Casas Grandes

No description specified.

Site Name Keywords
Site 315

Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex

Other Keywords
Faunal, Zooarchaeology

Culture Keywords
MogollonCasas Grandes

Investigation Types
Collections Research

Material Types

Temporal Keywords
Medio period

Geographic Keywords
Chihuahua (State / Territory)United Mexican States (Country)North America (Continent)Casas Grandes

Resource Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-1 of 1)

There is 1 Dataset within this Collection [remove this filter]

  • Casas Grandes Site 315 Faunal Data (2016)
    DATASET Jeremy Loven.

    Dataset from the analysis of a faunal assemblage recovered from Casas Grandes Site 315. Site 315 was a pueblo village occupied during the Casas Grandes Medio period (AD 1200 to 1450) and is located in northwest Chihuahua, Mexico.