Ecological Variability and Archaeological Site Location in Soutwestern Colorado: the Class II Cultural Resource Inventory of the Bureau of Land Management's Sacred Mountain Planning Unit
Author(s): Susan M. Chandler; A. D. Reed; P. R. Nickens
Year: 1980
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Ecological Variability and Archaeological Site Location in Soutwestern Colorado: the Class II Cultural Resource Inventory of the Bureau of Land Management's Sacred Mountain Planning Unit. Susan M. Chandler, A. D. Reed, P. R. Nickens. 1980 ( tDAR id: 134790)
Archaic Sites
Hist N Nat Amer
Northern San Juan Anasazi
Investigation Types
Archaeological Overview
Site Evaluation / Testing
Archaeological Overview
Archaeological Site
Archeological Overview
Archeological Site
Cultural Adaptation
Cultural Chronology
Cultural Processes
Cultural Resource
Cultural Resource Inventory
Ecological Variables
Field Reconnaisance--Sampling
Navajo Sweat Lodge
Predictive Model
Sacred Mountain
Settlement patterns
Significance / Management
Site Settlement
Site Type and Function
Geographic Keywords
08033 (Fips Code)
08083 (Fips Code)
Colorado (State / Territory)
Dolores (County)
Montezuma (County)
North America (Continent)
San Juan River
Southwest Colorado
United States of America (Country)
Temporal Keywords
1499-1000 Ad
5000-6999 BC
Spatial Coverage
min long: -109.046; min lat: 36.999 ; max long: -107.861; max lat: 37.896 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Sponsor(s): Bureau of Land Management; BLM, Montrose District Office, Montrose, Co
Prepared By(s): Nickens and Associates, Montrose, Co
Record Identifiers
NADB document id number(s): 601923
NADB citation id number(s): 000000092346
General Note: Contract number: YA-512-CT8-24
General Note: Submitted to: BLM, Montrose District Office, Montrose, Co
General Note: Sent from: Nickens and Associates, Montrose, Co