Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-036: The 1979 Testing Program

Author(s): Nancy J. Hewitt

Year: 1983


During the 1979 field season of the Dolores Archaeological Program, nine sites were partially excavated as part of a testing program. This program was initiated to supplement data obtained from fully excavated sites. Specifically, this program was designed to provide additional information about the occupation of the Sagehen Flats Locality of the Dolores Project area during the Sagehen Phase which is comparable to the Basketmaker III-Pueblo I period. Each site investigated as part of this program was subjected to standard testing procedures that were designed to extract a considerable amount of data without expending the time and effort that is required for intensive excavation. Investigation of these sites revealed that five of them were limited activity sites and four were hamlets; all were occupied or used during the Sagehen Phase.

Originally the information in this record was migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. In 2015, as part of its effort to improve tDAR content, the Center for Digital Antiquity uploaded a copy of the document and further improved the record metadata.

Cite this Record

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-036: The 1979 Testing Program. Nancy J. Hewitt. Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports. Salt Lake City, Utah: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Upper Colorado Region. 1983 ( tDAR id: 134497) ; doi:10.6067/XCV81R6T56

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections


Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 600 to 825 (Desecho Camp)

Calendar Date: 725 to 825 (Deer Hunter Hamlet Element 2)

Calendar Date: 600 to 825 (Cansado Camp)

Calendar Date: 784 to 815 (Rusty Ridge Hamlet Element 2)

Calendar Date: 720 to 800 (Sunflower Hamlet)

Calendar Date: 700 to 720 (Lone Pine Hamlet Element 2)

Calendar Date: 600 to 725 (Deer Hunter Hamlet Element 1)

Calendar Date: 600 to 900 (Lee Side Camp Episode 2)

Calendar Date: 600 to 720 (Charred House)

Calendar Date: 680 to 720 (Rusty Ridge Hamlet Element 1)

Calendar Date: 600 to 900 (Roadside Camp)

Calendar Date: 910 to 1050 (Lee Side Camp Episode 3)

Calendar Date: -2000 to 500 (Lee Side Camp Episode 1)

Calendar Date: 690 to 700 (Lone Pine Hamlet Element 1)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -108.615; min lat: 37.464 ; max long: -108.486; max lat: 37.598 ;

Record Identifiers

NADB document id number(s): 920709; 5311996; 602024; 2203029

NADB citation id number(s): 000000167133; 000000179862; 000000092446; 000000119010


General Note: As of February 2015, this and additional reports are hosted on the US Bureau of Land Management, Dolores Archaeological Program website;

General Note: Those listed as contributors in the individual & institutional roles section are the authors of the accompanying appendices for this report.

General Note: Originally this record was automatically added to tDAR from NADB. In 2015, a copy of the document was added and the record metadata was updated. Additional entries (tDAR id: 20234, 29562, 77523) for this report were marked as "duplicate".

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
DAP-Technical-Report-036-14.7-MB.pdf 38.53mb Feb 12, 2015 2:31:35 PM Public