Inferring Households in Practice: The Aegean household in the Late Geometric–Archaic Landscape: processed data files


This dataset contains the processed data at Azoria, Prinias, and Zagora as used in the submission `Inferring Households in Practice: The Aegean household in the Late Geometric–Archaic Landscape.' This includes pseudo-counts of objects by context as related to function as well as the properties of different spaces. Please see the article for more information.

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Inferring Households in Practice: The Aegean household in the Late Geometric–Archaic Landscape: processed data files. Andrew Cabaniss. 2015 ( tDAR id: 399785) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8CJ8FWZ

Data Set Structure

Measurement Column
Count Column
Coded Column
Filename Column
Integration Column (has Ontology)

Table Information: objects_by_function

Column Name Data Type Type Category Coding Sheet Ontology Search
Spinning Number of pseudo-counts related to spinning for each space.
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Serving Number of pseudo-counts related to serving for each space.
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Weaving Number of pseudo-counts related to weaving for each space.
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Storage Number of pseudo-counts related to storage for each space.
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Food processing Number of pseudo-counts related to food processing, i.e. grinding, pounding, and chopping, for each space.
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Food preparation Number of pseudo-counts related to food preparation, i.e. cooking and roasting, for each space.
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Container Number of pseudo-counts related to containers and smaller storage vessels for each space, where distinguished.
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Consumption Number of pseudo-counts related to dining, consumption, and eating for each space.
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Adornment Number of pseudo-counts related to adornment and jewelry for each space.
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
House Houses as groups of rooms, as determined by the excavators or the authors.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Other none none true
Room The room at the site as named by the excavators.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Context none none true
Site Site name.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Site none none true

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: -900 to -700 (Geometric)

Calendar Date: -700 to -500 (Archaic)

Spatial Coverage

min long: 24.357; min lat: 34.902 ; max long: 26.51; max lat: 38.08 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Principal Investigator(s): Andrew Cabaniss

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
objects_by_function.csv 3.99kb Oct 31, 2015 Oct 31, 2015 10:33:16 AM Public
This spreadsheet contains the groupings of objects by function and space. The names of houses, spaces, and sites serve as keys to link with the other files in this project.
  • Translated version objects_by_function_translated.xls (23.00kb)
    Data column(s) in this dataset have been associated with coding sheet(s) and translated: