Room count, room size, and artifact assemblage data from Northern Rio Grande Pueblo settlements, AD 1200-1700.

Part of the Social Reactors Project datasets project

Creator(s): Scott Ortman; Kaitlyn Davis

Year: 2019


Data analyzed in: Ortman, Scott G. and Kaitlyn E. Davis (2019). Economic Growth in the Pueblos? In Re-Framing the Northern Rio Grande Pueblo Economy, edited by Scott G. Ortman, pp. 1-16. Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona 80, University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Cite this Record

Room count, room size, and artifact assemblage data from Northern Rio Grande Pueblo settlements, AD 1200-1700.. Scott Ortman, Kaitlyn Davis. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 2019 ( tDAR id: 448226) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8448226

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections

Data Set Structure

Measurement Column
Count Column
Coded Column
Filename Column
Integration Column (has Ontology)

Table Information: Data

Column Name Data Type Type Category Coding Sheet Ontology Search
Utility ware w/ chipped-stone BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Measured rooms BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Average room area DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Room area source VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Pottery source VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Debitage Source VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Consumption Index DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Housing Index DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Production Index DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Chipped-stone Chipped-stone debitage count
BIGINT  Count Chipped Stone : Count none none true
Utility ware Utility ware sherd count
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Ceramic : Count none none true
Service ware Service (decorated) ware sherd count
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value Ceramic : Count none none true
N BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Period BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
End Date BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Begin Date BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Component BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Site name VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
LA DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 1200 to 1700 (Archaeological Sequences)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -106.664; min lat: 35.351 ; max long: -105.372; max lat: 36.546 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Scott Ortman

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
Chpt.-1-data.xlsx 50.38kb Mar 18, 2019 Mar 18, 2019 10:59:51 AM Public
Excel file containing analysis data.
  • Translated version Chpt.-1-data_translated.xlsx (35.22kb)
    Data column(s) in this dataset have been associated with coding sheet(s) and translated: