Database E.3 Individual Records of Cranial Non-metric Variation in Adolescents and Adults
Part of the Ban Chiang, a Prehistoric Village Site in Northeast Thailand, Volume 1: The Human Skeletal Remains project
Creator(s): Michael Pietrusewsky; Michele Toomay Douglas
Year: 2002
This database is part of Appendix E, from Ban Chiang, a Prehistoric Village Site in Northeast Thailand, Volume 1: The Human Skeletal Remains (tDAR ID #: 376592). Database E.3 contains non-metric observations (Cranial Non-metric Variation in Adolescents and Adults) by individual burial excavated from the BC and BCES locales at Ban Chiang, Thailand.
Coding information is pasted at the bottom of this abstract, and can also be downloaded as a .txt document at tDAR ID#:
SPECID = Individual Burial Number
First number is excavation locale
1 = BC, 1974 excavation
2 = BCES, 1975 excavation
followed by two spaces and then the burial identification number.
Example: 1 14 is BC Burial 14
ADOL = Adolescent (15-20 years)
YG ADULT = Young Adult (20-35 years)
MIDAGED = Middle-aged Adult (35-50 years)
OLD = Old Adult (50+ years)
ADULT = Adult (20-50+ years)
SEX = Sex of individual
SITE = Site of excavation
For variables with either right or left side designations, R (Right) or L (Left) precedes the variable name.
METOPISM = Metopic suture
0 = absent
1 = present
2 = trace only
3 = persistent on glabella
4 = horizontal ridge on glabella
5 = other
6 = horizontal and vertical
RFRONTGR/LFRONTGR = Frontal grooves
0 = absent
1 = present (one)
2 = present (multiple)
RSUPRORB/LSUPRORB = Supraorbital structure
0 = absent
1 = single foramen
2 = double foramen
3 = single notch
4 = double notch
5 = notch and foramen
6 = medially spurred notch
7 = laterally spurred notch
8 = medially and laterally spurred notch
RSPINTRO/LSPINTRO = Spina trochlea
0 = absent
1 = present
RINFRORB/LINFRORB = Infraorbital foramen
0 = absent
1 = single
2 = double
3 = divided
RZYGOFAC/LZYGOFAC = Zygo-facial foramen
0 = absent
1 = single
2 = double
3 = three or more
RINFORST/LINFORST = Infraorbital suture
0 = absent
1 = present
RETHMFOR/LETHMFOR = Multiple ethmoid foramina
0 = absent
1 = present
NASFRTST = Nasal-frontal suture
1 = rounded
2 = angled
3 = flattened
4 = omega
5 = irregular
NASBONSH = Nasal bone shape
1 = rectangular
2 = triangle
3 = hour-glass
4 = irregular
NASUTDFL = Nasal suture deflection
0 = none
1 = right
2 = left
3 = irregular
SUBNASAL = Subnasal
1 = sharp
2 = blurred
3 = groove
4 = sulcus
RMARGTUB/LMARTUB = Marginal tubercle
0 = none
1 = slight
2 = medium
3 = marked
PALTORUS = Palatine torus
0 = none
1 = slight mound
2 = medium mound
3 = marked mound
4 = ridge (narrow, long)
5 = lump (irregular)
6 = cleft palate
0 = absent
1 = present
RMAXTOR/LMAXTOS = Maxillary torus
0 = absent
1 = lingual
2 = buccal
3 = lingual and buccal
RPTERYGO/LPTERYGO = Pterygo-spinous bridge
0 = absent
1 = basal bridging
2 = basal bridging and foramen
3 = spinous bridging
4 = spinous bridging and foramen
5 = basal and spinous bridging
6 = spino-basal bridging
ROVALSPN/LOVALSPN = Ovale-spinosum
1 = normal
2 = spinosum open
3 = ovale-spinosum confluence
4 = ovale enlarged
5 = divided ovale
6 = ovale open
7 = ovale and spinosum open
RANTCDYF/LANTCDYF = Anterior condylar canal
1 = single
2 = divided
3 = spurred
4 = double
5 = divided and spurred
RPSTCOND/LPSTCOND = Posterior condylar canal
0 = absent
1 = single
2 = double
3 = single spurred
4 = double spurred
PRECONDL = Precondylar process
0 = absent
1 = present
2 = slight tubercle bilaterally
3 = moderate tubercle bilaterally
4 = R+L-
5 = R-L-
6 = R+
7 = L+
8 = R-
9 = L-
JUGFORAS = Jugular foramen asymmetry
0 = R = L
1 = R > L
2 = R < L
PHARYFOS = Pharyngeal fossa
0 = absent
1 = present
OSSAPCAL = Ossified apical ligament
0 = absent
1 = slight
2 = medium
3 = marked
RPARMAST/LPARMAST = Paramastoid process
0 = absent
1 = present
RMASTSUT/LMASTSUT = Mastoid suture
0 = absent
1 = present
RMASUTEX/LMASUTEX = Mastoid foramen position
0 = none
1 = temporal bone
2 = occipital-mastoid suture
3 = occipital bone
4 = suture and temporal bone (2 foramina)
5 = suture and occipital bone
RCRIBRA/LCRIBRA = Cribra orbitalia
0 = absent
1 = present
2 = trace
RPARFOR/LPARFOR = Parietal foramen
0 = absent
1 = single
2 = double
3 = triple
4 = four or more
5 = on suture (median)
6 = single and suture
7 = double and suture
8 = triple and suture
9 = single but enlarged
RCORWORM/LCORWORM = Coronial wormian
0 = absent
1 = present
2 = two
3 = three
4 = four
5 = five
6 = six or more
BREGBONE = Bregmatic bone
0 = none
1 = bone
2 = bulge
3 = small wormian
SAGWORM = Sagittal wormian
0 = absent
1 = single
2 = two
3 = three
4 = four
5 = five
6 = six or more
RLAMDWOR/LLAMDWOR = Lambdoidal wormian
0 = absent
1 = single
2 = two
3 = three
4 = four
5 = five
6 = six or more
LMBDICBN = Lambdic ossicle
0 = absent
1 = wormian
2 = bone
3 = os inca
4 = 1/2 os inca
5 = tripartite os inca
6 = os inca and bone
7 = bipartite os inca
8 = trace
9 = 1/3 os inca
VAULTFRM = Vault form
1 = haus-form
2 = hay-rick
3 = round
4 = triangular
SAGKEEL = Sagittal keeling
0 = none
1 = slight
2 = medium
3 = marked
4 = slight groove
5 = medium groove
6 = marked groove
7 = anterior ridge and posterior depression
OCCIPFOR = Occiput form
1 = mound
2 = ridge
3 = inion
4 = mound and ridge
5 = mound and inion
6 = ridge and inion
7 = mound, ridge and inion
8 = bilateral ridge
SAGBRGDF = Sagittal-bregma deflection
0 = none
1 = right
2 = left
3 = irregular
1 = H-form
2 = I-form
3 = X-form
4 = epipteric bone
5 = K-form
6 = multiple epiteric bones
7 = K-form and epipteric
8 = narrow H-form
RPARNOTH/LPARNOTH = Parietal notch
0 = none
1 = present
2 = bone
RASTERON/LASTERON = Asterionic wormian
0 = absent
1 = present
RTYMPTH/LTYMPTH = Tympanic thickening
0 = absent
1 = present
RTYMPNDH/LTYMPNDH = Tympanic dehiscence
0 = absent
1 = present
RTYMARFR/LTYMARFR = Tympanic marginal foramen
0 = absent
1 = present
RAUDEXOS/LAUDEXOS = Auditory exostoses
0 = absent
1 = present
RMANDTOR/LMANDTOR = Mandibular torus
0 = absent
1 = slight
2 = moderate
3 = marked
RMYLHYBR/LMYLHYBR = Mylohyoid bridge
0 = absent
1 = proximal bridge
2 = distal bridge
3 = complete
4 = spur
RMULMANF/LMULMANF = Multiple mandibular foramina
0 = absent
1 = present
RMULMENT/LMULMENT = Multiple mental foramina
0 = absent
1 = present
ROCKERJW = Rocker jaw
0 = none
1 = complete
2 = partial-anterior
3 = partial-posterior
CHINFORM = Chin form
1 = median point
2 = bilateral point
3 = median and angled inferiorly
4 = bilateral point and angled inferiorly
5 = median and bilateral point and angled inferiorly
6 = angled inferiorly
RRAMUS/LRAMUS = Ramus shape
1 = coronoid > condyle
2 = condyle > coronoid
3 = coronoid = condyle
Cite this Record
Database E.3 Individual Records of Cranial Non-metric Variation in Adolescents and Adults. Michael Pietrusewsky, Michele Toomay Douglas. 2002 ( tDAR id: 376928) ; doi:10.6067/XCV89886MC
This Resource is Part of the Following Collections
Data Set Structure
Table Information: e3
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
SPECID | SPECID = Individual Burial Number First number is excavation locale 1 = BC, 1974 excavation 2 = BCES, 1975 excavation followed by two spaces and then the burial identification number. Example: 1 14 is BC Burial 14 | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Human Burial : Other | none | none | true | |
AGE | AGE ADOL = Adolescent (15-20 years) YG ADULT = Young Adult (20-35 years) MIDAGED = Middle-aged Adult (35-50 years) OLD = Old Adult (50+ years) ADULT = Adult (20-50+ years) | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Human Skeletal : Age | none | none | true | |
SEX | SEX = Sex of individual | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Human Skeletal : Sex | none | none | true | |
SITE | SITE = Site of excavation | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
METOPISM | METOPISM = Metopic suture 0 = absent 1 = present 2 = trace only 3 = persistent on glabella 4 = horizontal ridge on glabella 5 = other 6 = horizontal and vertical | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RFRONTGR | RFRONTGR = Right Frontal grooves 0 = absent 1 = present (one) 2 = present (multiple) | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LFRONTGR | LFRONTGR = Left Frontal grooves 0 = absent 1 = present (one) 2 = present (multiple) | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RSUPRORB | RSUPRORB = Right Supraorbital structure 0 = absent 1 = single foramen 2 = double foramen 3 = single notch 4 = double notch 5 = notch and foramen 6 = medially spurred notch 7 = laterally spurred notch 8 = medially and laterally spurred notch | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LSUPRORB | LSUPRORB = Left Supraorbital structure 0 = absent 1 = single foramen 2 = double foramen 3 = single notch 4 = double notch 5 = notch and foramen 6 = medially spurred notch 7 = laterally spurred notch 8 = medially and laterally spurred notch | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RSPINTRO | RSPINTRO = Right Spina trochlea 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LSPINTRO | LSPINTRO = Left Spina trochlea 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RINFRORB | RINFRORB = Right Infraorbital foramen 0 = absent 1 = single 2 = double 3 = divided | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LINFRORB | LINFRORB = Left Infraorbital foramen 0 = absent 1 = single 2 = double 3 = divided | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RZYGOFAC | RZYGOFAC = Right Zygo-facial foramen 0 = absent 1 = single 2 = double 3 = three or more | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LZYGOFAC | LZYGOFAC = Left Zygo-facial foramen 0 = absent 1 = single 2 = double 3 = three or more | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RINFORST | RINFORST = Right Infraorbital suture 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LINFORST | LINFORST = Left Infraorbital suture 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RETHMFOR | RETHMFOR = Right Multiple ethmoid foramina 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LETHMFOR | LETHMFOR = Left Multiple ethmoid foramina 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
NASFRTST | NASFRTST = Nasal-frontal suture 1 = rounded 2 = angled 3 = flattened 4 = omega 5 = irregular | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
NASBONSH | NASBONSH = Nasal bone shape 1 = rectangular 2 = triangle 3 = hour-glass 4 = irregular | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
NASUTDFL | NASUTDFL = Nasal suture deflection 0 = none 1 = right 2 = left 3 = irregular | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
SUBNASAL | SUBNASAL = Subnasal 1 = sharp 2 = blurred 3 = groove 4 = sulcus | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RMARGTUB | RMARGTUB = Right Marginal tubercle 0 = none 1 = slight 2 = medium 3 = marked | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LMARGTUB | LMARTUB = Left Marginal tubercle 0 = none 1 = slight 2 = medium 3 = marked | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
PALTORUS | PALTORUS = Palatine torus 0 = none 1 = slight mound 2 = medium mound 3 = marked mound 4 = ridge (narrow, long) 5 = lump (irregular) 6 = cleft palate | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
ROSJAPON | ROSJAPON = Right Os japonicum 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LOSJAPON | LOSJAPON = Left Os japonicum 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RMAXTOR | RMAXTOR = Right Maxillary torus 0 = absent 1 = lingual 2 = buccal 3 = lingual and buccal | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LMAXTOR | LMAXTOS = Left Maxillary torus 0 = absent 1 = lingual 2 = buccal 3 = lingual and buccal | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RPTERYGO | RPTERYGO = Right Pterygo-spinous bridge 0 = absent 1 = basal bridging 2 = basal bridging and foramen 3 = spinous bridging 4 = spinous bridging and foramen 5 = basal and spinous bridging 6 = spino-basal bridging | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LPTERYGO | LPTERYGO = Left Pterygo-spinous bridge 0 = absent 1 = basal bridging 2 = basal bridging and foramen 3 = spinous bridging 4 = spinous bridging and foramen 5 = basal and spinous bridging 6 = spino-basal bridging | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
ROVALSPN | ROVALSPN = Right Ovale-spinosum 1 = normal 2 = spinosum open 3 = ovale-spinosum confluence 4 = ovale enlarged 5 = divided ovale 6 = ovale open 7 = ovale and spinosum open | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LOVALSPN | LOVALSPN = Left Ovale-spinosum 1 = normal 2 = spinosum open 3 = ovale-spinosum confluence 4 = ovale enlarged 5 = divided ovale 6 = ovale open 7 = ovale and spinosum open | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RANTCDYF | RANTCDYF = Right Anterior condylar canal 1 = single 2 = divided 3 = spurred 4 = double 5 = divided and spurred | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LANTCDYF | LANTCDYF = Left Anterior condylar canal 1 = single 2 = divided 3 = spurred 4 = double 5 = divided and spurred | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RPSTCOND | RPSTCOND = Right Posterior condylar canal 0 = absent 1 = single 2 = double 3 = single spurred 4 = double spurred | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LPSTCOND | LPSTCOND = Left Posterior condylar canal 0 = absent 1 = single 2 = double 3 = single spurred 4 = double spurred | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
PRECONDL | PRECONDL = Precondylar process 0 = absent 1 = present 2 = slight tubercle bilaterally 3 = moderate tubercle bilaterally 4 = R+L- 5 = R-L- 6 = R+ 7 = L+ 8 = R- 9 = L- | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
JUGFORAS | JUGFORAS = Jugular foramen asymmetry 0 = R = L 1 = R > L 2 = R < L | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
PHARYFOS | PHARYFOS = Pharyngeal fossa 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
OSSAPCAL | OSSAPCAL = Ossified apical ligament 0 = absent 1 = slight 2 = medium 3 = marked | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LPARMAST | LPARMAST = Left Paramastoid process 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RMASUTEX | RMASUTEX = Right Mastoid foramen position 0 = none 1 = temporal bone 2 = occipital-mastoid suture 3 = occipital bone 4 = suture and temporal bone (2 foramina) 5 = suture and occipital bone | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
SAGWORM | SAGWORM = Sagittal wormian 0 = absent 1 = single 2 = two 3 = three 4 = four 5 = five 6 = six or more | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
SAGBRGDF | SAGBRGDF = Sagittal-bregma deflection 0 = none 1 = right 2 = left 3 = irregular | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LPTERION | LPTERION = Left Pterion 1 = H-form 2 = I-form 3 = X-form 4 = epipteric bone 5 = K-form 6 = multiple epiteric bones 7 = K-form and epipteric 8 = narrow H-form | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RASTERON | RASTERON = Right Asterionic wormian 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LASTERON | LASTERON = Left Asterionic wormian 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LTYMARFR | LTYMARFR = Left Tympanic marginal foramen 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LMULMENT | LMULMENT = Left Multiple mental foramina 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RPARMAST | RPARMAST = Right Paramastoid process 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RMASTSUT | RMASTSUT = Right Mastoid suture 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LMASTSUT | LMASTSUT = Left Mastoid suture 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LMASUTEX | LMASUTEX = Left Mastoid foramen position 0 = none 1 = temporal bone 2 = occipital-mastoid suture 3 = occipital bone 4 = suture and temporal bone (2 foramina) 5 = suture and occipital bone | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RCRIBRA | RCRIBRA = Right Cribra orbitalia 0 = absent 1 = present 2 = trace | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LCRIBRA | LCRIBRA = Left Cribra orbitalia 0 = absent 1 = present 2 = trace | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RPARFOR | RPARFOR = Right Parietal foramen 0 = absent 1 = single 2 = double 3 = triple 4 = four or more 5 = on suture (median) 6 = single and suture 7 = double and suture 8 = triple and suture 9 = single but enlarged | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LPARFOR | LPARFOR = Left Parietal foramen 0 = absent 1 = single 2 = double 3 = triple 4 = four or more 5 = on suture (median) 6 = single and suture 7 = double and suture 8 = triple and suture 9 = single but enlarged | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RCORWORM | RCORWORM = Right Coronial wormian 0 = absent 1 = present 2 = two 3 = three 4 = four 5 = five 6 = six or more | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LCORWORM | LCORWORM = Left Coronial wormian 0 = absent 1 = present 2 = two 3 = three 4 = four 5 = five 6 = six or more | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
BREGBONE | BREGBONE = Bregmatic bone 0 = none 1 = bone 2 = bulge 3 = small wormian | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RLAMDWOR | RLAMDWOR = Right Lambdoidal wormian 0 = absent 1 = single 2 = two 3 = three 4 = four 5 = five 6 = six or more | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LLAMDWOR | LLAMDWOR = Left Lambdoidal wormian 0 = absent 1 = single 2 = two 3 = three 4 = four 5 = five 6 = six or more | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LMBDICBN | LMBDICBN = Lambdic ossicle 0 = absent 1 = wormian 2 = bone 3 = os inca 4 = 1/2 os inca 5 = tripartite os inca 6 = os inca and bone 7 = bipartite os inca 8 = trace 9 = 1/3 os inca | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
