Archeological Sites Preserved in Region
Author(s): Robert D. Wall
Year: 1982
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Archeological Sites Preserved in Region. Robert D. Wall. Glades Star. 5 (23): 461-466. 1982 ( tDAR id: 173995)
Base Camps
Hunting Stations
Industrial Sites
Lithic Scatters
Quarry Sites
Village Sites
Geographic Keywords
24001 (Fips Code)
24023 (Fips Code)
Allegany (County)
Casselman River
Garrett (County)
Maryland (State / Territory)
North America (Continent)
Potomac River
United States of America (Country)
Youghiogheny River
Temporal Keywords
18th Century
Spatial Coverage
min long: -79.488; min lat: 39.202 ; max long: -78.313; max lat: 39.723 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Sponsor(s): State, County, and Local Government
Record Identifiers
lccn(s): 61035920
issn(s): 0431-915X
NADB document id number(s): 4784
NADB citation id number(s): 000000081194