Archaeological Survey of the Scioto River South of Columbus, Ohio, Between Interstate 270 and State Route 316
Author(s): William S. Dancey; E. Margaret MacMinn
Year: 1989
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Archaeological Survey of the Scioto River South of Columbus, Ohio, Between Interstate 270 and State Route 316. William S. Dancey, E. Margaret MacMinn. 1989 ( tDAR id: 17408)
Early Archaic
Early Woodland
Late Archaic
Late Woodland
Chipped Stone
Investigation Types
Archaeological Overview
Site Evaluation / Testing
33 FR 718
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33 PI 468
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Archaeological Survey
Archeological Survey
Big Sandy Point
Brewerton Points
Chesser Point
Crosby-Kokomo Soils
Dalton Point
Eldean-Ockley-Warsaw Soils
Hardin Point
Historic Farmhouse Remains
Kirk Points
Kokomo-Crosby-Miamian Soils
Lamoka Points
Lithic Scatters
Mac Corkle Points
Miamian-Lewisburg Soils
Miami-Celina Soils
Scioto River Survey
Unspecified Habitation
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Geographic Keywords
39049 (Fips Code)
39129 (Fips Code)
Franklin (County)
Hamilton Township
Harrison Township
Jackson Township
North America (Continent)
Ohio (State / Territory)
Pickaway (County)
Scioto River Drainage
Till Plains
United States of America (Country)
Temporal Keywords
Nineteenth Century
Spatial Coverage
min long: -83.267; min lat: 39.468 ; max long: -82.732; max lat: 40.143 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Sponsor(s): Ohio Historic Preservation Office, Columbus, OH
Prepared By(s): The Ohio State University
Record Identifiers
NADB document id number(s): 30063
NADB citation id number(s): 000000143678
General Note: Sent from: The Ohio State University
General Note: Submitted to: Ohio Historic Preservation Office, Columbus, OH