Database E.9 Individual Records of Infracranial Non-metric Variation in Adults and Adolescents
Part of the Ban Chiang, a Prehistoric Village Site in Northeast Thailand, Volume 1: The Human Skeletal Remains project
Creator(s): Michael Pietrusewsky; Michele Toomay Douglas
Year: 2002
This database is part of Appendix E, from Ban Chiang, a Prehistoric Village Site in Northeast Thailand, Volume 1: The Human Skeletal Remains (tDAR ID #: 376592). Database E.9 contains non-metric observations (Infracranial Non-metric Variation in Adults and Adolescents) by individual burial excavated from the BC and BCES locales at Ban Chiang, Thailand. Coding information is pasted at the bottom of this abstract, and can also be downloaded as a .txt document at tDAR ID#:
SPECID = Individual Burial Number
First number is excavation locale
1 = BC, 1974 excavation
2 = BCES, 1975 excavation
followed by two spaces and then the burial identification number.
Example: 1 14 is BC Burial 14
ADOL = Adolescent (15-20 years)
YG ADULT = Young Adult (20-35 years)
MIDAGED = Middle-aged Adult (35-50 years)
OLD = Old Adult (50+ years)
ADULT = Adult (20-50+ years)
SEX = Sex of individual
SITE = Site of excavation
YEAREXAM = Year burial was examined
INSTCODE = Institution where burial was examined
UHM = University of Hawaii at Manoa
The last letter of each variable name signifies the side of the observation (L = left, R =right), if relevant.
STERNAPT = Sternal aperture
0 = absent
1 = present
COSTCLVR/COSTCLVL = Costo-clavicular sulcus
0 = absent
1 = present
2 = ridge
SUPCLFRR/SUPCLFRL = Supraclavicular foramen
0 = absent
1 = present
HUMFACR/HUMFACL = Humeral facet
0 = absent
1 = present
ACROMEPR/ACROMEPL = Unfused acromion epiphyses
0 = absent
1 = present
SUPSCAPR/SUPSCAPL = Suprascapular notch
0 = absent
1 = notch
2 = foramen
3 = spurred/notched
4 = large concavity
ACRMSHPR/ACRMSHPL = Acromion shape
1 = rectangular
2 = triangular
3 = sickle
4 = irregular
VERTBRDR/VERTBRDL = Vertebral border shape
1 = convex
2 = concave
3 = straight
4 = irregular
INFANGLR/INFANGLL = Inferior angle shape
1 = V
2 = blunt
3 = round
SUPTROHR/SUPTROHL = Humerus supratrochlear spur
0 = absent
1 = present
SEPTALR/SEPTALL = Septal aperture
0 = absent
1 = present
TROCHLR/TROCHLL = Trochlear notch shape
1 = continuous
2 = hour-glass (hg)
3 = discrete
4 = indent
5 = island
6 = island and hg
7 = discrete and hg
8 = indented and hg
HIPFACR/HIPFACL = Accessory hip and sacral facet
0 = absent
1 = present
ACETABR/ACETABL = Acetabulum morphology
0 = absent
1 = notch
2 = pit
3 = groove
4 = fold
5 = other
PRESULCR/PRESULCL = Preauricular sulcus
0 = absent
1 = groove of pregnancy
2 = groove of ligament
UNDVACER/UNDVACEL = Undeveloped acetabular rim
0 = absent
1 = present
PARTPITR/PARTPITL = Parturition pit
0 = absent
1 = small
2 = medium
3 = large
0 = absent
1 = fossa
2 = porous
3 = ulcer
4 = plaque
5 = Poirier's facet
6 = Fossa and Poirier's
7 = Fossa and Poirier's and plaque
TRDTROCR/TRDTROCL = Third trochanter
0 = absent
1 = present
2 = ridge
FOVCAPR/FOVCAPL = Fovea capitis
0 = absent
1 = round
2 = oval
3 = triangular
4 = irregular
FEMBOWR/FEMBOWL = Femoral bowing
1 = straight
2 = slight
3 = medium
4 = marked
FEMNECKR/FEMNECKL = Anterior femoral neck torsion
0 = < 10 degrees
1 = 10-15 degrees
2 = 16-25 degrees
3 = > 25 degrees
VASFACR/VASFACL = Vastus facet
0 = absent
1 = present
VASNOTL/VASNOTR = Vastus notch
0 = absent
1 = present
2 = emarginate
PATSPURL/PATSPURR = Patellar spurs
0 = absent
1 = present
TIBBOWR/TIBBOWL = Tibial bowing
1 = straight
2 = slight
3 = moderate
4 = marked
ADSQUATR/ADSQUATL = Tibial squatting facet
0 = absent
1 = present
TALEXTR/TALEXTL = Talar extension
0 = absent
1 = medial extension
2 = lateral extension
3 = medial and lateral extension
TALSQTR/TALSQTL = Talar squatting facet
0 = absent
1 = medial facet
2 = lateral facet
3 = central (neck) facet
4 = medial and lateral facet
5 = medial and neck facet
6 = lateral and neck facet
CALFACR/CALFACL = Anterior calcaneal facet
1 = one
2 = two
3 = hour-glass
PERTUBR/PERTUBL = Peroneal tubercle
0 = absent
1 = present
Cite this Record
Database E.9 Individual Records of Infracranial Non-metric Variation in Adults and Adolescents. Michael Pietrusewsky, Michele Toomay Douglas. 2002 ( tDAR id: 377017) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8KP81SJ
This Resource is Part of the Following Collections
Data Set Structure
Table Information: e9
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
SPECID | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
AGE | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
SEX | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
SITE | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
YEAREXAM | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
INSTCODE | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
STERNAPT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
COSTCLVR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
COSTCLVL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
SUPCLFRR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
SUPCLFRL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
HUMFACR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
HUMFACL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ACROMEPR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ACROMEPL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
SUPSCAPR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
SUPSCAPL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ACRMSHPR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ACRMSHPL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
VERTBRDR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
VERTBRDL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
INFANGLR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
INFANGLL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
SUPTROHR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
SUPTROHL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
SEPTALR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
SEPTALL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
TROCHLR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
TROCHLL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
HIPFACR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
HIPFACL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ACETABR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ACETABL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
PRESULCR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
PRESULCL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
UNDVACER | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
UNDVACEL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
PARTPITR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
PARTPITL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
FOSSALLR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
FOSSALLL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
TRDTROCR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
TRDTROCL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
FOVCAPR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
FOVCAPL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
FEMBOWR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
FEMBOWL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
FEMNECKR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
FEMNECKL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
VASFACR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
VASFACL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
VASNOTR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
VASNOTL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
PATSPURR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
PATSPURL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
TIBBOWR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
TIBBOWL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ADSQUATR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ADSQUATL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
TALEXTR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
TALEXTL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
TALSQTR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
TALSQTL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
CALFACR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
CALFACL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
PERTUBR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
PERTUBL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Ban Chiang
Human Remains
Site Name
Ban Chiang
Site Type
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex
Hamlet / Village
Investigation Types
Archaeological Overview
Data Recovery / Excavation
Dental Morphology
Dental Palaeopathology
Infracranial Skeletal Morphology
Geographic Keywords
Nong Han District
Temporal Keywords
Bronze Age
Iron Age
Temporal Coverage
Calendar Date: -2100 to 200
Spatial Coverage
min long: 102.349; min lat: 16.657 ; max long: 103.821; max lat: 18 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Repository(s): University of Hawai'i Department of Anthropology
Source Collections
The complete collection of Ban Chiang Skeletal remains and original data collection forms are currently curated at the University of Hawai'i Department of Anthropology. The skeletal collection will eventually be returned to Thailand.
File Information
Name | Size | Creation Date | Date Uploaded | Access | |
e9.xlsx | 66.16kb | Aug 16, 2012 1:03:45 PM | Public | ||
Translated version
Data column(s) in this dataset have been associated with coding sheet(s) and translated: