opposum | |
70200 | Insectivora family indeterminate (mammmals) | Insectivores, indet. | |
70250 | Soricidae genus indeterminate (mammmals) | Shrews, indet. | |
72500 | Chiroptera family indeterminate (mammmals) | Bats, indet. | |
75400 | Lagomorpha family indeterminate (mammmals) | Rabbits, hares, and pikas, indet. | |
75500 | Leporidae genus indeterminate (mammmals) | Rabbits & Hares | |
75650 | Lepus sp. (mammmals) | Jackrabbits | |
75850 | Lepus californicus (mammmals) | Black-tailed Jackrabbit | |
76150 | Lepus townsendii (mammmals) | White-tailed Jackrabbit | |
76200 | Sylvilagus sp. (mammmals) | Cottontails | |
76250 | Sylvilagus audubonii (mammmals) | Desert Cottontail | |
76500 | Sylvilagus nuttallii (mammmals) | Nuttall's Cottontail | |
76700 | Indeterminate small rodent (mammmals) | Small Rodent (Mouse-sized) | |
76750 | Rodentia family indeterminate (mammmals) | Rodents, indet. | |
76770 | Indeterminate medium rodent (mammmals) | Medium Rodent (rat/gopher-sized) | |
77000 | Sciuridae genus indeterminate (mammmals) | Squirrel | |
77300 | Tamias minimus (mammmals) | Least Chipmunk | |
77550 | Tamias quadrivittatus (mammmals) | Colorado Chipmunk | |
77600 | Eutamias dorsalis (mammmals) | Cliff Chipmunk | |
78050 | Marmota flaviventris (mammmals) | Yellow-bellied Marmot | |
78300 | Sciurus aberti (mammmals) | Abert's Squirrel | |
78750 | Tamiasciurus hudsonicus (mammmals) | Red Squirrel | |
78800 | Ammospermophilus/Spermophilus (mammmals) | Ground squirrels | |
79200 | Spermophilus lateralis (mammmals) | Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel | |
79500 | Spermophilus spilosoma (mammmals) | Spotted Ground Squirrel | |
79600 | Spermophilus tereticaudus (mammmals) | Round-tailed Ground Squirrel | |
79700 | Spermophilus variegarus/Cynomys (mammmals) | Rock Squirrel/Prairie Dog | |
79750 | Spermophilus variegatus/Cynomys (mammmals) | Rock Squirrel/Prairie Dog | |
79800 | Cynomys sp. (mammmals) | Prairie Dog | |
79850 | Cynomys gunnisoni (mammmals) | Gunnison's Prairie Dog | |
80200 | Ammospermophilus leucurus (mammmals) | White-tailed Antelope Squirrel | |
80450 | Geomyidae (mammmals) | Pocket Gopher (Geomys) indet. | |
81050 | Thomomys sp. (mammmals) | Pocket Gophers (Thomomys) indet. | |
81150 | Thomomys umbrinus (mammmals) | Southern Pocket Gopher | |
81350 | Thomomys talpoides (mammmals) | Northern Pocket Gopher | |
81500 | Heteromyidae (mammmals) | Heteromyidae genus indet. | |
81600 | Perognathus sp. (mammmals) | Pocket Mouse | |
82150 | Perognathus flavus (mammmals) | Silky Pocket Mouse | |
82350 | Perognathus intermedius (mammmals) | Rock Pocket Mouse | |
82900 | Dipodomys sp. (mammmals) | Kangaroo Rat | |
83600 | Dipodomys ordii (mammmals) | Ord Kangaroo Rat | |
83800 | Dipodomys spectabilis (mammmals) | Banner-tailed kangaroo rat | |
83950 | Castor canadensis (mammmals) | Beaver | |
84000 | Cricetidae (mammmals) | New World Rat/Mouse | |
84100 | Onychomys leucogaster (mammmals) | Northern Grasshopper Mouse | |
84350 | Reithrodontomys megalotis (mammmals) | Western Harvest Mouse | |
84550 | Peromyscus sp. (mammmals) | White-footed Mouse | |
84650 | Peromyscus boylii (mammmals) | Brush Mouse | |
84850 | Peromyscus crinitus (mammmals) | Canyon Mouse | |
85350 | Peromyscus maniculatus (mammmals) | Deer Mouse | |
85850 | Peromyscus truei (mammmals) | Pinon Mouse | |
86100 | Sigmodon sp. (mammmals) | Cotton Rat | |
86150 | Sigmodon ochrognathus (mammmals) | Yellow-nosed Cotton Rat | |
86400 | Neotoma sp. (mammmals) | Woodrat | |
86450 | Neotoma albigula (mammmals) | White-throated woodrat | |
86600 | Neotoma cinerea (mammmals) | Bushy-tailed Woodrat | |
86750 | Neotoma lepida (mammmals) | Desert Woodrat | |
86850 | Neotoma mexicana (mammmals) | Mexican Woodrat | |
86950 | Neotoma stephensi (mammmals) | Stephens' Woodrat | |
87100 | Clethrionomys gapperi (mammmals) | Southern Red-backed Vole | |
87300 | Phenacomys intermedius (mammmals) | Heather Vole | |
87400 | Microtus sp. (mammmals) | Vole | |
87700 | Microtus longicaudus (mammmals) | Long-tailed Vole | |
87750 | Microtus mexicanus (mammmals) | Mexican Vole | |
87850 | Microtus montanus (mammmals) | Montane Vole | |
88500 | Ondatra zibethicus (mammmals) | Muskrat | |
89050 | Mus musculus (mammmals) | House Mouse | |
89150 | Rattus norvegicus (mammmals) | Norway Rat | |
89200 | Rattus rattus (mammmals) | Black Rat | |
89400 | Zapus princeps (mammmals) | Western Jumping Mouse | |
89550 | Erethizon dorsatum (mammmals) | Porcupine | |
89650 | Indeterminate carnivora (mammmals) | Carnivora family indet. | |
89660 | Indeterminate Small Carnivora (mammmals) | Small Carnivore | |
89680 | Indeterminate Large Carnivora (mammmals) | Large Carnivore | |
89750 | Ursus americanus (mammmals) | Black Bear | |
89800 | Ursus arctos (mammmals) | Grizzly Bear | |
90000 | Procyon lotor (mammmals) | Raccoon | |
90050 | Bassariscus astutus (mammmals) | Ringtail | |
90250 | Mustela erminea (mammmals) | Ermine | |
90300 | Mustela frenata (mammmals) | Long-tailed Weasel | |
90400 | Mustela nigripes (mammmals) | Black-footed Ferret | |
90500 | Mustela vison (mammmals) | Mink | |
90600 | Martes americana (mammmals) | Marten | |
90750 | Spilogale gracilis (mammmals) | Western Spotted Skunk | |
90900 | Mephitis macroura (mammmals) | Hooded skunk | |
90950 | Mephitis mephitis (mammmals) | Striped Skunk | |
91050 | Conepatus mesoleucus (mammmals) | Hog-nosed Skunk | |
91150 | Taxidea taxus (mammmals) | Badger | |
91200 | Lutra canadensis (mammmals) | River Otter | |
91350 | Indeterminate Canidae (mammmals) | Canid, indet. | |
91450 | Vulpes macrotis (mammmals) | Kit Fox | |
91550 | Vulpes vulpes (mammmals) | Red Fox | |
91700 | Urocyon cinereoargenteus (mammmals) | Gray Fox | |
91800 | Canis sp. (mammmals) | Coyote/Dog | |
91850 | Canis familiaris (mammmals) | Domestic Dog | |
91900 | Canis latrans (mammmals) | Coyote | |
91950 | Canis lupus (mammmals) | Gray Wolf | |
92100 | Felis concolor (mammmals) | Mountain Lion | |
92150 | Felis domestica (mammmals) | Domestic cat | |
92350 | Felis rufus (mammmals) | Bobcat | |
93450 | Artiodactyla family indeterminate (mammmals) | Artiodactyls, indet. | |
93550 | Sus scrofa (mammmals) | Pig | |
93750 | Cervus elaphus (mammmals) | Elk or Wapiti | |
94200 | Odocoileus sp. (mammmals) | Deer | |
94250 | Odocoileus hemionus (mammmals) | Mule Deer | |
94300 | Odocoileus virginianus (mammmals) | White-tailed Deer | |
94350 | Antilocapra americana (mammmals) | Pronghorn antelope | |
94400 | Odocoileus/Antilopcapra (mammmals) | Deer/Antelope | |
94550 | Bison bison (mammmals) | Bison | |
94600 | Bos taurus (mammmals) | Cow | |
94650 | Bos/Bison genus indeterminate (mammmals) | Bison/Domestic Cow | |
94800 | Capra hircus (mammmals) | Goat | |
94850 | Ovis sp. (mammmals) | Bighorn/Domestic Sheep | |
94900 | Ovis aries (mammmals) | Sheep | |
95000 | Ovis canadensis (mammmals) | Bighorn sheep | |
95050 | Ovis/Capra (mammmals) | Sheep/Goat | |
95200 | Equus sp. (mammmals) | Horse/Burro | |
95250 | Equus caballus (mammmals) | Horse | |
95300 | Equus asinus (mammmals) | Burro | |
Code | Term | Description | |
Special Coding Rules: These entries are not in the coding-sheet, but represent edge-cases in Data Integration that may benefit from custom mappings |
This Coding Sheet is Used by the Following Datasets:
- 366759 - Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 11, Van Buren and 44th Streets: SSI DMB Testing and Data Recovery, Faunal (FAUNAL) Data
- 372323 - Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, Washington and 48th Streets: SSI Lauth Data Recovery, Faunal Data
- 374225 - Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 14, Washington Park Development Area: SSI SunAmerica, Inc. Data Recovery, Faunal Data
File Information
Name | Size | Creation Date | Date Uploaded | Access | |
ssi-fauna-species-coding-sheet.xlsx | 23.37kb | Jul 20, 2011 10:42:23 AM | Public |