p3k14c version 2022.01 - True coordinates


The dates in this dataset were gathered from 39 pre-existing datasets, verified, and cleaned according to a standardized sample selection criteria. All dates are uncalibrated. Additional information about the database cleaning processes can be found in the affiliated publication by Bird et al. 2021 “p3k14c: A synthetic global database of archaeological radiocarbon dates” (under review).

Cite this Record

p3k14c version 2022.01 - True coordinates. Darcy Bird, Jacob Freeman, Erick Robinson, Lux Miranda, Marc Vander Linden, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Chris Nicholson, José Capriles, Judson Finley, Eugenia Gayo, Adolfo Gil, Jade D'Alpoim Guedes, Julie Hoggarth, Andrea Kay, Emma Loftus, Umberto Lombardo, Madeline Mackie, Alessio Palmisano, Steiner Solheim, Claudio Latorre, Robert Kelly. 2021 ( tDAR id: 459172) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8459172

Restricted Access Some or all of this resource's attached file(s) are not publicly accessible.

Data Set Structure

Measurement Column
Count Column
Coded Column
Filename Column
Integration Column (has Ontology)

Table Information: p3k14_scrubbed

Column Name Data Type Type Category Coding Sheet Ontology Search
SiteName Site name, usually unique to each site within each country. Common in non-North American sites
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
SiteID Site identification number. Very useful for US and Canadian sites, otherwise uncommon.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Period Archaeological time period. Did not clean or organize. Common in European datasets, generally hit-or-miss elsewhere.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Taxa Taken straight from the dataset if they had a separate column. Again, no cleaning or verification process.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
LocAccuracy Variable created according to each dataset’s described accuracy and verified later. Necessary to prioritize radiocarbon ages that came from more reliable sources (e.g. directly from collector) 0: no specific locational information: only country provided 1: Province/State (not-US) or county (US) locational information. Note that the accuracy varies according to how large the country, province, and counties are. 2: Very close locational information (within 500m) , including locations digitized from forms and found during internet search 3: Exact location of site provided. Source collected location personally.
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Lat Latitude, preferably in decimal degrees, but degrees, minutes, and seconds also accepted. Any other format was excluded.
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Long Longitude, preferably in decimal degrees, but degrees, minutes, and seconds also accepted. Any other format was excluded.
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Method Refers to method of radiocarbon dating used, such as AMS or radiometric. Taken straight from the dataset with no cleaning or verification process.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Material Taken straight from the dataset, no consolidation of materials.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Error One sigma standard error of the radiocarbon age
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Age Radiocarbon age
BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
LabID Unique lab identification for every radiocarbon date
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Reference Full reference if available, but short (e.g. author and year) reference also accepted for the radiocarbon date information. Provided by dataset. No verification process, but extra whitespace removed.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Source The dataset that provided the date.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Continent Provided by dataset and verified later. Any dates without an affiliated continent (or one that could be determined according to a listed country) were deleted.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Country The country listed or provided by a dataset affiliated with the date and verified later. If no country was provided by the dataset, the data were retained but lat/long were not verified except to ensure they were on the appropriate continent.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Province Administrative province or state within a country
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
d13C δ13C value taken straight from the dataset with no cleaning or verification process. Note that there may be many inaccurate “0” values taken from the original dataset, since several datasets used “0” instead of NA or a blank cell.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true



Investigation Types
Archaeological Overview

Geographic Keywords
Global database

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Chris Nicholson; Darcy Bird; Jacob Freeman; Erick Robinson

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
p3k14_scrubbed.csv 24.00mb Apr 8, 2021 1:22:33 PM Confidential
  • Translated version p3k14_scrubbed_translated.xlsx (16.82mb)
    Data column(s) in this dataset have been associated with coding sheet(s) and translated:
  • Accessing Restricted Files

    At least one of the files for this resource is restricted from public view. For more information regarding access to these files, please reference the contact information below

    Contact(s): Darcy Bird; Jacob Freeman; Erick Robinson; Chris Nicholson