VAULTFRM | VAULTFRM = Vault form 1 = haus-form 2 = hay-rick 3 = round 4 = triangular | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
SAGKEEL | SAGKEEL = Sagittal keeling 0 = none 1 = slight 2 = medium 3 = marked 4 = slight groove 5 = medium groove 6 = marked groove 7 = anterior ridge and posterior depression | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
OCCIPFOR | OCCIPFOR = Occiput form 1 = mound 2 = ridge 3 = inion 4 = mound and ridge 5 = mound and inion 6 = ridge and inion 7 = mound, ridge and inion 8 = bilateral ridge | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RPTERION | RPTERION = Right Pterion 1 = H-form 2 = I-form 3 = X-form 4 = epipteric bone 5 = K-form 6 = multiple epiteric bones 7 = K-form and epipteric 8 = narrow H-form | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RPARNOTH | RPARNOTH = Right Parietal notch 0 = none 1 = present 2 = bone | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LPARNOTH | LPARNOTH = Left Parietal notch 0 = none 1 = present 2 = bone | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RTYMPTH | RTYMPTH = Right Tympanic thickening 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LTYMPTH | LTYMPTH = Left Tympanic thickening 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RTYMPNDH | RTYMPNDH = Right Tympanic dehiscence 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LTYMPNDH | LTYMPNDH = Left Tympanic dehiscence 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RTYMARFR | RTYMARFR = Right Tympanic marginal foramen 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RAUDEXOS | RAUDEXOS = Right Auditory exostoses 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LAUDEXOS | LAUDEXOS = Left Auditory exostoses 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RMANDTOR | RMANDTOR = Right Mandibular torus 0 = absent 1 = slight 2 = moderate 3 = marked | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LMANDTOR | LMANDTOR = Left Mandibular torus 0 = absent 1 = slight 2 = moderate 3 = marked | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RMYLHYBR | RMYLHYBR = Right Mylohyoid bridge 0 = absent 1 = proximal bridge 2 = distal bridge 3 = complete 4 = spur | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LMYLHYBR | LMYLHYBR = Left Mylohyoid bridge 0 = absent 1 = proximal bridge 2 = distal bridge 3 = complete 4 = spur | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RMULMANF | RMULMANF = Right Multiple mandibular foramina 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LMULMANF | LMULMANF = Left Multiple mandibular foramina 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RMULMENT | RMULMENT = Right Multiple mental foramina 0 = absent 1 = present | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
ROCKERJW | ROCKERJW = Rocker jaw 0 = none 1 = complete 2 = partial-anterior 3 = partial-posterior | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
CHINFORM | CHINFORM = Chin form 1 = median point 2 = bilateral point 3 = median and angled inferiorly 4 = bilateral point and angled inferiorly 5 = median and bilateral point and angled inferiorly 6 = angled inferiorly | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
RRAMUS | RRAMUS = Right Ramus shape 1 = coronoid > condyle 2 = condyle > coronoid 3 = coronoid = condyle | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
LRAMUS | LRAMUS = Left Ramus shape 1 = coronoid > condyle 2 = condyle > coronoid 3 = coronoid = condyle | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Ban Chiang
Human Remains
Site Name
Ban Chiang
Site Type
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex
Hamlet / Village
Investigation Types
Archaeological Overview
Data Recovery / Excavation
Dental Morphology
Dental Palaeopathology
Infracranial Skeletal Morphology
Geographic Keywords
Nong Han District
Temporal Keywords
Bronze Age
Iron Age
Temporal Coverage
Calendar Date: -2100 to 200
Spatial Coverage
min long: 102.349; min lat: 16.657 ; max long: 103.821; max lat: 18 ;
Source Collections
The complete collection of Ban Chiang Skeletal remains and original data collection forms are currently curated at the University of Hawai'i Department of Anthropology. The skeletal collection will eventually be returned to Thailand.
File Information
Name | Size | Creation Date | Date Uploaded | Access | |
e3.xlsx | 69.22kb | Aug 15, 2012 11:21:35 AM | Public | ||
Translated version
Data column(s) in this dataset have been associated with coding sheet(s) and translated: