EAMC Colours

Creator(s): Penny Crook; Tim Murray

Year: 2006


Definitions from the ListofColours table from the EAMC Archaeology database.

Cite this Record

EAMC Colours. Penny Crook, Tim Murray. 2006 ( tDAR id: 407184) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8NK3H37

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections

Category: Architecture

Coding Rules

Code Term Description Mapped Ontology Node
1 Amber
4 Amethyst
5 Aqua
7 Aqua Tint
8 Black
16 Blue
17 Blue Tint
18 Blue, Dark
19 Blue, Light
26 Brown
27 Brown, Dark
28 Brown, Light
34 Celadon
35 Clear
39 Cobalt Blue
40 Cream
42 Crimson
50 Gold
51 Green
52 Green Tint
53 Green, Dark
54 Green, Emerald
56 Grey
58 Grey, Light
59 Honey
60 Blue, Ice
64 Maroon
66 Blue, Medium
67 White, Milk
69 Mulberry
70 Multicoloured
73 Olive Green
75 Orange
81 Pink
84 Polychrome
85 Purple
89 Red
92 Blue, Royal
93 Silver
95 Turquoise
98 Unidentified
100 White
104 White, pearl
105 White, opaque
107 Yellow
108 Green, Light
109 Green, Light Tint
110 Green, Teale New colour added by PC on 12 Nov, see CuGl72101 for reference.
111 Green, Teale Light New colour added by PC on 12 Nov, see CuGl72107 for reference
112 Blue–grey For government forms and reports (from HPB)
113 Amber, Pale
114 Blue, Bright From LV catalogue
115 Grey, Dark From LV catalogue
116 Grey–Blue From LV catalogue
117 Indigo From LV catalogue
118 Green–Blue From LV catalogue
119 Ochre From LV catalogue
120 Beige From LV catalogue
121 Blue and White
122 Blue–green
123 Colourless
124 Brown/Cream
125 Various
126 Orange, Dark
127 Orange, Light
128 Black–grey
129 Green, Bright From LV catalogue
130 Green, Dull From LV catalogue
131 Green, Forest From LV catalogue
132 White, Milk Opal From LV catalogue
133 Offwhite From LV catalogue
134 White, Oyster
135 Green, Medium From LV catalogue
Special Coding Rules: These entries are not in the coding-sheet, but represent edge-cases in Data Integration that may benefit from custom mappings

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
listofcolours2.xlsx 10.03kb Jan 18, 2017 10:17:58 PM Public