Grapevine Newsletters

Grapevine Newsletter Archive

On October 25, 1991, The Grapevine Newsletter for Cultural Resources Management (Grapevine) began publication through in-house production by Gray & Pape, Inc. of Cincinnati, Ohio. The newsletter, edited by Jeanne Harris, an employee of that firm, was intended as a monthly newsletter… designed specifically for persons, firms and agencies involved in cultural resources management....designed primarily [to] address the needs of archaeologists working in the private sector (from first edition of the newsletter). This was one of the first, if not the first, publication of its kind intended for private sector cultural resource companies.

With the formation of ACRA in 1995, a sister newsletter was added to the publication of The Grapevine by Gray & Pape, Inc., called ACRA News. The costs for publication of the ACRA News was largely borne by ACRA but, in part, subsidized by Gray & Pape, Inc. The ACRA News was also edited by Jeanne Harris. In the first edition of the newsletter in October 1995 the following was stated: This publication’s purpose is to provide members with the latest information on the association’s activities and to provide up to date information on federal and state legislative activities. With the publication of the September 1996 issue (Vol. 2:8), ACRA News became the ACRA Edition

Side by side, these two publications kept abreast of news of the cultural resources industry from 1995 until the discontinuance of The Grapevine in May 2002 (Issue 12:3). The Grapevine was, in large part, a victim of the increasing availability of internet resources as well as the growth of ACRA itself. Since that time, the ACRA Edition moved its production facilities from Gray & Pape, Inc., but it is still edited by Jeanne Harris (now working as an archaeologist in Sydney, Australia) and has continued to serve the cultural resources community throughout the United States.