Village Ecodynamics Project Settlement Model Version 5.4 (VEP I)


This is the Village Ecodynamics Project settlement model version 5.4, which was reported in:

Kohler, Timothy A. and Mark D. Varien, eds. 2012. Emergence and Collapse of Early Villages: Models of Central Mesa Verde Archaeology. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.

These data were created following the empirical Bayesian methods reported in:

Ortman, Scott G., Mark D. Varien, and T. Lee Gripp. 2007. Empirical Bayesian methods for archaeological survey data: An application from the Mesa Verde region. American Antiquity 72(2):241.

The method combines survey data, ceramics, and tree-ring dates—among other indicators—to estimate the population (in households) of over 4000 archaeological sites in a 1700 square kilometer area of southwestern Colorado, United States.

In addition to the map in Varien et al. 2007, the spatial scope of these site data is mapped in:

Kohler, Timothy A., C. David Johnson, Mark Varien, Scott Ortman, Robert Reynolds, Ziad Kobti, Jason Cowan, Kenneth Kolm, Schaun Smith, and Lorene Yap. 2007. Settlement Ecodynamics in the Central Mesa Verde Region. In The Model-Based Archaeology of Socionatural Systems, edited by T. A. Kohler and Sander E. van der Leeuw, pp. 610-104. School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe.

Because of the sensitive nature of the site locations in these data, they have been marked "confidential." Please request access from the data contacts.

Cite this Record

Village Ecodynamics Project Settlement Model Version 5.4 (VEP I). Village Ecodynamics Project, Kyle Bocinsky, Tim Kohler. 2006 ( tDAR id: 425610) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8RX9F16

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Data Set Structure

Measurement Column
Count Column
Coded Column
Filename Column
Integration Column (has Ontology)

Table Information: VEP_Settlement_Model_V54

Column Name Data Type Type Category Coding Sheet Ontology Search
UTMZone The UTM zone of the site location (12)
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Towers Count of towers recorded at the site
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
Encwall Count of enclosing walls recorded at the site
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
Plaza Count of plazas recorded at the site
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
Dshape Count of D-shaped structures recorded at the site
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
Multiwalls Count of multi-walled structures recorded at the site
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
Greathouse Count of great houses recorded at the site
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
roomblock area (m2) Roomblock area in square meters
DOUBLE  Measurement (square meter) uncategorized none none true
N roomblocks Number of roomblocks at the site
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
Site area (m2) Site area in square meters
DOUBLE  Measurement (square meter) uncategorized none none true
ph19 The estimated population in households of the site for AD 1260–1280
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
ph18 The estimated population in households of the site for AD 1225–1260
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
ph17 The estimated population in households of the site for AD 1180–1225
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
ID Unique numeric ID of the record
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
CSNumber Unique numeric number assigned to a site in the VEP I Community Center Survey
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
COsitenum Colorado site number
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
OTHERsitenum Other site numbers
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Sitename Common site name
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
recordtypedesc Site type description
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Dataquality Numeric value of data quality
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
dataqualdesc Description of data quality
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Blocksurvey Was the site part of a block survey?
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
UTMNAD Which North American Datum is used to locate the site (27 or 83)
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Fieldhouse Count of field houses recorded at the site
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
tlkp Site Function2_DescSpec Secondary site specific description
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
tlkp Site Function2_DescGen Secondary site general description
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
tlkp Site Function_DescSpec Primary site specific description
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
tlkp Site Function_DescGen Primary site general description
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
UTMNorth The UTM northing of the site location
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
UTMEast The UTM easting of the site location
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Greatkiva Count of great kivas recorded at the site
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
Reservoir Count of reservoirs recorded at the site
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
OSpitstrs Count of over-sized pitstructures recorded at the site
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
ph16 The estimated population in households of the site for AD 1140–1180
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
ph15 The estimated population in households of the site for AD 1100–1140
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
ph14 The estimated population in households of the site for AD 1060–1100
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
ph13 The estimated population in households of the site for AD 1020–1060
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
ph12 The estimated population in households of the site for AD 980–1020
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
ph11 The estimated population in households of the site for AD 920–980
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
ph10 The estimated population in households of the site for AD 880–920
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
ph9 The estimated population in households of the site for AD 840–880
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
ph8 The estimated population in households of the site for AD 800–840
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
ph7 The estimated population in households of the site for AD 725–800
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
ph6 The estimated population in households of the site for AD 600–725
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
Peakpop The estimated peak population in housholds of the site
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
TOTPITST Total number of pitstructures at the site
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true
room estimate Survey estimate of the number of rooms at the site
BIGINT  Count uncategorized none none true

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 600 to 1300 (Basketmaker arrival to southwestern Colorado through abandonment circa AD 1280)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -109.011; min lat: 37.256 ; max long: -108.487; max lat: 37.626 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): R. Kyle Bocinsky; Timothy A. Kohler; Mark Varien

Contributor(s): Scott Ortman; Donna Glowacki

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
Village_Ecodynamics_Project_Settlement_Model_Version_5_4.xls 1.39mb May 31, 2006 Sep 21, 2016 5:52:43 PM Confidential
The Village Ecodynamics Project settlement model version 5.4
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    Contact(s): R. Kyle Bocinsky; Timothy A. Kohler; Mark Varien